Chapter 354 The tough Whitebeard (Part 2)

Joz froze until he was not angry, but looked at Whitebeard with some doubts. Although Hawkeye is very strong, it is also the level of a great swordsman.

The fifth division captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, “Foil” Vista, is also a great swordsman.

Often compared with himself, he can easily block his slashing, even if the slashing of Hawkeye is twice as strong as Bista. Joz is also confident that he can resist it!

However, since the old man said it, it is naturally right.

At this time, Hawkeye’s slash also cut to the front of the Moby Dick!

Whitebeard pulled out the naginata that was inserted on the deck, pulled a knife, and cut it out in a single shot! The sword strength slashed by the huge power directly collided with the slashing of the eagle eye!

The fierce slashes collided with each other!


The slash was broken, and the energy was scattered around, directly smashing the huge iceberg surrounding Naval Headquarters!

Looking at this scene, Hawkeye couldn’t help but his expression condensed, and there was also a hint of horror in his eyes, and he thought: How could it be possible! ? My full slash will be blocked so easily! This is a slash that even Shanks has to dodge, how can the gap between being the “Four Emperors” be so big!

Hawkeye certainly wouldn’t know… The current Whitebeard is not in an old state, but a monster that is even more perverted than in its heyday!

“Joz, you and Bista are going to deal with Hawkeye.” Whitebeard said.

“Okay, old man,” Joz and Bistazi replied.

“Bachiqiong Gouyu!!!”

There was an extremely wretched exclamation. But Kizaru launched an attack, and countless golden light bullets poured down from the sky. The target was the Mobi Dick! ! !

“It’s too dazzling.”

Whitebeard faded out, but there was no movement in his hands. Just when the golden light bomb was about to hit Whitebeard, a cyan flame light curtain blocked Whitebeard’s body.

Phoenix-Marco! ! !

“I can’t let you catch the “king” all at once!” Marco said.

“It’s really scary… The Whitebeard Pirates! Zoan “Eudemons” Devil Fruit, rarer than “Logia”!” Kizaru said aloud without changing his wretched expression.

The Whitebeard Pirates and Marine are fighting together!

“Whitebeard! You who are so old… just die for me!” Akainu yelled.

“Great Eruption!!!”

The huge magma fist blasted directly at Whitebeard!

“Violent mouth!!!”

And Qing Zhi on the side attacked Whitebeard again at this moment, and the phoenix-like gorgeous ice crystal bird attacked Whitebeard. The surrounding air was frozen into white mist.

“Really… two boys who don’t have a long memory!”

Raising the naginata in his hand, a milky white halo appeared on the blade, and Whitebeard swung the naginata in the direction of Qingzhi and Akainu! Cracks grow in the space!

Before Qingzhi and Akainu could react, the milky white halo hit them.

Although Qingzhi and Akainu were a bit surprised that Whitebeard counterattacked so quickly, they were not too worried. Because both of them are capable of Logia Devil Fruit.

Although Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit is powerful, as long as he keeps his elementalization at all times, no matter how powerful the shock is, it is useless.

But, the next second…

The expressions of the two of them turned into embarrassment as if they had eaten shit.

Whitebeard’s milky white halo directly hit both of them. Just as they were preparing to use elementalization to avoid Whitebeard’s attack as usual, they found…

Although his body can still be elementalized.

But… when elementalized, he was actually hurting himself! How can it be! ? The two people had just given birth to a thought, and they were interrupted by the pain in their bodies.

Fell on the execution platform.

Qingzhi and Akainu vomited scarlet blood together, and looked at Whitebeard in amazement. They are all this old, why this monster is still so terrifying! ?

Sengoku frowned deeper on the side, and the feeling of something was getting worse.

On the entire battlefield, apart from Whitebeard, who was very strong, the rest was Marko, who was fighting Kizaru, or Joz and Bista, who were fighting Hawkeye.

Have fallen into a disadvantage.

However, Whitebeard’s expression didn’t show the slightest panic, as if he was holding the winning ticket.

This made Sengoku anxious.

Although I know that the final victory of this war will definitely belong to Marine, but with the character of Five Elders, Marine is not basically completely killed, and the two of them will not be able to do it.

And at this moment…


Suddenly, Whitebeard’s veins violently violently, and he roared, “Shaking…the domain!!!”


“How can it be!?”

At this time, the two people who were most surprised were Sengoku and Garp on the execution stage, because they knew better than anyone what the shock field represented… Shock Fruit was awakened for the second time! !

In a certain range of space, any location, you can use the power of Shock Fruit in an instant!

Simply tough to the point of pointing! This is why Whitebeard can beat the One Piece Roger and is hailed as the strongest man in the world.


According to Marine’s intelligence, as early as ten years ago, Whitebeard was unable to use the shock field due to too many physical injuries! ?

Why now… I have the same power once again! ?

Once…power! ?

Thinking of this, Sengoku’s eyes suddenly stared at the boss, and when he looked at Whitebeard, his heart became more and more shocked.

He swallowed hard, and asked Garp on the side: “Garp, do you feel… Whitebeard hasn’t changed the slightest from more than twenty years ago!?”

“The same person, what can be changed.”

Garp sat on the ground casually agreed. Next to him is the grandson who is about to be executed. Why is he in the mood to watch the situation on the battlefield now?

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