Chapter 1393 Artifact


Looking at the night goddess Nix in Mukuro’s hands, Tianma opened his mouth wide, and didn’t know what to say for a while. Yeren also looked dumbfounded. And let Ye blurted out subconsciously.

“Night Goddess Nix!”

Her words fell, Bai Li’s expression was shocked, and he subconsciously showed a posture of defending the enemy, as if he was ready to fight anytime, anywhere.

And sitting on the ground, Ashmita, who had always closed his eyes, seemed to be shocked and almost opened his eyes.

He is blind, he has been from birth.

So in fact he can’t see, all he can see is the other side’s small universe.

And precisely because of this, in his eyes, the goddess of the night that he can see is even more vivid.

She was like a ball of pitch black Yoruichi. The small universe is calm and deep.

As if to contain the darkness that swallows everything. Gives a calm but eternal feeling. It’s just that under this calmness, the majesty is astonishing, even above the goddess Athena.

Seeing everyone’s horrified expressions, at this time, Mukuro sighed and said, “Don’t be afraid, I’m back. As for her, she just fell asleep.”

16 Mukuro’s words fell, and the Yaren looked suspicious, “Asleep?”

He seemed puzzled and didn’t understand what Mukuro meant.

“It means literally, she has fallen asleep. In short, she is a little different from what she imagined. Her power is real. But the character is not our imagination, the lofty, noble and ancient goddess, but a It’s just squatting in the sloth’s house. Well, in general, she is harmless now.”

Mukuro hugged the night goddess in his arms and said.

Mukuro’s words fell, and the Yeren nodded subconsciously, but then he asked again with a dumbfounded look, “I understand the truth, but why, she fights with you, fights with you, she will fall asleep , And you are holding her?”

When the words of the Yeren fell, Tianma nodded involuntarily.

Seeing their two puzzled eyes, Mukuro sighed.

Then he said helplessly, “Only the two of you have the most problems. I did fight her just now. As for the result, I won. Then she was ready to leave, but it seemed that she was in the process of going back. She thought it was too troublesome, so she just went to sleep in Seventh Hell. I don’t think she can watch her fall into the pool of blood and bring her back. In short, she is a troublesome guy.”

As Mukuro said so, he shook the night goddess Nix in his arms again.

However, the latter did not mean to wake up at all, but fell asleep, even at this time, under the circumstances that everyone could see clearly, the halazi flowed from her mouth!

The halazi hung down, dripped onto Mukuro’s windbreaker, and suddenly became wet.

At this moment, looking at the night goddess Nix in his arms, a black line appeared directly on Mukuro’s forehead.

“I really want to throw you away.” Mukuro said silently.

But in the end, Mukuro just held the goddess of the night in his hands, and didn’t really throw her away.

Although the goddess of the night in her arms is a bit tired, but for such a guy, Mukuro unexpectedly has a good feeling.

At least such a tired goddess is much better than those who struggle all day long, want to improve their divine power, and then play conspiracies, causing deaths, deaths and injuries to countless gods.

It’s just obvious that her appearance is too different from the image of the goddess of the cold night in the legend.

With a sigh, Mukuro finally held the Goddess of Darkness in one hand, while the other was spread out. From the palm of his hand, a ray of light lit up, and a reduced version of Luanzishu suddenly appeared in Mukuro’s hand.

Looking at the Luan Zishu in Mukuro’s hands.

The people who were originally focused on the goddess of the night were all attracted by the wooden luanzi tree in Mukuro’s hands.

“This is?!” Yeren couldn’t help but asked, he seemed a little disbelief.

Such a huge tree with a height of over a hundred meters would actually shrink to what it is now. But for the question of the Yeren, Mukuro still said, “It’s the Luanzi tree. It’s just the Luanzi tree that echoes your soul. That’s why it will mature.”


At this time, Ashmita who was sitting on the ground asked subconsciously.

“Yes. Mature.” Mukuro said.

“Echoing with it with the soul can make the wood lure tree bear fruit. And this kind of response, if it reaches the limit, will make this wood lure tree mature, and now it can be regarded as a divine tool, you can An artifact that seals the soul of the gods. Use human thoughts to seal the soul of the gods.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and the wooden luanzi tree in his hand floated up, and finally floated towards Ashmita.

Ashmita stretched out his hand subconsciously, and this reduced version of the wooden luanzi fell on Ashmita’s hand in this way. Looking at the wooden luanzi close at hand, Ashmeda seemed stunned, and then he said, “Mr. Mukuro, how to use this wooden luanzi. My little universe can’t…”

Before Ashmita’s words were finished, Mukuro interrupted him, “You don’t need to sacrifice yourself, and use your little universe to consecrate this Luanzi tree.”

In the 480 episode of the original drama, Ashmita sacrificed herself and used all of her small universe to refine the fruit of Luanzi into a rosary.

But now, it is a whole Luanzi tree, even in the small universe of Ashmita, it can’t be refined. In fact, as Mukuro said, there is no need for Ashmita to sacrifice himself.

“This wooden luanzi tree itself is a completed artifact. She has matured, and now all you need to do is send her to the hands of Sasha in the sanctuary. From then on, as long as there is a god killed by you, this The soul of the god will be sealed in the wood luanzi tree. And this seal is absolute. It is a cage woven from the thoughts of countless dead people. There is absolutely no escape, unless the power of this god can reach beyond countless Human thoughts are above their full strength. But this is impossible.”

“I can guarantee that even if the soul of the god king Zeus is sealed by this wooden luanzi one day, he will never have a chance to escape. Just like those hells sealed under the underworld in the infinite hell, So far, there is no Titan ancient god who can escape.”

As Mukuro’s words fell, Ashmeda’s body was shaken, and he nodded silently.

But at this time, the Yeren hesitated and asked, “What about the soul of the Underworld Warrior?!”

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