Chapter 400 Go to war

The “Uranus” underneath is rapidly changing its form. The “Uranus” that uses the world’s origin to unleash its power is not just an offensive weapon! ! !

The position of the front end of “Uranus” quickly unfolded, forming something beside a huge shield…

The attack of the Chakra cannon hit the shield! The azure blue light blasted on the shield, making the shields that “Uranus” turned out to have a tendency to melt…

But…in the end it was resisted, and the blue laser could not break through the shield’s protection.

Seeing this, Victor couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief behind the shield. Just now, when he saw the blue beam of light, Victor was really taken aback!

Victor, who was slowing down, couldn’t help but look at Mukuro, arrogant loudly: “Ahahahahaha…”Uranus” is the strongest weapon in the world! You don’t know where you got the broken copper and iron, and you still have a delusion. Break through the defense of “Uranus”!? Don’t think about it…”


Looking at Victor with a frenzied face, Mukuro couldn’t help showing a trace of pity and sadness in his eyes.

Mukuro’s voice is not loud, but it can be heard clearly by Victor. Unable to help his face flushed, his eyes were full of hatred, looking at Mukuro and murmured:

“Damn it! I will smash you to pieces later!”

Victor didn’t think that Mukuro had just carried the “Uranus” attack head-on. He didn’t believe that a person could be unscathed after taking a full blow from “Uranus”…

This is something that even Obelisk can’t do…

How could someone else be able to do it! ?

Even Obelisk on the side kept his gaze on Mukuro’s body, because Obelisk hadn’t noticed just now how Mukuro escaped the attack of “Uranus”…

No one will notice…

At this time… in the azure blue light beam, a small, darker blue light beam was interspersed in the middle of the azure blue light beam and struck Uranus’ shield…

next moment……

“Uranus” disappeared…

Victor, who was laughing wildly, disappeared…

As if he had never appeared in this world, the entire sky was empty…without the barrier of the “Uranus” shield. The attack from the Chakra shells penetrated the sky directly…inserted into the depths of space…

Time and Space Chakra Cannon!

It was finally realized under Vegapunk’s genius vision, and the fruit of the door was integrated into the Chakra cannon. After being attacked by the Chrono-Space Chakra Cannon, the attacked object will disappear directly…

As for where did the object go? Even Vegapunk didn’t figure it out.

There is only one thing, Vegapunk is very sure… that is definitely not on this planet… After all, the door fruit is a weapon. It is not a conscious person, so the direction of the transfer is very uncertain…

Seeing such a scene…

Garp froze…

Whitebeard froze…

Obelisk froze…

Everyone on the Marin Vatican Square was stunned…

For nearly half a minute, no one responded. What happened? How could Victor, who was still in mid-air, suddenly disappeared! ?

After a long while, Obelisk was the first to react…

“Mitarashi Mukuro!!!”

With a low growl, Obelisk directly blasted Mukuro with a punch… There was absolutely no reservation in his fist. Under Obelisk’s attack, the surrounding space was shattered, and it was not much more powerful than “Uranus” attacked just now.

And this is just an attack from Obelisk with his fist…

Looking at the attack, Mukuro finally got his face straight. Since the battle between Naruto World and Ōtsutsuki Teru Yoruichi, this is the first time Mukuro has faced an opponent so squarely…

The reincarnation in his eyes, Tenseigan, appeared…

Twelve inky black Truth-Seeking Balls also quietly appeared behind Mukuro…

Then the twelve Truth-Seeking Balls instantly moved to Mukuro’s body, spinning extremely fast and gathering together…A dazzling golden light appeared, and it collided against the attack from Obelisk…

Golden wheel revolving bursts! ! !

Reincarnation One of the pupil techniques of Tenseigan Ultimate, the embodiment of Yang Dun’s ultimate technique! ! !

You know, in the original book, Golden Wheel Reincarnation is a terrifying ninjutsu that can cut the entire moon! Although the moon of Naruto World was created by Sage of Six Paths using Planetary Devastation.

But… its diameter is definitely hundreds of kilometers! ! !

On the other hand, Mukuro’s golden wheel reincarnation burst, but it is one level higher than the Ōtsutsuki Yaren’s golden wheel reincarnation burst! One can imagine how terrifying the power is! ! !

Directly crush the attack from Obelisk…

Then, under the horror of Obelisk, it blasted on his body, and the golden light instantly swallowed Obelisk…and plunged straight into the turbulent blue sea…

In a moment, the dazzling golden light gradually dissipated, and Obelisk appeared in Mukuro’s eyes covered with blood…

It made Mukuro surprised, facing the power of the golden wheel reincarnation with his body…Even Ōtsutsuki Kaguya in the Naruto world couldn’t do it…

Unexpectedly, Obelis 2.0 grams can actually do…

Moreover, this is only due to the strength of the body, even if it is compared to Mukuro’s body, Obelisk can’t do more…

“Damn it… you… damn… first killed Victor… and then even dared to offend me as the lord of the world… I want you to die…”

Obelisk roared frantically.

Whether it is in the world of the dragon of heaven… or the battle with the people of the royal family of D after coming to this world, this is the first time that Obelisk has been so embarrassed…

Obelisk’s eyes turned pale…

The whole world began to twist, as if to blend into Obelisk’s body. At this moment, Obelisk is beginning to draw on the power of the entire world…

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