Chapter 1416 Spirit blood

As if in the dark clothes, some unimaginable amazing power was awakened. The appearance of Ming Yi seemed to be a little different from the original. After pouring the spiritual blood on his dark clothes, Radamandis then handed the Holy Grail to Huihuo again.

Looking at the movements of Radhamandis, Huihuo took the Holy Grail over, and then he looked at the spiritual blood in the Holy Grail without much hesitation, and followed the practice of Radhamantis and poured the spiritual blood on it. On his own dark clothes. Then he could feel that his own underworld clothes seemed to have been baptized, and the underworld clothes itself and the corresponding magic star seemed to be awakened by this.

An extremely powerful force constantly penetrated into his body. At this moment, Huihuo only felt that he could defeat any enemy, even if he challenged the gods, he would never lose.

“What a powerful force.”

Hui Huo couldn’t help but said, “This is the power that the awakened Mingyi originally fell asleep in the depths under the blood baptism of the gods?! It’s incredible!”

Huihuo’s words fell, and he handed the Holy Grail in his hand to Aspros. After the latter took it, he didn’t even look at it, so he poured all the remaining spiritual blood into his own. Ming clothes.

“The blood of the gods is really a good thing.” Aspros said as if he was talking about it.

When his words fell, Huihuo said rather uncomfortably, “You fellow, you really don’t have any respect for Master Pluton.”

These blood are Aaron’s own blood.

Seeing Aspros use Aaron’s spiritual blood, and give it back to this sample, it really makes him quite uncomfortable.

And his words fell. At this time, Aspros just sneered and said, “From the moment I died, I understood the most real truth in this world. All loyalty is a joke, and people are most important. It’s loyal to yourself.”

“Huh! Really?” Hui Huo said with a cold snort, “I really don’t know, why did that lord and Pluton take you so seriously, and even let you and me do such an important task.”

“You have to ask him about this matter yourself.” Aspros smiled coldly.

And when the two of them were talking, Radamandis didn’t seem to bother at all, nor did he want to participate in their words, just pulled out a dark sword from his cloak again!

As he drew this sword out, the two people who were quarrelling also had their gazes stunned, and couldn’t help but their gazes fell on this sword.

The whole body of this sword is pitch black, shining with black metallic luster.

And these are not the most important. What is important is that this sword seems to exude an ominous meaning of incomparable horror, and even gives people a kind of, as if this sword itself is synonymous with death. In the dark, looking at this dark sword, they all have an illusion in their hearts, that is, if they are stabbed by this sword, no matter who it is, even if it is a god, they will definitely die.

Because it is Pluton, a symbol of the power of death.

This sword belongs to the Pluton sword equipped with Pluton!

Radamandis held the Pluton sword in his hand, he took a deep breath, then looked at the wall of sighs ahead, and said: “This wall of sighs is even if it has a small universe above the gods. , The wall that is absolutely impossible to open is a barrier that can only be passed by the Underworld God who has been granted the authority by Lord Pluton. If we want to pass, we can only open it with this Pluton sword.”

As he said, Radamandis held the Pluton sword in his hand and drew it forward.

Accompanied by his movements, it seemed that he had just swung the sword in his hand twice at random, without even cutting out anything like sword light.

Looking at the movements of Radamandis, Huihuo couldn’t help saying:

“This can’t be done…”

However, his words did not completely fall. As Radamandis moved down, a cut appeared in the middle of the wall of sighs in front, and then the wall of sighs actually opened from the middle, revealing Here comes a narrow passage.

This passage, dark and deep, seems to lead to an unknown and ominous place.

Looking at the opening wall of sighs, Radamandis put the Pluton sword in his hand back into his cloak, and then he said, “Let’s go.”

Having said that, he took the lead and walked towards this passage. Looking at the movements of Radamandis, behind him, Huihuo and Aspros glanced at each other, and finally the two snorted separately and followed in the footsteps of Radamandis.

Following the passage opened by the Wall of Sighs, the three of them quickly reached the end of this passage.

At the end of this passage is a dark and lonely palace, as if standing behind this wall of sighs, it has been long and endless years. After walking through the wall of sighs, Radamandis took out the Pluton sword again, and he waved it towards the wall of sighs. Unbelievably, the passage of the wall of sighs automatically closed again.

Where the passage originally opened, the gap disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared at all.

After closing the passage of the Wall of Sighs, Radamandis looked forward.

The road ahead behind the wall of sighs is a vast dimensional starry sky. In this dimension, there is a deep black hole. A large number of space barriers and torrents of space fluctuate, and at the same time they are constantly distorted, and there are also many star fragments, but they are all constantly being swallowed by the darkness of the road ahead.

“This is the passage of the gods?! In the legend, only gods can enter the passage. If it is a person other than the gods and gods, once they step on the passage of the gods, they will instantly disappear without a trace, and die with scum Nothing is left.” Huihuo said as he looked at the vast expanse of starry sky ahead.

“Yes, behind a passage of gods, tens of billions of light years away, you will probably be able to reach the Pure Land of Bliss.”

Radhamandis opened the mouth and said, the words fell, and he added, “The sacred clothes on our bodies have been baptized by the blood of God. To some extent, it is already the sacred clothes. The sacred clothes on our bodies. , Will protect us, through this passage of gods, to reach the Pure Land of Bliss far away tens of billions of light-years away.”

With that said, Radamandis jumped up and moved forward.

He jumped into the void, his figure was pulled by a strange force, and then rushed towards the passage of God in front of him, as if it was only a moment, his whole figure, like a dust, disappeared without a trace. .

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