Chapter 1417 Pure Land of Bliss

Watching Radamandis rush into the passage of God. Immediately, Hui Huo no longer hesitated, and also jumped out. And behind Huihuo, Aspros also jumped without blinking his eyes.

Then, like the previous Radha Mantis, the two of them were also pulled by a strange force and rushed into the passage of the gods.

It is the power of Aaron’s blood that draws them and protects them. At this moment, they were baptized with Aaron’s blood, and naturally they had Pluton’s approval. With the authority and qualifications to go to the Pure Land of Bliss.

In the passage of the gods, the three people are constantly spinning, and I don’t know how long it has passed. It may be a Ten Thousand Years, or it may be just a second. The three figures of Radamandis fell into an ideal homeland that is like spring all year round and full of flowers.

The earth is full of green grass and flowers, and the colorful Madara flowers are in full bloom, exuding a tangy fragrance.

But in the sky, there is obviously no sun, but in this ideal homeland, there is a lot of light.

At the same time, it is unbelievable that at this moment, the three underworld fighters who fell in this pure land of bliss, even saw that in these blooming paradise, there are also angels with white wings growing on their backs laughing and laughing. !

They also have wings, but their wings are the wings that Mingyi comes with.

They must have no wings themselves.

But behind the laughing women in front, there are really white wings. It seemed like a pair of bird wings. As they fluttered, the white feathers fell down.

“Angel…” Huihuo couldn’t help but said.

But his words fell. At this time, Aspros followed closely and said, “It’s just some maidservants in the Pure Land of Bliss, nothing can be weird.”

With that said, Aspros walked forward. As he walked, he shouted at the angels in front of him, “It’s rude, ladies, I am…”

While talking, Aspros smiled and made a standard gentleman manner.

However, his movements fell, and it seemed that his voice finally alarmed the angels.

These angels subconsciously looked at Aspros with their eyes, but when they saw Aspros, they showed extremely horrified expressions.

“Ah! Someone has broken in!” “A man has broken in!” The angels said in horror.

At the same time, one of the leaders looked at Aspros with horrified eyes, and she shouted sharply, “The humble underworld fighter, dare to trespass into this blissful pure land created by Lord Pluton Hades! Not happy! Get out! The rude!”

Seeing the panic of these angels and the words they scolded, Aspros’ original movements became stiff, and the look on his face became quite ugly, “What are you talking about? Humble?! A rude person? It’s really interesting, I haven’t met for a long time, someone dare to say this to me.”

With that said, from Aspros’ body, an extremely terrifying small universe burst out.

The little purple universe burned, setting off his whole person like an extremely tall demon god. The terrifying little universe is raging, and it seems that it wants to transform this pure land of bliss into a demon realm.

In the face of such a terrifying small universe in Aspros, each of these angels trembled on the spot. They looked at Aspros in horror, then screamed, fleeing wildly behind them one by one.

“Help! Help, there is an intruder!” “Come on! Come and drive out this rude!” They shouted in horror while running away.

And watching these angels escape, Aspros had a gloomy face. From his body, the small universe was burning. With a wave of his hand, a purple light shot up into the sky, and finally, at the end of the way these angels escaped, they dashed on the ground. Open a crack.

Cut the earth in half.

“Run again, kill without mercy!” Aspros said coldly with a move.

And his words fell, at this moment, these angels seemed to be scared on the spot at a loss.

They stumbled, threw themselves to the ground, hugged one by one, shivering, looking at Aspros with fear. For a moment, it seemed that only fear was left.

Seeing the appearance of these angels, Aspros’s fierce might weakened slightly, and then he gave a cold snort…

But at this time, behind Aspros, the Huihuo who watched all this said with emotion, “What a rude fellow.”

His words fell, this time, rarely, Radhamandis also nodded, seeming to express Huihuo’s approval.

And at this time, hearing Huihuo’s words, Aspros was a little frustrated on the spot, but in the end he suppressed the anger in his heart and snorted heavily, but he strode towards these and collapsed to the ground in fright. The angels walked.

Walking to these angels, Aspros looked down at them with cold eyes, and then said, “Go ahead! You are all human, no, nothing.”

With that, Aspros looked at the wings on their backs.

Facing Aspros’ question, these angels were just shaking in fear, and no one answered at all for a while.

Looking at them, Aspros just bent down casually, then stretched out his hand, pinched the neck of the angel who was headed before, and lifted her from the ground.

His hand, pinching the other party’s neck, staring at the angel, then he said coldly again, “Answer my question, you guys, what the hell is it!”

In terms of things, Aspros deliberately increased his tone.

Facing the threat of Aspros, the angel finally spoke with a trembling, “We…1.0…we are the fairies in the Pure Land of Bliss created by Master Pluton Hades.”


Aspros raised his brows slightly, he looked at the wings on the angel’s back, and then asked, “Isn’t it an angel?”

Aspros’ words fell, the angel trembled, but he said, “I…I don’t understand what you are talking about…”

Having said that, she said again, “No matter how…no matter how you broke into this Pure Land of Bliss, but I advise you to let us go quickly, and then quickly retreat from here.

This is the Pure Land of Bliss created by Master Pluton Hades, not a place where you sordid underworld fighters can come. If you anger Master Pluton Hades, you will all die without a place to bury you. ”

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