Chapter 1394 Attack of the Pluton Army

When the words of the Yeren fell, Mukuro laughed dumbly. He looked at the Yeren, and his eyes shone with sympathy and pity.

Seen by Mukuro’s gaze, Yeren subconsciously said, “Why look at me like this, don’t look at me with such sympathetic eyes!” and looked at Yeren.

Ye couldn’t help but smile, “Your IQ is really worthy of sympathy. Even the soul of the Underworld can be sealed, and after the Underworld Warrior is defeated, their souls will naturally be sealed in this tree. ”

Let Ye’s words fall, Yeren looked embarrassed, but he still argued, “I don’t want to catch a big fish with a big net. Compared with the god of the gods, the Pluto Fighter is just a small shrimp, catching shrimp with a big net. Of course I can’t catch it anymore, isn’t it the truth.”

His words fell, leaving Ye to say disdainfully, “It’s a clever argument, but it’s of no use.”

Seeing Ye and Yeren’s argument, Mukuro smiled, and immediately said, “Now, the Pluton army should have begun to attack the sanctuary.”

When Mukuro’s words fell, everyone around them changed their expressions and showed surprise.

Tianma even subconsciously asked Mukuro, “Brother Mukuro, does this mean?! Pluton Army, did Aaron send someone to attack the sanctuary?”

Facing Tianma’s words, Mukuro smiled slightly, and just continued, “Almost.”

When this sentence fell, Mukuro looked at Bai Li, “In the holy war two hundred years ago, the original sanctuary had already been won. As a result, the twin gods suddenly appeared and slaughtered in the sanctuary. Only you survived. With your brother Sage. For these two hundred years, both of you have been thinking about revenge. Now, the opportunity has come. This time, among the Pluton army that attacked the sanctuary, it is the Gemini God who is in charge of taking the lead. Sleeping god Shupunos, and Shinigami Tanathus.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Bai Li’s expression changed drastically. His hands, although hidden in the sleeves.

But obviously, at this moment, he clenched his fist forcefully, and his seemingly calm gaze was filled with appalling killing intent.

But soon, his hand was released again.

“The Gemini God attacking the sanctuary is not a wise approach. As long as Lord Athena is present, the enchantment of the sanctuary is opened. The sanctuary is not just a place where the two of them can run wild.”

In Bai Li’s words, his meaning is obvious, that is, as long as nothing happens to the sanctuary, then he himself does not care about his personal grievances. But his words fell, Mukuro said again.

“However, this time the attack on the sanctuary is not just a meaning of the Gemini’s dispatch. It is an attack by the Pluton army. Headed by the Gemini, the four dream gods seated by Hypnos, and their direct underworld fighters.”

“In addition, Ayagos of Garuda, a star of the underworld, and Minos of Griffin, a star of the underworld, will also lead the underworld fighters to participate in this battle. It can be said that the Pluton Army has used more than half of its total combat power to attack the sanctuary.”

At the moment when Mukuro’s words fell, everyone’s expressions finally changed completely.

If it’s just that the Gemini God descends to the sanctuary, it’s nothing.

However, the pressure of the Pluton army is basically equivalent to the underworld directly launching a decisive battle against the sanctuary.

“How could this happen?! Is the Pluton army afraid of failure?!” Yeren blurted out subconsciously.

But his words fell. At this time, Tianma said anxiously, “No, we have to go back to the sanctuary quickly!

“At this time, Bai Li, who had calmed down, was completely unable to continue calming down.

Among the crowd, Ashmita, who was holding the wooden luanzi tree in his hand, had a solemn expression at the same time.

“In the current situation, we really have to rush back to the sanctuary immediately.” Ashmita said.

He looked at everyone again, “I can let everyone go directly to the sanctuary from this Camille, without further ado, let’s hurry up.” Asamida’s words fell, he looked at Nix, the goddess of the night. Mukuro.

The latter smiled slightly and said, “You take Tianma and the others first, and I go to the sanctuary by myself. If you take too many people, it will be a huge consumption to your small universe.”

After saying this, Mukuro then said again, “This time the Pluton army invaded, it is a gift from Aaron. Take the Luanzi, go and defeat them, and then seal all the souls of these underworld fighters. However, whether you can accept this gift or not depends on your own strength.”

“At least, don’t show up. The gift can’t be accepted, but the enemy will be wiped out in one breath. If this is the case, it is really ridiculous. And if that is the case, then the humans in this world really disappoint me. ”

Mukuro’s words fell, inexplicably, looking at him, Ashmita nodded inexplicably.

At this time, unexpectedly, Tianma looked at Mukuro and shouted loudly, “Brother Mukuro! I will defeat all the enemies who invaded the sanctuary! Watch it!”

Tianma’s words are full of decisive meaning.

His words fell. Yeren seemed to be a little moved, and he also followed closely, “You guy, Tianma, I won’t let you stand out alone! If you protect the sanctuary, how can I be missing?” And his words Falling, let Ye show a smile, and immediately she also said, “Count me in.”

But let Ye’s words fall, at this time, the Yeren immediately objected, “What are you going to do! Just stay here. Anyway, you are not a Saint Seiya. The next battle is for the Saint Seiya to guard the sanctuary. Fighting, no one, etc., don’t participate!” But his words fell, and Ye just said calmly, “It means that I am not a saint. It’s just that my saint clothing is not here for the time being, but staying in the sanctuary. .”

With that said, let Ye look at the Yeren, and then said, “Forgot to tell you, my saint is still the silver saint above you. I am the silver saint of the crane.”

“What?!” Let Ye’s words fall, Yeren looked unwilling, “Are you a silver saint?!”

At this moment, his expression is quite wonderful.

“Okay, now that we are all enlightened, let’s hurry up. If the Gemini and Pluton army are coming, the situation in the sanctuary at this moment is indeed not optimistic.”

Bai Li urged.

When his words fell, Ashmita nodded, and then he said, “You all come close to me.”

His words fell, and the Ye people stood by Ashmita’s side.

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