Chapter 353 The tough Whitebeard (Part 1)

All Marines are waiting!

Raise the weapon in your hand and stare at Whitebeard in the distance! The surrounding gunfire also aimed the muzzle at Whitebeard, and only waited for Sengoku to give an order to open fire!

“Gum la la la la la la…”

Whitebeard thrust his backhand in his hand and thrust the naginata in his hand on the deck.

Both hands are free.

Suddenly, Whitebeard bowed slightly, clenched a fist, folded his arms, and the muscles in his arms came out!



Marine Vice Admiral, guarding the four giants in front of the execution platform, swallowed involuntarily. Because… they have guessed what will happen next!

Whitebeard raised his head, with a smile on his face!

Suddenly… Double fists punched to the sides beside him!


“Crunchy crunch!”

The space on both sides of Whitebeard’s body is like glass, with cracks spreading outward from the position of Whitebeard’s fists!

“What!? The space… cracked!?” a Vice Admiral exclaimed.

“Haezhen!!!” A cold sweat fell on Sengoku’s face.

I saw… the sea around the Moby Dick suddenly turned 180. A stream of waterspouts formed, and then attacked the defenses around the bay!

Under such a violent waterspout.

Fifty giant battleships surrounding the bay were all turned into the sea!

The fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates also sailed into the bay.

“Father… everybody… obviously I ignored everyone’s advice and ran out by myself! Why didn’t I let me fend for myself!? It was I who acted without authorization to reach this point…” Ace cried bitterly.

“No… I told you to go, son!” Whitebeard said lightly.

“Liar… don’t lie, you obviously stopped me at the time…” Ace retorted loudly.

“I told you to go…right, Marco?” Whitebeard asked with a casual look on the side of Marco.

“Oh… I heard it too, you have suffered a lot, Ace!”

Marco said with a dead fish face: “Besides…in this sea, no one knows! What will happen to our partners if you are right! Don’t even think of alive for the one who hurts you, Ace !”

“You wait! We’re here to rescue you!! Get ready to die, Marine Headquarters!!!”

“It’s really unpleasant~” Kizaru looked helpless.

“Now it’s useless to say anything!” Akainu said.

“A bunch of troublesome people have ushered…” Qing Zhi said lazily.

“What’s the matter with the momentum of this formation…!!!” The Shichibukai who stood at the forefront of the battlefield were the first to notice the abnormal movement in the sea.

“Whitebeard…the “sea quake” initiated by that guy… now it has turned into a tsunami and swept through…” Garp said with a gloomy face, his heart can be said to be extremely complicated.

As Marine, he hopes Marine can win this victory. But as Ace’s grandfather, he hopes that Whitebeard can save Ace.

“Don’t think that we have a lot of power and we will be able to win the ticket!! The one who wants to meet the doomsday…maybe it is us…that man…but has the power to destroy the world!!!”

Sengoku roared loudly.

I don’t know why, the anxiety in Sengoku’s heart is getting worse. Looking at Whitebeard in the distance, there is always something wrong! But I can’t think of what’s wrong.

Pirate VS Marine! !

The battle has begun! ! ! !

Invaded is the 47 New World fleet led by Whitebeard, headed by the Whitebeard Pirates! And it is the two major forces under the World government, “Marine Headquarters” and “Marine Shichibukai”! !

No matter who wins or loses… Times will change! ! !

The big tsunamis on both sides rushed towards the Marine Headquarters, and the huge waves swept up were several times higher than the tallest building in Naval Headquarters. If such a real rush to cover, the entire Naval Headquarters would be submerged. ! ! !

“What kind of power is this… It really is a legendary monster!! Furu Furu Furu…”

Doflamingo laughed excitedly.

Even if a capable person is submerged in the sea, it can be judged to be dead, but Doflamingo doesn’t have the slightest worry. If even this level of attack cannot be blocked, the Marine headquarters would have been destroyed long ago. Besides, Doflamingo can use the clouds in the sky to set up Sky’s Path at any time.

“It’s really troublesome…”

Qingzhi, who was sitting beside Akainu, complained, and then disappeared into the seat.

In the next moment, Qing Zhi appeared in the air in the Gulf waters, his entire upper body turned into an ice element state, his arms stretched out, and the infinite ice power poured out from his hands.

“Ice Age!!!”

The huge tsunami that hit the Naval Headquarters quickly condensed into ice crystals!

“Two thorn spears!!”

At the same time, Qingzhi condensed four ice spears and attacked Whitebeard!

“Qingzhi…you kid…”

Whitebeard grinned at the corner of his mouth, making a fist with his left hand, and banging his fist towards Qingzhi! But Qingzhi instantly turned into an ice element and hid in it.

At this time, a fierce slash attacked Whitebeard!

“Hawkeye!?” everyone exclaimed.

“I just want to test the real distance between the man in front of me and me, but after losing to the white dragon five years ago, I have become a lot stronger… and Whitebeard is so old. , The gap between us should be very small.” Hawkeye thought.

“Damn it, I’m here! How can I let you succeed!” Diamond Joz on the side said loudly, his whole body turned into a diamond state, and he wanted to stop him.

“Joz…this slash…you can’t stop it!”

Whitebeard stopped Joz and said solemnly.

This time is not the time to take into account Joz’s emotions, if he is hit by such a slash, Joz will definitely be seriously injured if he does not die!

“I didn’t expect you to become so much stronger…Hawkeye kid!”

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