Chapter 1415 Wall of Sighs

The Pure Land of Bliss. Rumor has it that tens of billions of light years away, in a special space beyond the general space, there is a pure land created by Pluton Hades. There is no dispute, no hatred, no killing, only happiness and joy. It was the eternal Garden of Eden created by the master of the Hades who is in charge of the death of the entire universe.

And this pure land of bliss, only the heroic spirits he recognized can come to.

Here is where Pluton Hades’s real lair and fortress is located.

Here, his real physical body slept here. And if you want to go to the Pure Land of Bliss, you must pass through the wall of sighs in the underworld.

The depths of the Hades.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of footsteps, three figures appeared in front of the Wall of Sighs, the most lonely and desolate place in the underworld.

Here, unless it is a god, it is absolutely impossible for a mortal to break it with all his strength, and can only leave a single sigh, so it is called a wall of sighs.

“This is the wall of sighs.” These three figures are all dressed in dark clothes. And one of the general underworld fighters with dark phoenix wings spoke up.

His words fell, and one of the remaining two people did not answer, but snorted coldly. And this person, if the golden saints of Sanctuary were here in 643, they would definitely call out a name in surprise:


Yes, this person is the Gemini Golden Saint Aspros, one of the twelve golden saints of the original sanctuary.

Of course, now he is no longer a Gemini Golden Saint Seiya, but a Gemini Pluto.

The underworld clothing on his body is exactly the same as the Gemini gold saint clothing he originally had. The only difference is that the original golden color has now turned into pitch black. Horror and ominous colors.

After being killed by Mukuro, or sent to the underworld, he changed from a saint warrior to a ghost warrior.

Facing the cold snort of Aspros, the Underworld Warrior who spoke before was naturally quite unhappy, “You fellow!”

He said so, but then he said coldly, “If it weren’t for Master Pluton Hades, I would never be polite to you.”

However, his words fell, Aspros just sneered, “Master Pluton Hades? Wrong, under the circumstances that we received the current task, you still think that the one is Pluton Hades, He is no longer Pluton Hades, but Pluton Aaron!”

Aspros’ words fell, and at this moment, the atmosphere seemed to froze suddenly.

This statement is now a semi-public secret in the Pluton army. It’s just that Aaron didn’t say it personally, so no one dared to say more. In fact, the Pluto fighters who are left now belong to the absolute supporter of Aaron.

Or belong to a faction that is not loyal to Pluton Hades itself.

The representatives of the latter are Aspros and Azha detaining them.

As for the representative of the former, it is naturally the splendor of the skyburst star Nube bird standing here!

For Huihuo, no matter who Lord Pluton is, he is good or bad. Is it justice or evil? It doesn’t matter. All he wanted to be loyal was Aaron himself. Because Aaron gave him the feeling that he was his brother who had died.

Regarding Aspros’ words, it was rare for Huihuo, who was extremely arrogant in the end, to refute Aspros at this time.

Instead, his gaze turned to Radha Mandis next to him.

In fact, as a diehard of Aaron.

Regarding Aspros’ words, Huihuo was more at ease.

After all, Aspros was born as a Saint Seiya, recommended by Mukuro, and even delivered it to the Hades himself. From this point of view, he had no reason to betray Aaron.

But the remaining one is different. Radha Mandis of the Wyvern Stars.

Among the three giants of the underworld, they are all called the strongest. According to the legend, the strength is only the terrifying figure of Azha Poju, who is second to the Dikui Star Grand Marshal Ming Wang. Has the power to challenge the gods.

Once the most outstanding golden saint of the previous generation in the sanctuary, Leo Ulysses, who is now the father of Leo Regulus, died in the hands of Radamandis.

Of course, in fact, at that time, Ilias was more likely to die of illness.

But even so, to be able to send a monster like Ulysses a ride, Radamandis’s combat effectiveness can be imagined. And the fighting is not the most important point.

In the Pluton army, everyone knows that this one is known to be the most loyal to Pluton Hades among the underworld fighters!

Yes, the most loyal to Pluton Hades.

This made Huihuo a little confused. Why did Aaron keep Radamandis.

At this time, he seemed to understand Huihuo’s words. The tall and sturdy Radamandis just said calmly, “My loyalty is to Pluton. No matter who Pluton is, Pluton Hades or Pluton Aaron , And even the other Plutons, have nothing to do with me. I am just loyal to my duties as the third judge of the underworld.”

When his words fell, Hui Huo was taken aback for a moment, but he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Obviously his thoughts have been seen by Radhamandis. But it doesn’t matter. He did not deliberately hide his thoughts, and he is not the kind of person who likes to hide his thoughts.

Looking at Huihuo and Radamandis, Aspros said at this moment, “Okay. No need to say anything. No matter what we and you think in our hearts, just know what you think. Now for us, the most important thing is to complete the task, isn’t it?” Aspros said so, he looked at Radamandis.

The latter nodded slightly, and then took out a small cup from his hand.

This cup is golden, like an ancient holy grail. And in the Holy Grail, there are some crystal clear liquids in full bloom. A refreshing fragrance diffused in the liquid.

“This is the spiritual blood?” Beside Radamandis, watching the Holy Grail Huihuo couldn’t help but said.

The latter nodded, “Yes. This is the spiritual blood of the gods. The wall of sighs is absolutely impossible to pass unless the gods and those chosen by the gods, including the passage of the gods behind the wall of sighs.”

With that said, Radamandis took the Holy Grail and poured the spiritual blood in the Holy Grail onto his underworld in this way. It is unbelievable that after absorbing the blood of the gods, some incredible changes have taken place.

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