Chapter 1387 Luanzishu

In the original plot, when Tianma and Yeren came to the underworld, Aaron also stole out and met them.

However, now, because of the existence of Mukuro, too many things have been changed.

Aaron was not as pessimistic as before, but was full of confidence in defeating Pluton Hades, so he naturally did not come to see Tianma.

At that time, Aaron came to see Pegasus. I am afraid it is also holding, seeing the sadness of the last side of Tianma’s best friend.

Under the guidance of Mukuro, the three men marched all the way to the border between the seventh hell and the sixth hell.

After not knowing how long they walked, everyone finally came to the boundary between the seventh hell and the sixth hell. Below the waterfall of blood, a large amount of blood gushed out from the sixth hell and rushed into the seventh hell along the waterfall. Such a scene looks terrifying.

And above this big waterfall of blood. There is a huge and lush tree growing.

This tree can be regarded as the only vitality that a group of people have seen since they walked here in this hell.

The vitality that doesn’t match the atmosphere of this hell at all. Looking at the big tree that was born above the waterfall of blood, the three raised their heads, among them the Yeren couldn’t help saying:

“That, is Mu Luanzi?!”

His words fell, and at this moment, let Ye say the same, “mostly it is.”

“Yes, this is Mu Luanzi. It is the opposite of the miracle of life in this underworld, or the miracle born of the thoughts and hopes of human beings that fall into hell.” Mukuro said.

“But, how should we go up? And, where is the fruit of this Muluanzi?” Yang Tian looked up and looked at the big Muluanzi tree above the blood waterfall, Tianma couldn’t help but speak.

The entire blood waterfall is extremely huge, and the blood waterfall alone is hundreds of meters wide.

And the drop of the mountain wall impacted by the blood pouring down was hundreds of feet above. As for the big tree itself, it is also a huge tree hundreds of meters tall.

It is rooted on the rock wall above the waterfall of blood.

“How to go up? Naturally, I climbed up.” Mukuro said with a slight smile.

With that said, he pointed to the mountain wall.

Mukuro’s words fell, and the Yeren’s expression suddenly showed a bitter look.

However, Tianma showed considerable determination in his eyes, and he seemed to want to climb the waterfall of blood immediately. But at this moment, he asked Ye to speak, “Wait a moment!”

Tianma was stunned when he heard what Ran Ye said.

But at this time, let Ye look at Mukuro and say, “Can I go up using the dance technique?”

Her words fell, Mukuro shook his head.

“Here is the boundary between the seventh hell and the sixth hell. The rules in the underworld are only from top to bottom, just like the big hollow in the Huangquan Piraban. Once you go down, you can’t come up again. It’s the same here. I think. To climb up from the seventh hell, you need to endure tremendous pressure. This kind of pressure, I might be able to withstand it. As for you, that’s impossible.”

Mukuro’s words fell, causing Ye to nod slightly, and then she went over to climb the wall without saying a word.

Seeing Rang Ye’s movements, Yeren looked bitter and helpless, but in the end, he was only with Tianma and honestly climbed up the wall of the blood waterfall.

The walls of the seventh hell are steep and towering, but if it’s just a mountain wall, with the power of a saint, it will naturally be able to climb up quickly, just from the top of the mountain wall, just like Mukuro said, there is constantly amazing The pressure passed.

This kind of pressure accumulated on his body and shoulders, pulling them and falling continuously.

Under such pressure, it becomes very difficult to climb up.

Unlike them, this is a very casual foot walk on the mountain wall.

Yes, walking on the mountain wall. Although he has not been a ninja for many years, Mukuro naturally does such simple things at will.

Unlike the original, there is no Ashmita coming out of the waterfall of blood here.

Mukuro didn’t feel the breath of Ashmita either.

Ahmeda is regarded as the strongest among the current generation of golden saints. His small universe has probably reached the peak of the eighth sense.

The distance to the ninth sense is only one line apart.

In the original, his death can be said to be a pity. But this time, he naturally doesn’t need him to use a small universe to make rosary or something.

Maybe it was for this reason… So Ashmita did not come.

Because of the addition of Mukuro, Saiqi and Baili’s plans have already gone wrong. Then there is no point in Ashmita coming again.

For Sanctuary, what they can do now is naturally to let Mukuro act.

Yeren, Tianma, and Ye San recognized the difficulty in climbing. They climbed for a long time until they were tired like a dead dog before they climbed to the top of the waterfall of blood.

When they came to the feet of Muluanzishu, all three of them panted violently.

At this time, Tianma raised his head up to the sky, stood at the foot of Luanzishu, looked up at the tree, and couldn’t help saying:

“Fruit, where is the fruit?”

When his words fell, Ye made Ye speak, “I heard the elders say that if you want Luluanzishu to bear fruit, you need the soul of the living person to respond to him.”

“Echoing it with the soul? What does this mean?” Tianma was a little dazed.

“Meaning, let you move it.” Looking at Tianma’s dazed expression, Mukuro said.

Mukuro’s words fell, watching them still look puzzled.

Mukuro groaned slightly, and then looked at the Yeren, “Yeah, let’s demonstrate. Go and sit under the tree, and then in your head, think about your childhood, your relatives in your family, and your sister and My former friends, in short, are happy and happy things.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, yeah 0.0 people had to sit under the tree, then closed their eyes and began to remember.

I don’t know that after a long time, Yeren’s face gradually showed a silly smile, and with his appearance, it was incredible that Luluanzi’s tree actually lit up, and then on the big tree, Fruits appeared one after another.

Looking at the fruits, Ye and Tianma’s expressions were all exhilarating.

But at this time, Mukuro said, “This kind of fruit is not what we want.”

With that said, Mukuro raised his hand, flicked his finger, and a strong wind roared out, hitting Yaren’s eyebrows.

The yeah was in pain and woke up on the spot. He covered his head with a grievance on his face:

“What are you doing hitting me.”

“Nothing, just to tell you, the demonstration is over.” Mukuro said with a smile.

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