Chapter 1385 Blood hell

In the face of such terrifying power, Yeren’s body looked like a little mouse or a little cockroach to it.

Just like a meaningless toy, it can only be juggled wanton.

What’s even more frightening is that the Yeren’s head exploded in the previous blow, unexpectedly grew back again.

“It’s useless. To deal with the three-headed dog of hell, you must chop off all of its three heads at once, otherwise, as long as one of the heads remains, the other two dead heads will quickly grow back.”

Watching the embarrassing battle of the Yaren, Mukuro spoke.

As Mukuro’s words fell, Ye’s expression was solemn, and Tianma subconsciously said, “What?!”

Seeing Tianma’s dumbfounded look, Mukuro sighed helplessly, “Well, this guy, let me deal with it. In the Hades, there are a lot of hell three-headed dogs, specially used Guard the entrances of the various underworlds. Killing a dog is not a partial favor.”

As Mukuro said so, the corners of his mouth curled up, and then Mukuro’s figure disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already in the sky.

Standing high in the sky, Mukuro looked down at the lower three-headed dog, then raised a finger and pointed at the three-headed hell dog.

The next moment, from Mukuro’s finger, a horrible light of 750 bursts out.

This light pierced through, directly piercing the earth.

What was even more frightening was that afterwards, Mukuro’s fingers flicked randomly, and a light swept across along the trajectory of Mukuro’s fingers, cutting open the three heads and body that were lower than the three-headed dog on the spot!

What’s more terrifying is that when the light cut through the three-headed dog of hell, it cut the earth together. The earth trembled and collapsed, and then a huge sinkhole appeared on the earth.

The corpse of the three-headed dog was simply and neatly buried by the sinkhole.

One move solved the beast, Mukuro’s body slowly fell from the sky and landed on the ground without making any sound. Now Mukuro, as calm as Weis.

Seeing Mukuro’s move, Ye, Tianma, and the Yeren who just got up from the ground were all dumbfounded.

Especially Jean Ye and Yeren, both of them took a sigh of relief on the spot.

For Tianma, he actually knows the power of Mukuro. And let Ye and Yeren, although they all know, Mukuro must be very good. But it was the first time I saw Mukuro’s real shot. But this first time, it shocked them.

With a finger across the air, a wave directly killed the three-headed dog in hell and buried it by the way. This is too scary!

And inexplicably, looking at that ray of light gave Ye a kind of intuition, if she was shot by this ray of light, I was afraid that her body would also be cut on the spot.

There is absolutely no reason to be spared!

After killing the three-headed hell dog and falling to the ground, Mukuro said, “Okay, let’s continue on the road.” After Mukuro’s words fell, the three finally turned their heads, and at this time, Mukuro couldn’t help it. To cheer up, the Yeren ran over with a decisive expression of fawning.

“That, Mr. Mukuro, no, Master Mukuro, I heard that Tianma used to live with you. You taught Tianma’s skills, right? So, haha, you see, I am also a Saint Seiya, and Tianma is still Good friend, can you…”

Looking at Yeren’s appearance, Tianma looked speechless, and Ye couldn’t help but turn his face away, as if he couldn’t bear to look directly.

And Mukuro smiled slightly and shook his head, and then said, “Forget what I taught you before?! Sky dance?! Waiting for you to thoroughly practice the dance, I will teach you other things. .”

“Huh?!” Mukuro’s words fell, and Yaren suddenly looked bitter.

At this time, when he heard Mukuro’s words, Tianma’s ears were immediately pricked up, and he was quite unwilling to say, “It’s too cunning! I have lived with Mukuro for so long, and I haven’t learned anything from Mukuro! People, you fellow!”

Seeing Tianma’s unwillingness, Mukuro said helplessly, “You are a special case, and unlike a yeah, you don’t need to practice other things. As long as you can tap out the sleeping power in your body, you will have no doubt about it. The most powerful saint.”

“But, what do I have to do to make my sleeping power awaken earlier? If possible, I also want to fully use this power now. To defeat all the Pluton army and remove Aaron from that The evil Pluton is rescued from his hands.” Tianma said in distress.

Hearing him say this, Mukuro said, “Fighting. Since the age of mythology, Pegasus has been named the strongest because of fighting countless powerful enemies. If you want to fully use your sleeping power, You need to fight constantly and tap your potential in the battle. In this way, I believe that slowly, your sleeping power will wake up.”

Faced with Mukuro’s words, Tianma nodded thoughtfully.

After getting rid of the three-headed dog of hell, the three of them moved on.

On this piece of land, soon everyone discovered it.

There are huge pools of blood everywhere.

In these blood pools, a large amount of blood is accumulated.

But in the blood, one after another terrifying corpse was soaked. And some corpses, even struggling constantly in the blood pool, didn’t seem to be completely dead.

Seeing such a terrifying scene, Tianma and Yeren, the two had already started to start to be surprised.

It was the calmness of let Ye always frowned slightly. Obviously, these scenes are really scary.

“Here, where is it?!” Yeren couldn’t help but said.

His words fell, and Ye took a look at the blood pool next to him, and said, “If I didn’t guess wrong, it should be the seventh hell, the blood hell. This place is specially used to punish those who are corrupt, cheating, or fraud or theft. The place of the people.” Her words fell, Tianma couldn’t help but said, “Although they deserved their sins. However, this is really miserable.”

His words fell. At this moment, Mukuro said, “The existence of hell is reasonable in itself. These sins committed before life are so cruel to others, but now, they just treat this kind of cruelty. Go back. It’s just that hell wants to invade the world. This is the worst thing. It’s just Pluton Hades’s own ambition.”

Mukuro said here. At this time, Tianma couldn’t help but ask, “Brother Mukuro, why on earth did Pluton Hades invade the earth. Invading the earth, what use is it for him?”

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