Chapter 355 Red Hair Pirates

Sengoku didn’t care about Garp’s mood, and said in a deep voice, “The appearance, strength, and boldness have not changed at all, and it is even stronger than twenty years ago!!!”


Garp frowned and turned his eyes to Whitebeard standing on the Mobile…

With a tall and tall posture like a mountain, the field of shock released raged across the entire bay, countless pale cracks appeared in the air, and even the entire Ma Lin Fanduo churned and shattered. It would not take long for it to go on like this. …

The entire Marlene Vandor will be destroyed! ! !

“This…how is it possible!? Whitebeard is… even better than he was 20 years ago!?” Garp couldn’t help exclaiming.

Compared to Sengoku, Garp and Whitebeard have fought more often. When he was hunting Roger in New World back then, he had a fierce fight with Whitebeard!

Whitebeard was at its peak at the time.

Garp knows the power of the shock field better than anyone else!

If it weren’t for himself, Armament Haki had reached a terrifying point, maybe he would have fallen under Whitebeard’s fist a long time ago!

But back then… Bai Hu’s shock field didn’t have such a large range!

For some reason, looking at Whitebeard’s Sengoku with a solemn expression, a hint of joy suddenly appeared in his eyes!

No one noticed the entire battlefield behind Whitebeard… a man with an ugly face and a big build, with a headband tied to his head, approached Whitebeard’s side…

Pirate Maelstrom Spider…Skuard! ! !

“Skuyard, are you okay? I just contacted you…” Whitebeard noticed Skuyard behind him and said.

“Ah, sorry, daddy.”

Skwyard’s eyes drifted a little and said: “The Pirates under his command have suffered heavy losses… All the fighting power is fully charged… The enemy is chasing from behind…”

“I’m going to be dispatched too! I must break through the enemy line!” Whitebeard said seriously.

“It is true. We are all grateful to you. For the Whitebeard Pirates, we will go through fire and water at all costs!”

What Skuyard said made Whitebeard confused, but at this time Whitebeard’s attention was all focused on Ace on the execution stage, and he didn’t even think about it.

Scuard drew the long knife in front of Whitebeard grandly.

Whitebeard didn’t care.


Suddenly, the long knife in Skuyard’s hand pierced Whitebeard’s abdomen! If this knife stabbed…not to mention killing Whitebeard, but at least it can directly weaken Whitebeard’s combat effectiveness by 30%!

And… With the increasing blood loss, as long as the battle continues to consume, then Whitebeard will inevitably die!

It’s a success!

Standing on the execution platform, Sengoku couldn’t help but think of it excitedly.


Just at this time……

A pitch-black bullet hit the blade of the long knife in Skuyard’s hand, and directly missed Skuyard’s blade. The long knife in Skuyard’s hand made a mistake and pierced Whitebeard’s waist. .

Immediately afterwards, a teasing voice sounded:

“Ye… Whitebeard, I didn’t expect that after Teach, another nasty guy appeared in your Whitebeard Pirates!”

In the bay, another pirate ship emerged…

“It’s… Red Force!”

“Red Hair!? Red Hair Pirates are here!?”

In the square of Marin Vando, you are either the big pirates who cross New World, or the elite of Marine. Naturally, you know big pirates like Shanks, the red-haired “Four Emperors”.

“Red-haired kid, things on the Whitebeard Pirates… it’s just another round to join!” Whitebeard said with a bit of embarrassment when he heard Shanks’ words.

“Really!? What an unlovable old man!” Shanks standing on the bow of the Red Force shrugged, looking helpless.

Whitebeard’s character is quite short-sighted, and he will never allow others to say something ill of the Whitebeard Pirates. Even if his child makes a mistake, he must be punished by himself!

“Scuyard! Why did you do this!?”

The anger on Marco’s face turned into a phoenix and flew onto the deck of the Mobi Dick and kicked at Scuard…

“Aren’t you the one who forced me to do this?”

Scudard swung a knife at Marco angrily, looked at Whitebeard, and roared: “Stop acting!! Whitebeard!! You have colluded with Marine!? They will make sure you “Whitebeard Pirates” It’s safe with Ace!”

“We are trapped!!!”

“Son of One Piece Roger, you want to keep him as the next “One Piece”. When Ace, who is so special to you, was arrested, you betrayed the forty-three captains of our Pirate Group in exchange for Ace. The lives of the Whitebeard Pirates and Ace will be saved! Sengoku has promised you, am I right? And we are still in the dark…the result!? For Ace, for Whitebeard, we gave up our lives Came here! Almost half of the battle died!!!”

“Father… is this true!?”

“So… they really only aim at us!”

“No way!”

The pirates under the Whitebeard pirate regiment were all in a mess at this time. Some thought they had seen the tricks on the battlefield and said bitterly.


“Whitebeard betrayed his crew!?”

The red hair on the bow of the Red Force craned his neck, blinked, and spoke in disbelief.

“That’s an idiot… Captain!”

Benn Beckman on the side looked a little helpless, covered his head with one hand, and said, “This is obviously the strategy of the old fox Sengoku. It deserves to be called “The Resourceful General”!”

“Oh oh oh… I’ll just say, ah ha ha ha ha…” Shanks scratched his head with embarrassment and laughed.

“When did you…when did you say it!?” Beckman had a black line on his face.

“The plan failed, and the “red hair” has also come to the battlefield!” Sengoku on the execution stage stared at Shanks, his face a little unsightly.

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