Chapter 1418 Pluton sword

While talking, the face of this angel, or fairy, showed a look of fear and pleading.

She looks very beautiful. And on her body, she was just wrapped in a white dress.

As her words fell, Aspros sneered, but instead of looking at the goblin, he turned his head and looked at the two people, Huihuo and Radamandis, who were walking behind him.

Immediately he sneered and said to the two people watching the play, “Hehe, this is the status of your underworld fighters. It really surprised me. It turns out that in the underworld, your underworld fighters are so low that even such a small servant girl looks at it. Not eye-catching. In the sanctuary, the Saint Seiya of Athena can be respected and admired by countless people.”

Aspros’ words fell, and the look on Huihuo’s face who had been watching the play suddenly became a little ugly.

He snorted, but in the end he said nothing.

But obviously, he was also quite unhappy with the words that this fairy ranted.

Among the three, even Radamandis, who had always been calm, had a gloomy expression.

16 His character is actually comparable to Sisyphus of Sanctuary. His status and strength in the Pluton Army are also comparable to Sisyphus.

In a way, he was like the opposite of Sisyphus.

The appearance of the two people is also somewhat similar. But even with such a stable personality, he naturally has his own arrogance in his heart.

As the Pluton Big Three, he is the highest, but second only to Pluton, the Gemini, and the Pluton army commander Pandora.

This kind of him was actually scolded like this by a little maid in the Pure Land of Bliss.

In her tone, it was almost like the maidservant in the palace, yelling at the miscellaneous soldiers guarding the palace gate. It seems that their status as a ghost fighter is really as humble as a bug.

The position of the Underworld Warrior is indeed a very important position. For Pluton and the Gemini Gods, the first generation of warriors have all died.

Later, the underworld fighters were just mortals who inherited the magic stars and underworld clothes of the original underworld fighters. One hundred and eight magic stars truly have a place in the underworld, and only one Azhapo detained by Pluton and the Gemini gods.

The remaining Pluto fighters, for Pluton and Gemini, are a group of dogs that can be replaced anytime, anywhere.

As long as the magic star is still there, the Pluto fighter does not care how many times he has died. Just choose whatever you want. Whether it is from the underworld, among the souls of those dead mortals, choose the right person. Or from the earth, choose suitable candidates for Mingyi.

One hundred and eight Pluto fighters, as long as the magic star is still available, can be replenished anytime and anywhere.

Radamandis, one of the three giants of the Pluton Army, has more or less realized this. What he didn’t expect was that the status of the Underworld Warrior was so low that even a small servant girl could scorn and scold him. This point naturally made Radamandis feel quite upset.

Radamandis stepped forward and said, “Let her go, Aspros.”

Radamandis’ words fell, Aspros sneered, but casually dropped the goblin on the ground.

The fairy fell to the ground and immediately suffered from pain, but she endured the pain, and then subconsciously asked to say something, but at this moment, Radhamandis came forward and gave Aaron a gift. His Pluton sword was drawn out!

“Do you know this sword?” Radamandis said coldly, holding the sword in his hand and pointing the sword at these fairies.

His words fell. At this time, these fairies looked at the Pluton sword in the hands of Radamandis, but they showed a terrified expression, “This is…this is the sword of Lord Pluton Hades…! ”

“Yes! If you have some insight, this is the sword of the Pluton Great Sword. We were approved by Master Pluton and sent by Master Pluton to perform our mission in the Pure Land of Bliss! As for how we came here , Now I don’t think I need to explain it to you.” Radhamandis said coldly.

His words fell, and at this moment, these fairies nodded vigorously subconsciously.

And then, watching them look scared, Radamandis just continued to say, “Get up! Lead the way ahead and go to Pluton Palace where Lord Pluton Hades is sleeping. We are Lord Pluton Hades. Command, come and take away Master Pluton’s real body.”

The words of Radamandis fell, these fairies trembled, they looked at each other, and finally nodded, and then the led fairies trembled, pretending to say calmly, “Since… since it is Pluton Hardy Lord Stanislaw’s order, then follow me.”

With that, she stood up from the ground with the help of her companions around her.

At this moment, Radmandis put away the Pluton sword in his hand, looked at Aspros and said, “For a group of maids, why be angry. Anyway, everything is different from now on. Pluto fighter, general You are no longer the underworld fighter you used to be. Besides, are you not the underworld fighter now?”

Facing Radamandis’ words, Aspros sneered noncommitantly, “Why be angry, you dare to say that you were not angry just now 220? But what you say later, I agree with you. I am indeed a ghost fighter now. Besides, there is no other way for me to go except for the underworld fighter. And since Aspros has become the underworld fighter, then the lowly status of the underworld fighter should naturally be changed.”

Now the original Pluton Hades is basically gone. Next, is the era of Pluton Aaron.

As long as Aaron defeats Erepos, the god of darkness, he will be able to completely secure Pluton’s throne.

And Aaron sits on the throne of Pluton, the former pattern of the underworld will naturally be re-divided.

In the past, the Pluto fighters were just dogs under the Gemini Gods, but after Aaron sat down firmly on Pluton, as a hero who was loyal to him and opened up a situation for him, they did not say that they could inherit the status of the Gemini Gods, at least they would truly possess the equivalent of the magic star itself. Status.

It is no longer just a bug and a humble dog that is despised by Gemini.

Aspros understands this, Radamandis understands, and the fire on the side understands it as well. And they understand better, why Pandora did not support the Gemini and Pluton Hades, but instead fell to Aaron.

Isn’t that exactly the point? !

Although Pandora is not among the underworld fighters, he holds the position of commander-in-chief of the Pluton army second only to the twin gods.

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