Chapter 1395 War

Then Ashmeda put away the wooden luanzi tree in her hand, but pinched a lotus seal on her hand. Then from the palm of his hand, a golden light lit up, leading everyone directly, and disappearing from here in an instant.

Seeing everyone in front of him disappear, Mukuro, who was holding the night goddess Nix, showed an inexplicable smile.

Then he lowered his head and looked at the dark night goddess Nix in his arms. He just stretched out his hand to pinch it, and flicked her brow.

After being beaten by Mukuro, Nix, the goddess of the night, whispered in her mouth, and then went back to sleep.

Seeing her like this, Mukuro shook his head.

“Really, it’s a big trouble. Forget it, I’ll go to Sanctuary too. Let’s see if things have developed to this point, whether Sanctuary can seize this opportunity, or is it seized by the Pluton Army. Woolen cloth?”

As Mukuro said so, his figure disappeared from the same place.

In the sanctuary, a huge barrier of light enveloped the entire sanctuary, and the small town at the foot of the sanctuary was shrouded by a huge barrier.

On the sacred mountain of the sanctuary, at the top 470 of the zodiac sign, a vast and majestic small universe was burning.

The golden brilliance fell down and turned into a huge shield, covering the entire sanctuary.

And in this huge enchantment, all the Saint Seiyas in the sanctuary are waiting for them.

And like the Saints, a large number of Underworld Warriors arrived outside the barrier of the sanctuary.

The two sides looked at each other across such a barrier. His eyes were filled with astonishing warfare, as if he was staring at him.

However, the two sides were deadlocked.

Although the Pluton army came to the sanctuary, on the hill of stars in the sanctuary, Sasha opened the barrier with his own small universe.

For a time, let alone the Underworld Warrior, the Gemini Gods did not dare to break into this enchantment without authorization.

They waited, waiting for the moment when this barrier disappeared. It must be very difficult to maintain such a huge enchantment.

With Athena Sasha’s small universe, it may last for a day or two, or even ten days. But she is absolutely impossible for one or two months, or one or two years, or even longer, and the saints will never stare, watching the underworld warrior pressure the realm without attacking, fighting is just a matter of time. .

They are waiting.

The Saints are also waiting.

At the moment when the two sides confronted each other, a sudden, golden light suddenly descended on the sanctuary and directly rushed into the star hill of the sanctuary shrouded by the enchantment!

As this golden light descended, the palaces in the sanctuary and the saints gathered at the entrance of the sanctuary subconsciously raised their heads and looked towards the hill of stars.

And after that ray of light fell, Athena Sasha’s small universe soon converged.

But instead, soon, another golden light rose.

But a small golden tree rose slowly, and finally landed on the hill of stars, the hands of the god of war and the goddess of wisdom. It seems to be a decorative item on the hand of the goddess.

With the appearance of this small tree, Sasha’s small universe burned, and her voice sounded, “Saint Seiya, the real moment of jihad has arrived! Fight for the peace of the earth and the future of mankind!”

Her words fell, and the expressions of the saints in the sanctuary were shocked.

The next moment, they all burst out with a roar that shook the sanctuary.


Accompanied by the shouts of the Saints, at this time, the Underworld Warriors outside the Sanctuary finally began to attack the Sanctuary!

The battle between Pluton Army and Sanctuary begins at this moment!

Because of the twin gods in the Pluton army, the two of them are only second-level gods. But with the power of a god, it is naturally possible to open a gap in the original barrier of the sanctuary and directly penetrate into the sanctuary. Therefore, guarding each palace becomes unnecessary.

Saints need to defend only two points, one is the periphery of the sanctuary.

One is the Hill of Stars where Athena Sasha is located. For the underworld fighter. They also have only two things to do.

One is to kill Athena Sasha and remove her head. And another thing is to kill all the saints in the sanctuary.

The gate of the sanctuary, on the opposite mountain. As the twin gods of sleep, Shupunos and Shinigami Tanathus, both stand here.

From here, it was basically on the same horizontal line as the gate of the sanctuary, but separated by a considerable distance. Seeing the situation in the sanctuary, the sleeping god Xiu Punos raised a finger, and the purple small universe burned from his body, and a ray of light rose into the sky!

With this ray of light rising into the sky, looking at the sanctuary in front of him, the sleeping god Shupunos said, “Attack, give me the level of this sanctuary.”

In his words, there was a cold killing intent.

For a long time, the gods of sleep, Shupunos and Shinigami Tanadus, have regarded themselves as the players behind the scenes. He didn’t want to end up personally and fight with the Saints.

However, this time, Aaron sent them out directly and let them attack the sanctuary.

This is basically calling them as servants, although in fact, the two of them are also gods who are surrendered to Pluton and belong to Pluton’s servants.

But in the eyes of the two of them, Pluton would not be so contemptuous to them. A human being in Aaron was so bad that they would naturally make them both quite unhappy.

It’s just unhappy and there is no way. The two of them thought about rebellion.

Shut Aaron into the dream world, and use the dream world to force the soul of Hades in Aaron to awaken.

However… what made the two of them tickled with hatred was that when the two of them were about to approach Aaron, Azha Pogu directly stood in front of Aaron. When Supnos looked at Pandora and wanted to borrow Pandora’s hand, Pandora didn’t even look at him, but chose to ignore it.

“Huh! No matter what. The destruction of the sanctuary is what we originally wanted to do. As for Aaron, when Lord Hades’s soul is truly awakened, Aaron’s body will be completely occupied by him. At that time, everything will be corrected. This is the real order.” Shinigami Tanathus said coldly.

And as his words fell, the underworld warrior’s attack on the sanctuary had already begun. From behind the Gemini Gods, four Dream Gods and twenty or so direct underworld fighters rushed towards the main entrance of the sanctuary. In the other two directions, under the leadership of Minos of the Celestial Star Griffin and Ayagos of the Celestial Star Garuda, they launched an attack towards the sanctuary.

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