Chapter 397 The ultimate enemy

I am no different from Marine Seaman Recruit! ? Hearing what Obelisk said, Rao is Garp’s open-minded temperament. A trace of anger could not help showing in his eyes!

Of course not to look down on Marine Seaman Recruit, after all, Garp also rose from Seaman Recruit.

Garp is angry that Obelisk’s contempt for his own strength. Garp is like this, not to mention Whitebeard! ? Whitebeard didn’t say a word, but the space where his body collapsed already showed what Whitebeard’s mood is now…

Without any communication, the two attacked Obelisk at the same time! !

Endless Conqueror’s Haki poured into Obelisk without a moment’s pause. Whitebeard and Garp had the same idea…

The two of them didn’t think Obelisk could always use the weird method just now.

Let alone defeat him, at least one of his own attacks should hit him once!

But… the situation failed to develop in the direction that Garp and Whitebeard expected. Nearly a quarter of an hour, Garp and Whitebeard’s attacks were enough to shake the heavens and the earth, and every time they blasted in front of Obelisk, they would disappear strangely.

Within a quarter of an hour, the faces of Whitebeard and Garp were pale, and Conqueror’s Haki was poured uncontrollably, which was a terrifying consumption of physical strength and spirit! !

Garp and Whitebeard exhausted the last trace of physical and mental energy at the same time…

Fell to the ground…

Looking at the desperate faces of Whitebeard and Garp, there was a trace of abuse in Obelisk’s eyes. Some contemptuously said: “As long as it is a life bred from this world. Any attack will be pale and weak in front of me. Because…I am the lord of this world!”

This is the method Obelisk just used…

It may be said that Obelisk did not use any means at all. Obelisk was completely immune to all attacks from Garp and Whitebeard just by standing there!

Only because Obelisk swallowed the origin of the world!

It can also be understood that the will of Obelisk at this moment is the will of the entire Pirate World, and Obelisk itself is the Pirate World itself.

Regardless of whether it is Garp and Whitebeard themselves, or both of them use Conqueror’s Haki, or Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit. They are all conceived in the Pirate World…that is to say, no matter how powerful Garp and Whitebeard are, they cannot escape from the limitations of the Pirate World…

The same can be understood as…No matter what attacks Whitebeard and Garp attack, they are all ineffective against Obelisk! ! !

This is why, once felt the power of Mukuro. Flat hat curls Five Elders didn’t care much either. Because at that time, the flat hat and curly hair Five Elders controlled a trace of the power of the world’s origin!

He believes that Mukuro is an aboriginal in this world. So no matter how powerful Mukuro is, he is vulnerable in front of himself who controls the origin of the world!

However, the development of the world situation has made Five Elders miscalculate again and again.

In the end, in order to cause the battle between Mukuro and Obelis, he did not hesitate to throw out the last trace of the world’s original power he controlled! !

Lord of the world! ? Master of the world…

Whitebeard and Garp didn’t believe it, but Obelisk had the strength in front of him. But it is like iron proof that Obelisk’s words are not wrong…


If it is not the Lord of the World, who can have such a terrifying power! ?

“Dare to offend the majesty of the Lord of the World, the ending for the two of you… only death! But… after I transform the whole world into the world of the dragon of heaven and become the will of the world, I will bring you two back to life. . After all, you two are pretty good, and there is no problem in serving as my guard. But at that time, I have to change your will first… So, let me sleep for a while…”

Obelisk raised an arm and turned towards Garp and Whitebeard.

Suddenly, Garp and Whitebeard both had a desire to die deep in their hearts. Because Obelisk, who has swallowed the origins of the Pirate World, is identified as dead, is equivalent to being identified as dead by the entire Pirate World…

As the life bred in the Pirate World, under the influence of the origin of the world, even Whitebeard and Garp think that they should die at this moment! !

Kaido, red-haired, green-haired…all want to stop it.

All resolutely launched their own attacks on Obelisk, but even Garp and Whitebeard’s attacks failed to do anything to Obelisk, let alone their attacks.

Before he attacked Obelisk, it had disappeared.

Obelis’ power had already touched Garp and Whitebeard. After ten millionths of a second, Whitebeard and Garp disappeared with their bodies and consciousness…

However, at this time…

Obelisk’s pupils slowly dilated…

Because he found that the power he exerted on Garp and Whitebeard had disappeared…

How can this be! ! ?

My own power is mixed with the power of the origin of the world! As long as this world is not shattered, then his own attack will never dissipate! ! !


“At the headquarters of the People’s Liberation Army of our world, I dare not want to kill Admiral under my command… You, are you a little too reckless!? Obelisk…”

Mukuro’s voice sounded slowly, and then appeared in front of Garp and Whitebeard, looking directly at Obelisk, frowning, and faintly speaking.

As for why Mukuro knew Obelisk?

It is because before Mukuro killed the blonde suit Five Elders, he used the Yamanaka’s secret technique to read the memory of the blonde suit Five Elders.

Seeing Mukuro who suddenly appeared in front of him, Obelisk frowned.

Because he didn’t notice when Mukuro appeared. But I didn’t care, because Obelisk didn’t think Mukuro could make any waves…

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