Chapter 1423 Invincible Radamandis

Accompanied by the roar of the longevity star Earhart and the Celestial Star Karon, the two of them also burned into a very terrifying small universe. The terrifying little universe rose up, and the two of them danced with their hands, one to the left and one to the right, in coordination with Veronica, and rushed towards Radamandis.


Veronica growled, his voice dragged so long, as if a woman screamed hysterically.

Behind her, on the left and right, the birthday star Earhart and Celestial Star Karon also exploded with their full power at this moment.

At this time, if you can’t give your full strength, when will you wait for your full strength? !

Veronica, who can qualify as Shinigami’s direct underworld fighter, is so powerful that he was originally only given to the existence of the Big Three.

And because he has an immortal body, it can be said that compared with Biolet, it may not be said to be much.

And the longevity star Earhart and the sky star Karon are also outstanding among the sky fighters.

Ranked absolutely among the top twelve masters. How terrible the power that the three of them burst out with all their strength.

However, facing the strength and tricks of Veronica, Earhart and Caron.

Radamandis just raised his hand, his gaze looked forward, but he seemed to be looking down at the provocation of the ant, and then he said coldly, “Let you see the absolute gap between me and you.” . Upanishad·Maximum Warning!”

As the words of Radhamandis fell, an extremely terrifying small universe burst out of him.

The breath of the little purple universe rose, like a devil roaring wantonly, and from his hand, a dazzling light burst out on the spot.

That punch shattered everything, shattering the secrets of the three people: Earhart, Celestial Star Karon, and Celestial Star Veronica.

Then the shock of terrifying power crushed the afterlife on the bodies of the three underworld fighters.

It’s the same as the star Rock before. The sacred clothes on Veronica’s trio were smashed to pieces in an instant, and then they screamed. All three bodies were blown out. I don’t know how far they went, but they just smashed it hard. On the ground, three deep marks were left on the ground of the Pure Land of Bliss.

The three of them are a little luckier than the star Rock star before.

At close range, Locke was punched by Radamandis, and even his body was crushed into dregs on the spot.

As for the three people, although the sacred clothes were blown up, it was clear that a whole body was left behind. As for their lives, their lives had already been killed by a punch by Radamandis.

Even for these, Radamandis didn’t need to take another look, because he could be sure that they were dead. This is his absolute confidence in his own strength.

“Where is the gap between me and you? Huh, the answer is simple, that is the belief of absolute invincibility. For me, who has the belief of invincibility, to defeat you, it is absolutely inevitable, without the slightest surprise. The blood that I thought I possessed, What a stupid idea to gain power.” Radhamandis said casually.

At this time, looking at Radamandis, as if he was picking up rubbish, he killed the four ghost fighters who came out to block the road.

Even Aspros and Huihuo, who were their companions, looked at the expressions of Radamandis with a rather solemn expression.

Terrible, terrible!

This man named Radamandis was really terrified to the point where he couldn’t add to it.

Inexplicably, looking at the back of Radamandis, Aspros’ expression was extremely solemn.

Because he knows that, judging by the combat power that Radhamandis just showed, he probably really can’t beat Radhamantis. It’s not that he is arrogant.

As a man with the Pope as his goal, he has cultivated his mind, skills, and body to the ultimate existence.

Aspros naturally has absolute confidence in himself.

But even so, absolute self-confidence does not equate to unprovoked arrogance.

Confidence is a symbol of the strong.

And conceit is a manifestation of the ignorance of a fool.

Aspros is confident but not conceited. So he understands that he is not an opponent of Radamandis.

“This man, I’m afraid only Ashmeda can beat him in the sanctuary.” Aspros thought silently.

At this time, looking at the back of Radamandis, carrying the splendor of Pluton’s real body, the same expression was extremely solemn.

For a long time, in the Pluton Army, he has the title of combat power comparable to the Big Three in the Underworld.

Moreover, he has always been very confident in his own combat power.

In fact, it is exactly the same.

However, at this moment, seeing the terrifying combat power of Radamandis, an indescribable urgency emerged in Huihuo’s heart.

He is not the opponent of the man in front of him. In his heart, he is eagerly longing for himself, hoping that he can become stronger again.

His unyielding heart is calling him.

Let him compete with Radamandis, and he will definitely not lose to Radamandis.


In his own heart, Huihuo silently read the name of Radamandis.

Radamandis probably knew the thoughts in the hearts of Aspros and Huihuo.

Maybe he didn’t know. But it doesn’t matter anymore. After killing the four of Veronica, he just said faintly, “Let’s go. Let’s go back quickly.”

When the words fell, Aspros and Huihuo nodded silently.

But at this moment…

Among the three of Veronica who were bombarded by Radamandis, Veronica’s voice suddenly rang again, “Stop…stop, I’m not dead yet!”

With that said, it is unbelievable that Veronica’s figure staggered up from the pit again. It’s just that she looked very embarrassed at this moment, the sacred clothes on her body was broken in half, and only the remaining half was broken and hung on his body.

Looking at Veronica who stood up again from the ground, the expressions of Aspros and Huihuo showed incredible expressions.

It seemed that I couldn’t believe that Veronica was not dead.

Just now, they did see clearly that the profound meaning of Lada Mandis hit them accurately, killing all three of them in one go.


Now, what is going on? !

In the expression of Radha Mandis, there was also some surprise.

But soon he looked at Veronica and understood the reason. I saw that after Veronica got up from the ground, her injuries were actually healed a little bit automatically.

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