Chapter 306 Back to Windmill Village

“What a huge battleship! And… that sign… It’s the White Dragon Admiral!!!”

“Mukuro!? The kid Mitarashi Mukuro is finally back!?”

“Ahahaha…I still remember how this kid Mukuro looked when he first came to our windmill village. I know some very simple things.”

“Shhh, stop talking, Mukuro is now Admiral!”

“What is Admiral afraid of!? Anyway, Mukuro also walked out of our village! Like Garp, it is the pride of our windmill village! Besides, the character of Mukuro boy has always been very good.”

“That’s right, but Mukuro is really amazing. He has a higher rank than Garp now.”

Seeing the Marine battleship coming from far away on the sea, the villagers of Windmill Village couldn’t help discussing, and at one place by the seaside of Windmill Village, Luffy was excited and untied on a wooden stake. Rope of the boat.

Today is the first day that Luffy officially goes to sea, so how can he not be excited! ?

Gradually, Luffy also noticed that more and more villagers had gathered on the beach, and couldn’t help scratching his head in a daze, and some were confused about what was going on. Could it be that everyone came to see him off?

Just as Luffy opened his mouth and was about to wave to everyone, his face suddenly changed.

At this time, Luffy also saw the huge battleship appearing on the sea, and couldn’t help thinking: Marine battleship! ? Could it be that Grandpa knew that he was going to sea and came back to catch himself and become a Marine! ? How can this work!

Thinking of this, Luffy couldn’t help speeding up his hand movement.

Being able to recognize the Marine battleship is already the limit that Luffy can do. As for the logo on the battleship?

What is it, can it be eaten?

The battleship was getting closer and closer to the windmill village, and stopped on the sea nearly a kilometer away from the windmill village. It was not that the warship did not want to move forward, but because the hull of the Mukuro warship was too large and the same draught was also very deep. . The sea area near the village of Fengche is relatively shallow, which causes the warship to run aground very easily if driving too close to the shore.

But for Mukuro, this distance is almost flat.

Six-style Moonwalk·Volley! ! !

“Fly… I’m flying!?” A village name said dumbfounded.

“Idiot, listen to Garp Vice Admiral. It is Marine’s unique physical skill called Marine Six Styles. One of them, Moonwalk, is a move that allows people to fly in a short time!” Another village name, a little older, explained.

And Luffy, also saw the figure in the sky.

I was taken aback for a moment, then dropped the rope in his hand, waved to Mukuro and shouted, “Brother Mukuro, it’s been a long time!” But he has forgotten the identity of the two, but in Luffy’s eyes, Marine is the one who is terrifying himself. His grandfather is all alone.

In fact, without Luffy beckoning, Mukuro has already seen Luffy, and Moonwalk’s direction is also towards Luffy’s direction.

“Luffy, long time no see!” Mukuro stepped forward, hugged Luffy and laughed.

“Brother Mukuro, I didn’t expect you to become a Marine Admiral. You are even better than your grandfather. Isn’t it that Marine Admiral is so good?” Luffy scratched his head and asked with a puzzled face.


Mukuro was a little helpless. For an idiot like Luffy, Mukuro really didn’t know how to explain it. In the end, he could only explain: “Becoming a Marine Admiral, but it’s about the same difficulty as you become the One Piece.”

Unless it’s a comparison with One Piece, Luffy won’t understand it at all.

“One Piece… That’s amazing! As expected, Mukuro’s eldest brother.” Sure enough, Luffy finally had some concepts, and looked at Mukuro in amazement.

“By the way, Luffy, what are you planning to do?” Mukuro pointed to the boat beside him and asked Luffy with a smile on his face.

“That…I’m going to sea.” Luffy replied.

“Go to sea!? Be a pirate?” Mukuro knew it.

“Yeah! I want to be a pirate! Then complete the agreement with Shanks! Finally…I will definitely become the pirate king!” Luffy held the straw hat on his head with one hand, and looked at Mukuro with a serious expression. .

Mukuro remained silent and looked at Luffy for a while before speaking faintly: “Luffy, don’t forget me standing in front of you, but a Marine Admiral, as a Marine, I want to arrest all the seas on the ocean. Thief! And, your grandfather, Garp, who is also a Marine Vice Admiral, will not let you go. Even so, do you still want to go to sea?”

Although Mukuro’s tone is light, he cannot refuse every word!

“Of course, no matter who it is! I can’t stop me from going out to sea. This is a common agreement between Shanks, Ace, and Sabo! Even if I save my life, I will do it!” Luffy clenched a fist with one hand. Roared firmly.

The surrounding villagers also calmed down, looking nervously at the two people in front of them. They were also very affectionate for Little Luffy, but they didn’t want to see Luffy being captured by Mukuro in Marine Prison. However, as a Marine, it is only natural for Mukuro to catch pirates, and for a while, no one knows how to speak.

Mukuro’s face gradually became cold, and a trace of Conqueror’s Haki couldn’t help but oppress Luffy.

I saw that Luffy, who had a serious face, suddenly changed his face, sweating on his forehead, clenching his teeth, panting heavily, and his shoulders were crushed. But both eyes were still staring at Mukuro tightly, and there was no hint of dodge or withdrawal in his expression!

“I…I’m going to be the One Piece…how…how can I fall here!!!”

Luffy gritted his teeth and said laboriously.

Suddenly, an aura spurted from Luffy’s body, and the king’s aptitude, Conqueror’s Haki, was directly inspired! Although it is still a rudimentary form, very, very faint, it is definitely Conqueror’s!

“It’s nice to be able to stick to my heart!” Mukuro smiled suddenly and took back his Conqueror’s Haki, with a casual expression: “Anyway, I’m only here on vacation. The pirate should let someone else arrest it, but…”

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