Chapter 1388 Echo of the soul

“If you see it, you just use your souls to echo the Luanzishu. The Luluanzishu is a miracle born of countless undead and their thoughts in the underworld. Therefore, only with your souls to respond to it can you make it end. Fruits come out. Of course, the way of echoing is not limited to what you did to the people just now. You can yell at it and vent your anger. Or you can confide in it or show it your will.”

“All of these methods are okay. In short, you have to use your soul to echo it. Only in this way can a miracle be concluded on this luanzi tree.” Mukuro said.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Tianma and Jean Ye both showed thoughtful expressions.

In fact, if you want Muluanzi to bear fruit, Tianma can do it alone.

But Mukuro, just didn’t deliberately explain it.

The soul of Tianma is special.

It represents the roar and vengeance of mankind towards the gods since the age of mythology.

Only a noble soul like him can awaken the deepest miracle in Mu Luanzi.

As in the original plot, Ashmita borrowed the Tianwu treasure wheel to deprive the five senses of Tianma, causing his 16 spirits to burst out the most determined roar, and thus concluding a large number of fruits in the Luluanzi.

However, one hundred and eight of them were selected and made into rosary beads.

But what Mukuro wanted this time was more than just a simple fruit like Luanzishu.

Those fruits, the rosary beads made, can be used to seal the soul of the underworld warrior, but they cannot be used to seal the soul of the underworld god. What Mukuro needs is the wood luanzi fruit that can seal the underworld god’s soul.

This requires that Tianma burns his soul and tells Mu Luan Zishu the obsession that has been in his soul since the age of myths, and only then can Mu Luan Zi be born with the ultimate miracle.

But for these, Mukuro also didn’t say anything directly, he just let Tianma do it.

If you tell Tianma, there will be huge pressure in Tianma’s heart, so if you don’t tell him bad things at all, it might have better results.

After Mukuro’s words fell, Ye and Tianma felt thoughtful, and then the two finally chose to sit under the wooden luanzi tree and meditate like the Yeren.

Seeing them meditating, the corners of Mukuro’s mouth curled up slightly, and then he stretched out, a little light appeared on his fingertips.

Along with the appearance of this light, the three people under the Luanzi Tree were all illuminated.

In an instant, at this moment, the three people, Tianma, with their eyes closed, only felt that they were sitting on the place, falling continuously, as if they were about to fall into the endless darkness.

The three of them couldn’t help shouting loudly, struggling constantly.

But it was of no use, an invisible force pulled them down.

Until abruptly, the light came on, and their fall ended.

But instead, they saw a lot of light shining in front of them. Then Mukuro’s voice rang from their ears, “Look, this is a human being in the age of mythology.”

As Mukuro’s words fell, Tianma and the three of them could see clearly. In the sky, huge fireballs were burning, the ground broke, the ocean roared, thunder, squally, and heavy rain. , Keep coming.

Humans, on the other hand, live in tribes and city-states.

Under these natural disasters, lingering on. It is a pity that there is no use. The earth is full of terrifying monsters. They wantonly destroy the earth, kill humans, and treat humans as food.

The gods, fighting each other, the aftermath of their battles, destroyed countless cities. Humans are trampled on like ants.

Family affection, love, and friendship all seem to be meaningless at this time.

Among human beings, on the earth, all the good things are swallowed by tyrannical gods and unfortunate disasters.

At this time, a ray of light fell from the sky, and the goddess Athena fell on the earth.

As she fell, there were some obediences that belonged to her. Similarly, Athena selected warriors from among human beings, gave them armors and weapons, taught them the power to fight, and led them to fight against the gods.

Countless pictures appeared before the eyes of the three people.

Among human beings, the scenes of countless heroes, gods and monsters fighting make their hearts surging, and tears filled their eyes at the same time.

In the eyes of the three people, tears were constantly pouring out, and from their hearts, an indescribable feeling rose up. This feeling rose, nurturing the Luluanzi tree, causing the Luluanzi tree to slowly emit a faint light.

This faint light enveloped the Luanzi tree, as if something was gestating.

These scenes, of course, were shown to them by Mukuro. As for the content, it was actually just made up by Mukuro at will.

But obviously, at least the three of Tianma were really moved.

While they were moved, Mu Luan Zishu naturally began to echo them because of the fluctuations in their souls. This gave birth to what Mukuro wanted.

Under the wood lure tree, Mukuro looked at the wood lure tree that exuded a faint light, and the light of the wood lure tree converged. Finally, on this one hundred meters of wood luan tree, 350 awns of bright light bloomed, accompanied by the light on the tree. , The fruit of a tree appeared.

Then it was unbelievable that this huge Luanzi tree turned into a light ball and rose from the ground, and then the light ball continued to shrink and turned into a small tree.

Looking at this little tree, Mukuro stretched out his hand, and this little Luanzi tree fell on Mukuro’s hand like this. Watching Luanzishu fall on his hand, a smile appeared on Mukuro’s face. Naturally, only Mu Luan Zishu itself can seal the Underworld God.

Only the fruit of the wood luanzi tree can only be used to seal the soul of the Underworld Warrior.

This wooden luanzi tree is a miracle born of longing in the human soul.

And after this tree disappears, the deceased’s longing will re-grow a Luanzi tree somewhere in this underworld. However, the wooden luanzi tree in Mukuro’s hands was born from the thoughts of countless souls of mankind since the age of mythology. If you want to give birth to something like this Luanzi tree, you need to wait for endless years again.

Looking at the wooden luanzi tree in his hand, Mukuro flipped his hand and the wooden luanzi tree disappeared. Then towards the three of Tianma, Mukuro said, “Okay! Wake up!”

With that said, Mukuro reached out and snapped his fingers.

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