Chapter 1384 Hell Three-Headed Dog

Even the second-level gods like Shupunos and Shinigami Tanathus in front of him are just one punch.

From Mukuro’s perspective, if Tianma can awaken all the sleeping power in his soul, then his power is probably enough to surpass that of Super Sayan II.

I’m afraid that even if he fights with Demon Buu, he may not lose too badly.

In terms of the strength of the Heavenly Wounded Star Fedor, there is absolutely no problem with bullying Yeren and Rangye.

It’s just that for the words of Tianma. If Tianma didn’t awaken his sleeping power, just his own power now, Heavenly Wounded Star Fedor would be enough to sling.

But Tianma awakened, in other words, opened up.

There is absolutely no way. As a mere warrior, he can only say that he has done his best.

“This…this is impossible…!”

Struggling, the sky-wound star Fedor stretched out his trembling hand, his expression was full of unwillingness, but he could not say a complete sentence, and his body fell to the ground…dead. .

Just like the previous star of Sin, Felikias, he was killed by Tianma with a punch.

Fedor, who watched Tianma smash the Wounded Star with a punch, collapsed to the ground, struggling to stand up, and Ye was stunned on the spot.

On the other side, Ye’s expression was normal, but he still bulged:


In his expression, he was a little unwilling, but it was obviously not surprising.

After solving the Fedor of the Heavenly Wound Star Mandala, because of the movement of the battle, a large number of underworld soldiers came to check the situation soon, but these underworld soldiers were naturally killed by the three people of Tianma.

After knocking down all the underworld soldiers, Tianma said, “Brother Mukuro, how do we go back now?”

When his words fell, Mukuro shook his head, “It’s not the time to go back. We still have more important things to do. Deep in this underworld, a special kind of plant Luluanzi grows, and her fruit is Something that can be used to seal the soul of the underworld. We must get it, otherwise, let alone facing the gods, even if you face the underworld fighters who can be resurrected infinitely, it will be enough for you to fight.”

Mukuro said so, making Ye nodded in the same way.

Before, Bai Li also told her about this plan. In fact, for her, bringing Tianma’s body and Yeren back to Gamill from the beginning was even part of her mission.

“Let’s go, don’t waste your time. This is the front fort of the Pluton Army in the underworld. Here, there is a passage from Huangquan Pirazaka to the underworld. It is a special passage for ordinary ghost fighters. Go here.”

As Mukuro said this, he stretched out his hand and pointed in a certain direction of the castle.

Under Mukuro’s leadership, the Tianma trio naturally started to act immediately. The group soon found a way down.

This passage is like a huge well as a whole.

It’s just that this well is extremely deep and leads all the way down, as if there is no end in sight, giving people a creepy feeling.

In addition, in the well, there is a spiral staircase.

The four people walked down the stairs just like that.

This is somewhat similar to Sanctuary.

Entering into the sanctuary from the gate of the sanctuary, and then want to go up, you must climb up the steps of the holy mountain, level by level.

Here, it is down the stairs, one by one.

In the passage to the Hades, the four of them moved forward and chatted. Among them, Tianma and Yeren in particular, the two quarreled all the way, and basically never stopped.

I don’t know how long it took, and the four of them finally came to the end.

The steps ahead finally turned straight. In the straight ahead, there is an upward passage.

Four people rushed out from this passage, but there was a barren ground above. There is nothing on the earth, the only thing that can be seen are the rolling hills and some graceful dead human skeletons.

But at this moment, an abrupt, extremely dangerous breath rose from the hearts of everyone. Without any hesitation, the Jesus shouted loudly, “Be careful!”

His words fell, and all three of them jumped out to the side, while the remaining Mukuro’s body disappeared out of thin air, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared to the side.

And when everyone avoided, a huge claw had already fallen from the sky, and a claw slapped the ground fiercely.

A terrifying force burst out, bombarding and smashing the earth on the spot!

Not only that, the horrible breath rolled back, with a terrifying killing intent like a wild beast.


The roar like thunder exploded from the place.

A huge beast, like a fierce dog, stood on the ground.

Its body is hundreds of meters tall, and its physique is burly, with three heads growing, and its whole body exudes an extremely manic and ferocious aura.

“Be careful, this is the guard dog of the hell, the three-headed dog of hell, Cherubelos!”

Looking at this huge and terrifying beast, Ye shouted loudly.

Her words fell, and the fierce beast had already culled once again.

Its terrifying claws slammed down at the crowd fiercely.

Such a huge body was wrapped in unimaginable power, and it was slapped down with one blow, and the power it carried was terrifying and unimaginable. What’s even more terrifying is that this fierce beast exudes the atmosphere of a small universe.

A small universe exists in everything.

If we say that the whole world is a universe.

Then everything in the universe is a small universe. This fierce beast, obviously, like the Underworld Warrior, has the ability to use the small universe.

Its seemingly random slaps with paws are all containing the power of a small universe. Under such a terrifying attack, let the others who are present, who dares to let it slap a paw.

They are all subconsciously evasive.

“Damn it guys, don’t underestimate the saints!”

Looking at this fierce beast attacking wildly, after evading several attacks, the Yeren roared.

Soaring into the sky.

The small universe in his body was burning, and he made a trajectory from the sky, and kicked up towards the three-headed dog of hell, Cherubelos.

This kick kicked one of the heads of the beast, and kicked one of its heads to pieces on the spot. Suddenly, the flesh and blood spurted wildly, and the three-headed dogs of hell also burst out screams.

However, it is unbelievable that after a head was blown, the three-headed hell dog still attacked the Yeren without hesitation.

The huge soles of the feet came down and slapped Yeren fiercely, blasting him directly into the earth.

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