Chapter 304 Return to Naval Headquarters

“Yo ha ha… Such a terrifying huge wave, this is the first time the old man has seen such a huge wave in his life!”

Kizaru wiped the sweat that didn’t exist on his head, and said with a wretched expression, shocked to the extreme in his heart.

If this is not Naval Headquarters, and I am not Marine Admiral. Seeing such a terrifying wave, with Kizaru’s character, he has already escaped with an eight-foot mirror, but he won’t be here to resist! After all, he is a capable person of Devil Fruit. If he is really caught in such a mighty ocean wave, there is definitely only death as a result!

“Did something happen to New World?” Qing Zhi frowned and said.

“New World!?”

Hearing Qingzhi’s words, Sengoku was taken aback, and then thought that the direction where the light blue light had just appeared was the direction of New World, and to be more precise, it would be… the direction of the G-1 branch! ! !

It’s hard to be true, it’s going to have something to do with that kid Mukuro again! ?

Thinking of this, Sengoku couldn’t help but turned dark and hurried to the Marshal’s office. He wanted to talk to the G-1 branch immediately to confirm this. Only the three Admiral who looked at each other were left in place, somewhat confused.

G-1 branch.

Seeing the light blue light lasing out, Mukuro nodded in satisfaction and asked: “Doctor, how much power did you turn on just now?”

“Well, the power of that gun just now has reached about 80% of its full power, which is also the highest limit of the entire Chakra gun’s nondestructive attack.” Vegapunk said.

Mukuro nodded, understanding Vegapunk’s words.

In any case, the Chakra cannon is just a weapon. The weapon will be strained, and it can reach 80% of the full power in a non-destructive state! This is already very remarkable, of course, even at full power, the strain on the Chakra gun is very small.

“It’s just a pity, I don’t know what the power of the Chakra cannon is.” Vegapunk said with a pity.

Hearing Vegapunk’s words, Mukuro smiled and said, “There is nothing to be a pity, I will know soon.”

“Huh!?” Vegapunk was a little confused, wondering what Mukuro meant.

Just as Vegapunk was about to ask, he was suddenly interrupted by a voice. A Marine Lieutenant Colonel ran to Mukuro and said: “White Dragon Admiral, Naval Headquarters Sengoku asks for a call!”

“Well, the person who told us the news is here.” After that, Mukuro picked up the phone worm.

As soon as the phone worm was connected, Sengoku’s dull voice rang: “Mukuro, where are you now!?”

“Branch, where else can I be!?” Mukuro said of course.

“…” Sengoku was speechless, took a deep breath, and said, “I mean to ask you, does the blue light just now have anything to do with you!?”

“Light blue light!? What is it? Sorry, Marshal, I didn’t see anything!” Mukuro said with an innocent face, he couldn’t admit it at this time!

Suddenly, when the conversation turned around, Mukuro asked in confusion, “What’s the matter, Marshal? Did something happen?”

“What’s going on!? Hmph, Naval Headquarters has a huge wave thousands of meters high. If it weren’t for the blocking of me and Admiral, I’m afraid the entire Naval Headquarters is already a vast ocean! There is also Red Line, even more so. There has been a huge wave that is even more terrifying than Naval Headquarters. If it weren’t for Five Elders, now the entire Mariejois would have been destroyed!”

Although Mukuro doesn’t admit it, Sengoku is not an idiot, so he won’t easily believe it.

“Oh, did you almost destroy Mariejois? That’s a shame!” Mukuro said indifferently.

“Um…” Sengoku was almost half-dead by Mukuro’s words, and said in a deep voice: “Mukuro, the five-year period has come, tidy it up, and return to Naval Headquarters tomorrow!”

After Sengoku finished speaking, he hung up the phone worm, for fear that he would be pissed off by saying a few more words to Mukuro.

After hanging up the phone, Mukuro looked at Vegapunk and said with a smile: “Doctor, now you know what the destructive power of the Chakra cannon is?” Just now Mukuro kept the phone worm in the state of amplifying, Vegapunk naturally. Can hear it.

“Yeah!” Vegapunk nodded with excitement. After a while, his mood gradually calmed down and asked: “Then Admiral, am I going back to Naval Headquarters with you?”

“No, you stay in the G-1 branch, Doctor.” Mukuro thought a little, shook his head and said.

After five years of guarding, the entire G-1 branch can be said to be completely under Mukuro’s control. To put it bluntly, when his own order conflicts with Sengoku’s order, the people in the branch will definitely not hesitate. According to their own will to execute the order! Therefore, compared to Naval Headquarters, the G-1 branch is much safer!

“Yeah, good.” Vegapunk nodded and said.

For him, as long as he can conduct his own scientific research, it is the same everywhere. And since I have already taken refuge in Mukuro, it is better to have less relationship with the World government.

“By the way, Doctor, don’t leak the news about the Chakra cannon! Also, the task within a year is to develop as many Chakra cannons as possible! If there is any need or difficulty, please feel free to contact me.” Mukuro said.

“Well, okay, Admiral Bailong.” Vegapunk nodded and said.

Naval Headquarters, Ma Lin Fanduo.

On this day, the entire port is crowded!

“I didn’t expect Bailong Admiral’s popularity to be so terrifying!”

“That’s a must. This is White Dragon Admiral, the strongest Admiral who single-handedly suppressed the entire New World Pirate! Even the “Four Emperors” two have already been defeated by the White Dragon Admiral. !”

Just as people were talking about it, a huge battleship slowly passed through the gate of justice and came in!

After five years, Mukuro returns to Naval Headquarters!

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