Chapter 1421 The ultimate mystery of the underworld

He looked at the Aspros trio coldly, and then said in an extremely cold, hostile voice, “I am no longer the me I used to be. I have received the power given to me by Shinigami Tanathus. Now The power you possess is no longer what you can imagine. The Big Three of the Underworld, in my eyes now, are just as humble insects.”

Veronica’s words were full of coldness and arrogance.

And as her words fell, then she clapped her hands and her movements fell. From behind her, three more figures came out.

Locke of the sky star, Earhart of the longevity star, and Caron of the sky star.

All of them were wearing dark clothes, but they were different from before. At this moment, the clothes on their bodies exuded sacred light and aura, surpassing the original clothes.

“Hey, with the sacred garments given to us by Hyponos and Tanathus, our power is not inferior to yours now! Under the same power, the name of the Big Three Head, it’s not worth mentioning.” Skyhorn Star Locke sneered.

His body is burly and huge, and the sacred clothes that evolved from the underworld on him are equally huge, and at the same time, behind him, wings stretched out like beetles.

“With the sacred clothes, can you compete with the Big Three?” The corners of Ladamandis’s mouth curled up.

Then he said casually, “Okay. Since you have such confidence, let me play with you.” After the words fell, Radamandis glanced at Aspros and Huihuo and motioned. They backed away, and he stepped forward.

As he walked forward, Radamandis said, “Come on, any of you can be my opponent, or you can take all four of them together.”

Radamandis said, in his expression, there was no hint of arrogance, as if for him, these words were just ordinary words from his heart.

It’s just that his words fell. At this time, Skyhorn’s Locke smiled grimly and said, “It’s really an intriguing attitude. Originally, Lord Shinigami Tanathus said it. As long as you hand over Pluton Hades If you’re your real body, and if you’re willing to take refuge in, we can spare your life. But for now, let me screw your head off.”

With that said, Rock of Skyhorn strode up, and when he came up, he stepped on the ground with his big feet, crushing the ground.

As he walked up like this, he sneered and said, “You also use the blood of the gods to awaken the sacred garment. But if you think that this can be used as your support, then you are very wrong. We awakened. His sacred clothes are different from yours.”

The words fell, and an extremely terrifying small universe burst out from Locke’s body.

The small universe was burning, and it was immediately unbelievable. The sacred clothing on his body seemed to have evolved again, wrapping his whole body, as if it had completely turned into a huge beetle.

At this moment, Skyhorn Star Locke’s appearance was very ugly, but from his body was an extremely astonishing small universe.

At the same time, from his mouth, he once again said in a negative test, “This is the real mystery of the underworld. Even Pluton Hades does not necessarily know the secret. The underworld fighter’s underworld, although legendary, is all made by Pluton. Master Diss made it, but in fact, it’s not that the power of the magic star was indeed bestowed by Master Pluton Hades, but in fact, the 108 hades were all made by Lord Shinigami Tanathus and the god of sleep. Master Punos made it.”

“Furthermore, this one hundred and eight imitation monsters of the underworld, and the real power contained in them, are actually derived from the dark god Erepos! Even if you also get the blood of the gods, what you can play is only It’s just a very limited part of Mingyi’s power, it is impossible to truly exert all the power of Mingyi!”

With that said, Skyhorn Star Locke’s expression was full of madness. Look at him, as if Radamandis, a dish in front of him.

And when Skyhorn Star Locke said so, the Veronica trio standing behind also sneered, seeming to have a chance to win.

Looking at them, Radhamandis’ expression did not seem to be surprised.

Just asked calmly, “Are you ready?”

His words fell, and he said as if talking to himself, “Looking at how you look, you are indeed ready. Then I will let you take you on the road.”

As he said, from the eyes of Radha Mantis, there seemed to be an incomparably bright light.

At this moment, his eyes showed extremely cruel and violent eyes. Those eyes were like the legendary double-headed flying dragon that wreaks havoc on everything and brought endless disasters to the earth.

Not only that, but an incomparably astonishing small universe burst out from Radha Mantis.

This small purple universe was burning, and in an instant, it had reached an extremely astonishing level. Even surpassed everything and touched the edge of the realm of God.

God Blood Radha Mandis!

At this moment, Radamandis is absolutely right that he has surpassed the eighth sense, and even reached the infinite peak of the eighth sense.

He is now only a thin line away from the ninth sense.

Even, to some extent, with the help of God’s blood, he has reached the ninth sense.

It’s just that he relied on external forces to reach such a level, so he was not a real self-understanding, and it was slightly inferior to the real ninth sense.

But even so, the current horror of Radhamandis, even when compared with Azha Poju, is not inferior at all, and it even surpasses Azha Poju!

This is Radamandis, the most terrifying monster among the three giants of the underworld.

“Do you think that the purpose of God’s blood is to give you such a simple thing as awakening the sacred clothes?! It’s too naive. Now, let me show you what is the real power.”

With that, Radhamandis hooked the hook towards the star Rock, motioning him to step forward.

In the face of such a terrifying Radhamandis, who was covered in sacred clothes and had only two eyes exposed outside, the starry star Rock had a look of horror in his eyes.

But in the face of Radamandis’ provocation, he still held on. He even deceived himself and said, “Huh! I don’t believe it, you are just bluffing!”

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