Chapter 1435 acting

“Puff!” Blood spurted out from the mouth of Tocao! In the end, his body slammed into a wall, and the magic arrow’s attack finally stopped. At this time, the Mingyi of Tokusa’s body had almost been blown up by more than 80%.

At the same time, there are deep fist marks all over his body.

His body was embedded in the wall of the palace, his head hung down, and his whole person was dumbfounded.

But at this moment, the black figure of Demon Arrow fell, and he reached out a hand casually, pinched Tokusa’s head, and pulled his whole person out of the wall.

“This is your power, ants?” Moya said coldly while looking at the grass.

“Do you know? In our time, although I was only a silver saint, no one was my opponent even among the twelve golden saints. For me, you can only do it anytime, anywhere. It’s nothing more than an obliterating insect. I don’t even need to show my true ability to deal with you.”


Tossou, who was beaten up by the demon arrow and beaten so miserably, said with difficulty.

But at this time, there was still a mocking look on his face, “You have been recruited again.” This sentence was ridiculed, looking at the stunned expression of the devil, he said again:

“The corpse and spirit are buried!”

The words fell, and a huge explosion erupted from Moya’s body.

The explosion shocked and shattered a large area of ​​the surrounding palaces.

And Moya and Tokusa were thrown off by the shock wave of the explosion on the spot, and their bodies were smashed to the ground, and Tokusa was vomiting blood on the spot.

But at this time, the Yeren finally rushed up and hugged the grass:

“Hey! Are you okay!”

Looking at Tokusa’s miserable look, Yeren looked nervous.

But at this time, looking at the Jeremy in front of him, He just smiled bitterly. He stretched out his hand, hooked the Jeremy’s neck with difficulty, and then said, “This guy is very powerful. I’m afraid what he said is not a lie. He does. There is indeed a level of power equivalent to the top of the Golden Saint Seiya and the Big Three of the Underworld.”

“However, his shortcoming is that his brain is too stupid! Also, he is afraid of death. These are his two biggest shortcomings. Now, I have done my best to cause him injuries, and the rest , I’ll leave it to you. It’s up to you to knock him down completely!”

Tossou’s words fell, he coughed and vomited blood, and his whole body fell directly to the ground, as if he had completely lost his fighting power.

Seeing this, the Yeren looked dumbfounded.

“Hey! Are you okay! Don’t die!” But when he shouted so, on the other side, the magic arrow buried in the ruins roared, the small universe all over him was burning, and the whole person went from the ruins. Among them, skyrocketed.

The demon-like figure fell on the ground, and the demon arrow looked at Tokusa and Yeren coldly. His expression was distorted and filled with boundless rage, “I want to smash you two into pieces!”

With that said, he has rushed up.

Seeing Mo Shi’s movements, at this moment, Yeren couldn’t care about the others, so he had to roar likewise, and the small universe burned all over and greeted him.

However, the moment he rushed up, at this time, he finally realized the feelings of the grass just now.

too fast.

Moya’s attacks and movements are too fast.

It has completely surpassed the level that the Ye people can see.

In the super high-speed movement, he can see nothing.

I can only see fists rolling up from all directions and hitting myself.

Under such circumstances, the Yeren couldn’t resist at all. All he could do was to protect his vitals and then be beaten.

I don’t know how many punches he took, and a terrifying fist light smashed up and hit Yeren’s head frontally, throwing him away, breaking the pillar, and falling to the ground, motionless.

“Huh, it’s just rubbish.”

With that said, Mo Shi raised his hand, as if he wanted to use the last resort to make up for the life of the Yeren.

However, at this time, the abrupt and fallen Yeren suddenly jumped up from the ground and launched an attack at the magic arrow:

“Unicorn shock!”

He rushed up, and the whole person rushed up directly towards the magic arrow.

Seeing the Yeren who jumped up suddenly, Moya was really surprised at first, but soon a sneer appeared on his face, and then he raised his right hand, “Stupid guy, in that case, then I Just be magnanimous and compassionately use my true profound meaning to send you on the road.”

With that said, a short arrow seemed to appear on Mo Shi’s right fist, and then his fist waved, but an overwhelming light arrow came out of his hand.

“The speed of light, the magic arrow of death!”

Along with the sky full of light arrows shot out, Mo Shi said coldly.

He is the arrow sign, and his profound meaning is naturally related to arrows.

It’s just that before, he didn’t have any real strength to deal with Tokusa and Yeren.

His arrows are highly poisonous.

This kind of poison is not the death of ordinary creatures, but the highly poisoned by the small universe. Once hit by his arrows, any enemy, even a god, will be paralyzed by the five senses, and become a prey that he can easily kill.

This trick is his real and most terrifying trick.

That was the reason why he was able to stand tall at their time and become the strongest among all the Saints.

“Bronze Saint Seiya, be pierced by my magic arrow, then go to death!” Looking at Yeren, the magic arrow smiled grimly.

But at this moment, from behind Mo Shi, the voice belonging to Tokusa sounded again:

“Fool, you really got fooled again.”

“Accumulate corpse energy to sacrifice Lingbo!”

After the words fell, a pale flame had hit the magic arrow from behind.

After being hit by this pale flame, Mo Shi screamed, his soul burned violently, and then collapsed every inch. His soul has been ignited!

Burning without his own control.

“No! I don’t believe it! I don’t want to die! How could it be that you have fallen down…!” Struggling in the pale flames, the magic arrow turned hard, but what he saw was standing. There, there was a sneer on his face.

Tossao’s appearance was a bit miserable. It was just looking at his expression and aura. The injuries on his body were mostly acting at all, but it was not a serious problem in fact. Seeing the demon arrow hit by the corpse qi to sacrifice Lingbo, Tokusa sneered, with a little pity in his eyes, pity for the enemy’s IQ:

“This world is too dangerous. For an idiot like you, it’s better to be honest.”

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