Chapter 1437 Third strength

Moreover, in his time, he was also a silver saint, and he had reached the point of surpassing the golden saint in combat power.

Gold Saint Seiya, Silver Saint Seiya, Bronze Saint Seiya.

These three levels, under normal circumstances, often determine the level of strength, but sometimes, things are not absolute.

It is entirely possible for the silver saint, or the bronze saint, to surpass the golden saint.

Just like the five bronze Xiaoqiangs of later generations, picking one out at random, has the fighting power of fighting against the golden saints, even against the gods, and even fighting against the heavens. In this era, there is also a living example of Bai Li. As the silver saints, they also surpassed the fighting power at the top of all saints of their time.

Zhajia died in the hands of Pluton Hades in the age of mythology. As the strongest saint, he alone challenged Pluton Hades.

Then he died in a tragic 16th battle and was obliterated by Hades. But even so, his soul is still unyielding, and at the same time looking forward to another fight.

After he heard the call of the goddess of strife, Zaka finally chose to respond to the call of the goddess of strife Alice.

Betrayed his former identity as a saint fighter and returned to the earth as an undead fighter. He didn’t know why he chose this way, maybe he just wanted to fight again and challenge the strong.

But, no matter what, let Ye and Chrissy, in front of him, are naturally not strong.

Similarly, as a warrior, even though he had abandoned his previous beliefs, he was still unwilling to attack women.

This is his obsession. It’s just that he also understands that there are not many choices for this obsession.

If the battle drags on for too long and the Goddess of Discord notices this, once her oracle comes down, at that time, even if Zaka is unwilling, he can only kill Jean Ye and Chris.

“Hurry up! I’ll say it again, don’t stay here anymore! Your strength is so worthless! Moreover, even me, I am not the strongest among the undead saints now. Even, I can only It can be considered third, there are two more above me, and those two are real monsters.”

Zhajia’s words were full of sighs.

His words fell, making Ye clenched his teeth, his expression was full of astonishment and unwillingness.

Although she is far from Zhajia’s opponent, she can also see that Zhajia’s strength is already above the eighth sense. This kind of him is actually ashamed of those two people, so how much are the two people that scum added.

Is it really like Ashmita who has reached the ninth sense monster? !

Inexplicably, such a thought rose in Ye’s heart. At this moment, her heart was full of panic, and she had an ominous premonition inexplicably, I am afraid that Aspros’ previous words had already come true!

Just when Ye was thinking wildly in his mind, a cold and lonely voice rang out abruptly, “What are you doing, scum?! Kill these two people for me! This is my oracle,” Don’t defy! Otherwise, I will let you return to the infinite hell of the underworld, and let you sleep there forever.”

As this voice fell, Zhajia’s face changed drastically on the spot.

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately knelt down on one knee, and then said, “Zhajia understands!”

Then, add the residue to stand up, but he looked among the leaves and let Chris’s eyes, to bring a glimmer of compassion.

Instead, look at two ants about to be killed ourselves, “I’m sorry, but now, you two, only to die. This is you do not take my advice outcome.”

Then, the slag plus the body of a small universe of fierce rising up, and then from his hand, an optical crossbar boxing out, just like thunder roar, while at the same time hit the road boxing light, plus slag has been turned away, it seems he could not bear to look at the leaves and let Chris outcome, or also, he can be sure that this move must be able to kill so that leaves Chris and two.

But unexpected, in this time, sounded a voice growled:

“Esoteric-unicorn shock!”

Word fall, a light punch to the same aspect and toward the slag plus the fist fight fiercely light up.

Two boxing light the flame, the road suddenly struck boxing light residue add crushed boxing light spot, but because of the latter’s block, slag plus the fist light similarly hit deviation will eventually side of the earth, ruthless ruthless throughout!


Slag plus re-turned, at this moment, his eyes visible, so that leaves in front, and there came out two figure.

Jesus is the mainstay and the grass!

Looking between the sudden arrival of two, slag added scowled soon he began, “I just felt the magic vector small universe disappeared. The two of you are killed?! Well, a bit mean. He us among the five, although only routed the fourth, but his strength is pretty good. ”

“In particular, his magic arrows, even I, caught off guard, once caught, are likely to fall in his hands. The two of you, you can actually him down, really surprise ah, but, since it is an opponent, it is worth my slag added, the all-out shot! “so saying slag plus, from his body, broke out a small universe very amazing atmosphere. Burning a small universe of terror, as if like magic, like 490 straight like twisted nightmare of all.

The face of the slag plus a small universe, yeah man’s face slightly changed.

Horror, horrible ah.

This small universe, absolutely superior to what he had seen to, 德弗特洛斯 small universe.

Even 比德弗特洛斯 small universe, the more fierce mad!

In the face of this small universe, except among the release of the sanctuary A close up of their arrival, only absolutely certain of winning it.

“Yeah man! Di grass ……!” Looking at the two standing in front of him, so that leaves began.

Her words fall, people subconsciously come back to Jesus, “Let the leaves, are you okay.”

And this time, his words fall to the side of the grass is calm Tobe said, “You take her back, and Chris, the three of you, to hide a little further. The enemy, for me to deal with.”

Tobe discourse grass down, yeah people can not help but said: “?! Hey, this is generally not the enemy, ah, you are a man no problem, right.”

Yeah man’s words fall, Tobe grass Lengheng heard:

“Well! Of course there is no problem. But I want to be God’s man ah offerings. The stronger the enemy, the greater the credit after me down, so in the future Pluton adults, will grant me more tablets! For me, , this is a big opportunity! ”

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