Chapter 1389 Night Goddess Knicks

“Pop!” With a soft sound, the three people who were immersed in the illusion immediately woke up like this.

After they were sober, they looked at Mukuro blankly, seemingly unclear.

After a while, Tianma wiped the tears from his face, and then asked Mukuro, “Brother Mukuro, what we saw just now, is it true?”

His words fell, making Ye and Yeren look at Mukuro the same, as if waiting for Mukuro’s answer.

Watching them like this, Mukuro smiled slightly, and finally said, “It’s true.”

The story is true, it’s just those pictures, made up by him. Of course, Mukuro would not say the last half sentence.

When Mukuro’s words fell, Tianma couldn’t help but said, “It’s amazing, Sasha.”

His words fell, and the Yeren couldn’t help but interjected, “It’s Master Athena!”

But with that said, the Yeren then seemed to have discovered something, and said with a little surprise, “Ahhhhhhh, where’s the Luanzi tree?! What about such a big Luluanzi tree? Obviously it was here just now…”

Seeing his appearance, Mukuro laughed blankly, and then said, “I took it away. Your mission is over, we can leave the underworld.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and the Yeren nodded in a daze and knowingly.

After nodding, the Yeren said again, “Then how should we go back now. Are we going to run back to the original place where we went to the underworld? Or?”

His words fell, Mukuro smiled slightly and was about to speak.

But at this moment, Mukuro’s face condensed slightly.

Seeing Mukuro’s face change, Ye’s heart moved, she subconsciously said, “Mr. Mukuro, what’s wrong?!”

At this time, Tianma also asked, “Brother Mukuro, did something happen?”

In Tianma’s eyes, Mukuro has always been calm and free.

He basically never saw Mukuro’s solemn look. It can make Mukuro’s face solemn, which shows how terrible things have happened.

Facing the words of Tianma and Jean Ye, Mukuro nodded slightly, and finally said calmly, “Someone is here. It seems that I took the Luanzishu, and it really disturbed some sleeping people in this underworld.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and the situation around the blood waterfall where everyone was standing suddenly disappeared like an illusion. Instead, it was an endless cosmic illusion.

In this cosmic illusion, a ray of dark light appeared, and then turned into a figure.

This figure has two wings.

Her wings are white, incomparably pure white, as if there is no trace of impurities.

Like the wings behind her, her skin is also white.

The white skin even exudes a faint white luster.

But on her body, she was wearing a black robe that looked like a pajama.

She closed her eyes, her long black curly hair was scattered, and she walked step by step with her bare feet.

From her body, there was no too strong aura.

It’s just that when she walked, it felt like she was walking towards herself in infinite darkness.

At this moment, facing her, Yeren and Jean Ye, standing next to Mukuro, only felt that they were suffocating.

It seems that his soul will be swallowed by the darkness. Compared to the two of them, Tianma just felt that there was a feeling of extreme danger rising all over his body, and he felt like he had become a cat with explosive hair.

Even the inexplicable power in his body was constantly agitated.

It was as if he had a premonition of a terrible danger. “This person, no, not necessarily a person, who is she?!”

Tianma couldn’t help but blurted out.

Compared to them, Mukuro’s expression is solemn, but nothing more.

Then the solemn expression on Mukuro’s face disappeared, and he just said, “Underworld, one of the oldest gods of the underworld. Nix, the goddess of the night.”

Mukuro’s words fell, leaving the three Ye with a dumbfounded look, as if they had never heard of the name.

It is also very simple. The goddess of the night is an ancient god that surpasses these ancient gods like Cronus, and an ancient god that is even more distant.

Her reputation, which most people have never heard of, is not strange at all.

What’s more, since Taikoo, this one didn’t pay much attention to things, just kept sleeping in his own home.

It belongs to the type that has power, but it doesn’t matter, I don’t care, and you don’t want to mess with me. Because of her antiquity and the power of her Master, no matter it is the gods of Titans, the gods of Olympus, the ancient Roman gods, or the gods of other gods, they will not provoke them. She, she will not bother.

It’s just that this god will actually come at this moment. For Mukuro, he was still a little surprised.

Looking at the goddess of the night, Mukuro said, “I don’t know, why the goddess of the night came here?”

Mukuro’s words fell, and the goddess of the night did not speak for a long time. She just looked at Mukuro, even tilted her head, like a squat at home, and then remained silent for a long time.

As if she was finishing the conversation, she said, “Who are you?”

Facing the question of the night goddess Nix, Mukuro calmly replied, “My name is Mukuro.”


Knicks repeated Mukuro’s words, and then she seemed to stretch out her hand lazily, “Give it back to me.”

She looked at Mukuro and said.

Seeing her stretched out hand, at this moment, the corners of Mukuro’s mouth curled up, and then he said, “Impossible.”

“Oh.” She nodded.

Immediately following her words fell, from her body, an extremely terrifying atmosphere of a small universe exuded.

The breath of this astonishing little universe rises, seeming to be above everything.

Just like the night, swallowing heaven and earth.

Not only that, as her small universe burned, a dark light appeared, and then on her body, an equally dark god’s clothing appeared.

In the dark clothes of God, in an instant, the aura exuding from her body seemed to be enough to destroy the world.

Even because the small universe emanating from her is too powerful, this seventh hell seems to be trembling.

At the same time, a dark scepter appeared in her hand.

She held this scepter, and the scary universe was burning. She pointed to Mukuro, “Give it back to me.”

Her words fell, Mukuro just said, “I said, it’s impossible.”

With that said, from Mukuro’s body, an extremely terrifying breath also erupted. With this aura rising, Mukuro instantly entered the state of Super Saiyan One.

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