Chapter 1436 Orion Slag

As Tokusa’s words fell, Moya who had fallen into rage wailed.

Screaming, he wanted to leap at the grass and tear him to pieces. However, at this time, his whole body’s soul was already burning, and when he rushed towards the grass, his soul collapsed every inch and dissipated little by little.

“I want your life!”

Roaring, the magic arrow seemed to do its best and punched at Tokusa. In this punch, the small universe ascended and turned into a sharp arrow that seemed to be enough to break everything.

However, when this sharp arrow penetrated through the hole, the small universe in Tokusa’s body burned, and the purple small universe aura rose up, setting him off like a demon king, and then he just casually crushed it with a punch:

“Lightning ion light speed punch!”

With the fall of this sentence, the light of the fist was faster than imagined, and the arrow that the magic arrow had hit was crushed.

At the same time, the fist burst out, hitting Mo Shi’s body fiercely, and completely defeated his soul!

When Quanguang hit, Tokusa said casually, “Do you think your speed is really that amazing? Have the fighting power equivalent to the top of the golden saint? When you are alive, perhaps, when you become the running dog of the goddess of strife At that time, your beliefs have long been distorted, and you like this are nothing but a bereaved dog.”

“Also, I forgot to tell you. My strength is also enough to match the Big Three in the Underworld.”

As Tossao said, he retracted his fist and walked towards the Yeren.

And Mo Shi’s soul, staring at Tokusa blankly, then completely collapsed and disappeared into the invisible. Under the call of Alice, the goddess of dispute, the magic arrow that once visited the peak of the Saint Seiya fell once again!

And unlike before, although he was dead, there was still a soul left. But now, his soul was directly burned by the corpse chi to sacrifice the spirit wave.

When he walked in front of the Yeren, a smile appeared on Tokusa’s face, “How about brother-in-law, can you still stand up?”

Facing Tosho’s words, the Yeren, who was crushed by the collapsed stone of the palace, looked unhappy.

At this moment, the Yeren are the same as the grass.

No, it’s worse than the grass.

His face was blue and swollen. These were all beaten by the magic arrow. Yeren didn’t answer the words of Yan Cao, he just groaned, pushed away the stone that was pressing on him, and got up.

Obviously, at this time, the Jesus also saw it. Tokusa deceived himself and the enemy together.

And he used him as a live target. In fact, it’s fine to be a living target. The point is that the Ye people still quite mind about being deceived.

Seeing the Yeren’s groaning, Chūnin smiled darkly, but there was a sigh on his face, “Hey, I thought, what a person my sister valued. As a result, when I look at it now, it’s unexpected. So stingy, really, it seems my sister…”

Before Tosho’s words were finished, the Yeren spoke, “Who is stingy! I am not stingy, I just…”

“It’s just brother-in-law, you regret that you can’t defeat the enemy with your own hands, right?” Tokusa said, turning his head around.

At this moment, Yeren’s face blushed in the face of Tossa’s words, but he nodded silently.

Seeing the Yeren nodding, he walked forward, put his arms around the Yeren’s neck, smiled and said: “Brother-in-law, who are we with whom? When you marry my sister, we will be a family!”


Facing the words that Tokusa uttered in his ears, Yeren’s mind instantly floated.

In his mind, an unconscious illusion came out of himself and let Ye live together. And some unsuitable images for children. Dreaming about these things, Yeren’s nosebleeds came down!

Seeing Yeren’s appearance, Tokusa finally couldn’t help it, and laughed again!

When Tokusa and Yaren defeated Demon Arrow.

On the other side, Ye and Chris were caught in a hard fight.

No…not even hard fighting, but being crushed one-sidedly.

The surrounding palaces collapsed. The stone pillars broke apart. Let Ye kneel on the ground and gasp, her whole body was wounded, and blood was constantly spitting out from her mouth.

And in front of Ran Ye, Chrissy, who was the star of the sky, was also panting, and her Ming clothes were broken in many places.

She stood in front of Rang Ye, and in front of her, a figure stood there.

This person’s body is burly, and he is dressed in a gray undead saint… His expression is calm, looking at the expressions of Yeh and Kris, as if looking at two tiny ants.

“I don’t kill women, you can leave here.” The person said coldly, staring at Chris and Jean Ye with cold and arrogant eyes.

But his words fell, and Kris clenched her teeth, but shook her head.

“I refuse!” she said firmly.

“Ming is stubborn, I don’t know whether to live or die.” This person said coldly, and then a fist struck across his hand.

The light beyond imagination hit Kris in an instant, Kris screamed, and the dark clothes on her body were completely shattered, and the whole person was like a tattered pocket, smashing to the ground fiercely.


Seeing Chris who was knocked out by the enemy, Ye made a stern shout.

Shouting, finally, letting Ye’s eyes look at the enemy ahead, she struggled, and finally stood up again.

The blood ran down her face, causing Ye to roar sharply:


Accompanied by her roar, from her body, an incredibly small universe burned up, and then towards the front, she punched it out.

This punch came out vertically and horizontally, and the light of the punch turned into a crane with spreading wings.

The crane screamed and rushed towards the enemy in front. However, after it rushed up to 4.4, the enemy just reached out his hand casually, and squeezed the crane’s neck, squeezing it to life!

“You are too weak. It is impossible to defeat me. Stop fighting and leave here. This is my last warning to you! Otherwise, even if I don’t want to kill a woman. But as a subordinate of Lord Alice, I don’t have much choice right now.” Said the undead saint who claimed to be Zaga.

And his words fell, making Ye clenched his fist.

Looking at the figure in front of her, she only felt like an unshakable mountain, giving her a feeling of despair.

Undead Saint Seiya scum!

The silver saint of Orion from the age of mythology. He is the same as Moya, and at the same time a saint who once belonged to Athena.

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