Chapter 305 Beginning of the plot

“Look! The one standing in the front is White Dragon Admiral!”

“Ahahahaha… see it! See it! Admiral Bailong is waving at me!”

“Asshole, how could it be you, it’s obviously me!”

Mukuro’s battleship slowly sailed into the Naval Headquarters port, a giant battleship like a behemoth, three points bigger than a marshal-level battleship docked in the port, but no one thought that these were not up to the specifications!

Without him… just because this is the white dragon Admiral in front of you! ! !

Standing at the forefront of the battleship, wearing a cloak of justice, Mukuro waved his hands to the Marine on the coast in tribute. At this time of earning reputation, Mukuro will never be stingy to show himself.

With just this time, Mukuro has accumulated nearly tens of thousands of prestige points!

The battleship was parked in the harbor, watching the crowds, there was no place for him to get off his feet, no way, Mukuro had to kick the six-style Moonwalk·Volley under his feet, and rushed directly to Marshal Marine’s office.

And the Marshal’s office at this time.

Sengoku, Garp, Tsuru, and Admiral have been waiting for a long time.

“Ahahaha… Mukuro boy, good job!” Garp said loudly while eating 250 sweet donuts.

Garp is so satisfied with Mukuro, the younger generation who led to Marine, every time he thinks of Mukuro, even the headache of his grandson, who dreams of becoming One Piece all day long, is inexplicably less. point.

“Yeah… Mukuro, I’ve been handsome again after a long time! I don’t seem to know how many cute female soldiers Cao You will be fascinated.” Kizaru said with a wretched look. Sure enough, the nature of this guy is still one. Old pervert.

“Humph!” Akainu just gave a cold snort, and said nothing else.

For Mukuro, he really didn’t know what kind of attitude he should take, admiration, jealousy, envy, resentment… It can be said that there are all kinds of tastes, there is no way, and in the end he can only turn into a cold snort.

“In the past five years, New World’s pirates have dropped by 50%, and Marine’s power has also radiated into the New World country! Mukuro, you did a very good job in New World. Seeing that the Marshal is the successor. what!”

Sengoku’s concluding remarks shocked everyone in the office!

Although vaguely, everyone has already guessed, but Sengoku said so clearly, but it shows one thing, that is, Sengoku has already thought of stepping down!

If there is no accident, within three years, Mukuro will definitely become Marine Marshal! ! !

There is only Tsuru, looking at Mukuro with a complicated look. She is the only one who knows better than anyone what Sengoku thinks in his heart, let alone three years. In fact, Sengoku’s real plan is to make Marine Marshal within one year. Hand over to Mukuro!

But these words can’t be said right now. Otherwise, even if Marine San Admiral agrees, the World government will definitely not agree! To be clear about the entire pirate world and how vast the sea is. Except for the Red Line, all the remaining 90% are sea areas. Marine can be regarded as the largest armed force in the hands of the World government. Regarding Marshal Marine’s successor , But it has to be filed and screened by the World government!

Hearing Sengoku’s words, a slight surprise flashed in Mukuro’s eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly without saying much.

In a moment, Sengoku nodded in satisfaction, seeing that several people had almost digested the information in their words, and there was no objection.

objection! ?

What a joke, how could this kind of thing be possible? Mukuro alone has the power to abuse Admiral. Akainu, Kizaru, and Qingzhi are not fools. How could there be any objections? Even if there is, it is still held in my heart.

“Mukuro, I have been in New World for five years and worked hard. The next half a year will be given to you for vacation time. There is nothing major that Naval Headquarters will not call you back. Are there any arrangements?” Sengoku said in a tone. Said lightly. Marine’s situation on the sea is very good, so why is it not easy for Sengoku?

“Um… let’s talk about it, anyway, it’s all on vacation, and it’s the same everywhere.” Mukuro didn’t care.

At this time, Garp on the side suddenly interrupted and said, “That’s right, Mukuro kid, you go to Windmill Village, and teach me that stinky kid Luffy, don’t let him think about being a Pirate all day, blame Shanks that bastard !” At the end, Garp gritted his teeth.

In Garp’s view, if Shanks hadn’t confuses Luffy when Luffy was young, Luffy would definitely not be thinking about becoming One Piece. Maybe he would have become an excellent Marine just like Mukuro.

“Okay, old man.” Mukuro replied.

However, Garp didn’t notice, and an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of Mukuro’s mouth.

If Luffy is not going to sea, can the world of One Piece be called One Piece? Luffy is destined to be called the One Piece, this is the general trend of the origin of the world that no one can stop!

As for saying that he agreed to Garp, Mukuro said that he only agreed to teach Luffy to Garp.

As for the rest… then it’s up to fate.

East Blue, the weakest sea.

Weakness in a certain way means “fearlessness”, of course, this kind of “fearlessness” can also be understood as a kind of sad stupidity!

Those who sit in the well and watch the sky always see the sky as a palm-sized area, and they think that this is all.

So what makes Mukuro feel even more helpless is that in East Blue, a group of pirates with a reward of only tens of millions of Baileys dare to attack their warships, just wanting to be famous and crazy.

After solving a few such pirate groups, Mukuro returned to Windmill Village again.

This year, Sea Circle Calendar is 1520.

Luffy is 17 years old, which is the year when Luffy is about to go to sea!

Ten years have passed!

The two will meet again in Windmill Village!

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