Chapter 1386 Origin of Jihad

“The underworld is no longer as insignificant as the world on earth! Why can’t he be able to keep his own self. There are other gods too. They are already gods, and they have immortal gods and a superior position, but they still have to It’s too much to invade the world and bring disasters to the world.”

Tianma’s words fell, and he subconsciously looked at Mukuro, while Yaren and Jean Ye, while walking, also subconsciously looked at Mukuro, seemingly waiting for Mukuro’s answer.

“Have you heard of a sentence? Human heart is not enough to swallow an elephant. For humans, people want more wealth and higher status, and God is the same. God also wants higher theocracy and stronger power. , I am dissatisfied with my current level, and want to be above the gods.”

Mukuro said, “In the age of mythology, the gods of Olympus overthrew the rule of the ancient gods and seized the world. You should have heard of this story, right?”

Faced with Mukuro’s question, all three of them nodded subconsciously.

They have heard this story.

Cronus, the god king of the Titans, was afraid that his children would create his own rebellion and seize his god position just like himself.

So he ate all the children he had given birth into his stomach.

As a result, Zeus, who had escaped a catastrophe due to his mother’s mercy, retaliated, and the rebellion pushed the king of God Cronus from his position.

Thus, the gods of Olympus replaced the ancient gods of Titan and stepped onto the stage to rule the world. The goddess Athena is one of the twelve gods of the Olympus gods.

Seeing the three people nodded, Mukuro continued, “After the Olympus gods defeated the Titan gods, it was natural to divide the world, that is, to divide the divine power. At this time, thanks to Prometheus’s suggestion, the gods King Zeus, Pluton Hades, and Sea Emperor Poseidon used lotteries to control the sky, the underworld, and the ocean. This division was originally fair. However, I don’t know that Prometheus deliberately , Or he has forgotten one thing, that is, there is a land outside the sky, the underworld, and the ocean.”

“The mastership of the earth is comparable to the other three theocracies. But at the time, no one thought of it. It was not until later that the three god-tier realized this, so naturally they all wanted the idea of ​​hitting the earth, and Other gods, like the gods of war, the gods of strife, and many other gods, all want the earth.

However, at this time, the god-king Zeus spoke. Although he was embarrassed to rob him because of his emotions, he gave his eldest son the power to hold the emperor in the name of the god-king, and he was fighting against the gods of the Titans. In the midst of this, Aville has made great contributions! ”

“Lord Athena’s brother?!”

Listening to Mukuro’s words, Yaren listened with full attention.

At this time, Ye also showed a curious look.

Only Tianma showed a thoughtful look.

Seeing them, Mukuro smiled slightly, and just continued, “God-tier Aville is a very kind, brave and upright god, and he is very friendly to humans, which is a rare conscience among the gods. Originally, He should receive the oracle of Zeus and become the master of the earth, but at this time, Aville thought of his sister Athena.”

Mukuro’s words fell. At this time, the Yeren couldn’t help but said, “It is the god-tier Avel who will give the theocratic power of the earth to Master Athena?!”

His words fell, and seeing him startled, Mukuro nodded helplessly and somewhat wanting to laugh.


“Mukuro’s words fell, not only the Yeren, but for a while, even Ye was surprised.

Obviously, she was also quite interested in the secrets of such gods.

“I believe you should have heard of it. Because in the prophecy, Athena will rebel against the god Zeus in the future. So the god Zeus is very afraid of Athena. Although Athena has the name of war and the goddess of wisdom, in fact, , Did not really belong to her own theocracy. At this time, god-tier Aville sympathized with his sister, and he saw that Athena liked humans very much, so he gave the theocracy of the earth to his sister Athens Na! In this way, the goddess Athena became the patron saint of the earth!”

“It’s just that this theocracy originally belonged to God-tier Avel. If God-tier Avel is in charge of the earth, other gods naturally dare not provoke him. But if Athena has obtained this theocracy, these gods will naturally Not convinced. And although the king Zeus had no way to stop Aville from giving the theocratic power of the earth to Athena, he also deliberately acquiesced in the crusade against Athena by other gods. This is the origin of the holy war.”

Mukuro’s words fell. At this moment, Ye Qi said angrily, “These gods of Damn it! The earth was obviously given to Master Athena by God-tier Avel. Why should they grab it! It is Damn it! I must Down with them!”

When his words fell, Mukuro laughed, but said, “We are in the Hades now, maybe we will meet Pluton Hades, or other Hades. Then, yeah, it’s up to you. ”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Yeren’s neck suddenly shrank, and he said embarrassedly, “I’m kidding, but these gods are really too much.”

His words fell. At this time, Tianma’s expression seemed to be pensive. He said, “And Sasha, no, the reason why Athena has been in charge of the divine power of the earth and fighting those gods is because she understands that those gods are too It’s cruel. Obviously, she also knows that once she sits on the throne of the patron saint of the earth, it will attract crusades from the gods, and even the suspicion of the god King Zeus.”

“But she knows that if she does not guard the earth, let other gods seize the earth, and the humans on the earth will face a miserable and tyrannical rule. This is how Athena has been fighting with the gods, even once. You die time after time, come back again and again, and still guard the reason of this earth.”

With that said, Tianma clenched his fist, “Sasha, I will definitely protect you, as well as the earth and human beings you love!”

With that said, from Tianma’s body, there seemed to be an extremely terrifying will.

Feeling this will, Ye He Yeren’s heart trembled.

And Mukuro couldn’t help but glanced at Tianma. The power of Pegasus that is sleeping in his soul is constantly awakening. And Mukuro can feel that the moment when this power is completely awakened is not far away.

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