Chapter 1422 God Blood Radamandis

Roaring, Skyhorn Star Locke finally roared, and he rushed towards Radha Mantis, “Damn it’s Radha Mantis, let you see my strongest power! Upanishad Death Rock Impact !”

Roaring, an astonishing light burst out from his right fist, and then wrapped in terrifying power, he rushed up, and blasted out with a punch at Radamandis.

Faced with the attack of Skyhorn Star Locke, at this moment, Ladamandis raised his hand, and then an unbelievable scene appeared. Skyhorn Star Locke’s fist smashed up, and under the impact of the terrifying light, Actually, it was easily grabbed by Radamandis with one hand.

Although Skyhorn Star Locke desperately shouted, he wanted to use the power of his whole body.

But it was of no use, Radhamandis’s hand remained motionless.

Not only that, he grabbed Skyhorn Star Locke’s fist in one hand, and shot out with the same punch in the other hand.

With this punch, Radamandis did not use any profound meaning, just an ordinary punch.

But the power of horror was pouring, and in an instant, the horror universe tore the sacred clothes on Skyhorn Star Locke, and at the same time crushed his whole body on the spot.

The seemingly luxurious and sacred sacred clothes were shattered, and the dark fragments that shone with lustre shattered. Among these fragments, the huge body of Skyhorn Star Rock was directly crushed into dregs by Radhamandis’ fist.

Killing Skyhorn Star Locke with a punch, Radamandis just snorted casually as he watched the broken fragments all over the floor.

It seemed to him that killing a Skyhorn Star Locke was just a breeze.

Immediately his gaze lifted slightly and looked at the three of Veronica.

At this moment, being watched with arrogance in the coldness of Radamandis, the expressions of the three of Veronica were ugly.

The power of Radamandis surpassed their imagination.

Even if they also got the blood of the gods, in addition to this, they also got the final mystery of the underworld, but the addition of these things seemed useless in front of Radamandis.

They couldn’t beat Radamandis. At this moment, looking at the figure standing in front of them, inexplicably, the three people of Veronica had such thoughts in their hearts.

Looking at this horrible figure, they even had a terrible illusion in their hearts, that is invincible!

The self-confidence that had been brought about by obtaining the blood of the gods and the ultimate mystery of the underworld had disappeared at the moment when Skyhorn Star Locke was killed. Instead, what they remembered was the horror of Radhamandis as the head of the three giants in the underworld.

“This… how is this possible?! Obviously we also got the blood of the gods, and even we got the ultimate mystery of the dark clothes bestowed by Lord Tanathus, but why…!”

Veronica’s face was hard to see the extreme, “Where is it? What are we missing?!”

Veronica looked at Radhamantis stubbornly, as if she wanted to see through the powerful mystery of Radhamantis.

It is a pity that all she can see is the horror of Radhamandis, the horror like a demon god.


At this time, after watching Radha Mantis kill the Skyhorn’s Locke, Karon of the Sky Star Boatman showed a flattering smile on his face. He smiled awkwardly, and then turned towards Radha Mantis. Said:

“Master Radamandis, I was just intimidated by them. I have absolutely no idea of ​​betraying Master Pluton Hades. I am willing and willing to follow you forever and follow Master Pluton Hades, I promise, my Loyalty…”

His words didn’t fall yet, Radamandis closed his eyes slightly, and just said, “Your loyalty, I know, is just like a bunch of shit. Since the three of you have betrayed Master Pluton. Refuge in Erepos, the dark god who is the enemy of the Pluton army, then I naturally did not let you go. You three will take action together and use your strongest strength.”

With that said, Radamandis’s words were abruptly paused, “If you want to survive, please do your best to shoot at me. As long as you can take my full blow, then I will let you go. Life, so what.”

Radamandis’ words fell, and Celestial Star Karon grunted, but his face showed an expression of ecstasy…

He naturally knew the feelings of this person, Radha Mandis.

Say nothing.

As long as it is what he said and the promise he made personally, then he will definitely complete it. Now Radamandis said that as long as the three of them can pick him up, they can leave safely, then Radamandis will definitely do so.

As for whether he can take the trick of Lada Mandis, Caron still has some confidence in himself.

Although I just saw that Radamandis killed the Skyhorn Star Locke in a second, that power like a demon god.

But in Caron’s heart, he just treated the Skyhorn Star Locke as an idiot and rubbish. In Caron’s view, he and Locke are naturally different.

Moreover, now that they were three of them shooting, he didn’t believe that if the three of them joined forces, they would not be able to handle Radha Mantis’s move.

Thinking about this, Caron looked at Earhart, the longevity star, and Veronica, the celestial star.

Earhart and Caron looked at each other, and soon they two reached a tacit understanding in an instant. But unlike Earhart and Caron, Veronica’s expression was full of boundless shame and anger!

He glared at Radamandis, looking like a hysterical vixen.

At the same time, he snarled towards Radha Mandis, “1.7 bastard! There must be a limit to underestimate people! My power is bestowed by Lord Shinigami Tanadus. My small universe is more than just this. What a degree!”

With that, Veronica’s expression was distorted, and from his body, an extremely terrifying small universe burst out.

That amazing little universe aura was burning, Veronica actually ignored Earhart and Caron, but rushed towards Radhamandis alone. He seemed to want to use her own power to Radamandis challenged.

Seeing this scene, Karon’s face changed, and he subconsciously shouted sharply:

“Earlhart! Let’s shoot together!”

His words fell, and the birthday star Earhart also yelled, “Come on together!”

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