Chapter 1381 Big hole

Not to mention flying, even if you use a small universe to break open space, it is all possible.

Let Ye himself, after such exercises, has reached a considerable level. Coupled with Mukuro’s guidance, it is natural to practice dance skills in a short period of time.

Big hole. Entrance to Hiraizaka.

After the death of the undead, their souls will not fall into the underworld for the first time, but will linger in the Huangquan Biliangban.

During this period of time, if the physical body does not die, when the soul is saved, it is still possible to recover again.

And after jumping out of the big hole, he truly fell into the underworld, and most people would never come back. This Huangquan than Liangzaka is like the front courtyard of the underworld.

And the big hole is the gate of the underworld.

Standing on the edge of the big hole, looking at the huge and emptiness in front of the big black hole, Yeren’s expression was full of horror.

It’s too big…

The diameter of the big hole, I am afraid it is the same as the diameter of a small city.

And around this big hole, there are springboards that extend out everywhere. Countless undead walked on the springboard, and then walked forward until they fell into the big hole.

Around the world, more than 100,000 people die every day.

After these people die, their souls will travel here from all over the world, then jump down and fall into the underworld. Seeing a large number of undead continue to jump out of the big hole, Yeren’s soul seemed to be trembling.

“Don’t look at it. Life and death are the destiny that mankind must pass through.”

Standing behind Yeren, Mukuro said, “The fate given to mankind by the gods.”

The corners of Mukuro’s mouth curled up in a mocking arc

. Then he stretched out his hand and pointed in a certain direction, “Look there, it is the castle where the Pluton Army is stationed. The one who is in charge of stationing there is Pluto Fighter 108 Demon Stars, one of the upper 36 Demon Stars Mandala. Fedor of Luo, if you want to rescue Pegasus, you two are ready to fight hard.”

Mukuro’s words fell, Yeren turned his head, and subconsciously looked in the direction Mukuro pointed. At the end of the field of vision, there really stood a castle.

Looking at that castle, the Yeren subconsciously said, “Mukuro…Mr. Mukuro, are you not going to make a move?”

When his words fell, Mukuro smiled slightly and said, “I’m not a Saint Seiya. Therefore, the defeat of the Pluton Army must naturally be done by the two of you.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Yaren showed a rather bitter expression.

But in the end, he clenched his fist and said: “Don’t worry, as a Saint Seiya, I will never back down. No matter what kind of enemy it is, I will defeat it!”

Yeren’s application was quite firm. Looking at him, Ye’s eyes were filled with a strange look.

Looking at the Jeremy, Mukuro stretched out his hand and patted the Jeremy on the shoulder, then smiled and said, “It’s very good, that’s how it looks.”

With that said, then Mukuro seemed to want to recall something, and said thoughtfully, “Heavenly wounded star, one of the thirty-six high-ranking magic stars. Well, in terms of strength, it is almost among the thirty-six high-ranking magic stars. Counting down, in terms of combat power, it is probably equivalent to the newly promoted Golden Saint Seiya.”

With that said, Mukuro stretched out his hand and patted Yaren on the shoulder, “Yehren, I am very optimistic about you!”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Yaren’s expression was a little surprised.

“Quite…equivalent to the Golden Saint Seiya?!”

He took a breath.

“This… how can this be beaten!” Yeren’s face was ugly.

But at this moment, let Ye sigh, she said, “Don’t worry, don’t be afraid. This is the task of the elder, and I will defeat this enemy.”

Yeren’s face changed slightly when he heard Jean Ye say this, and then he snorted, “I’m not afraid! I’m just a little surprised. If it’s such a powerful enemy, then it’s just right. Let me, Lord Yeren, come and defeat him. , And let everyone know my strength!”

The words of the Yeren fell, Mukuro laughed, and then said, “Let’s go!”

Around the castle, Pluton Army soldiers were patrolling.

These miscellaneous soldiers are all wearing black armor similar to Mingyi.

They have pitch-black sickles in their hands.

In fact, it’s not just around the castle.

Around the big cave, there are many Pluton army soldiers patrolling.

These miscellaneous soldiers are among the dead of the Pluton Army. They have selected potential souls and let them join the Pluton Army and become the miscellaneous soldiers of the Pluton Army.

For these miscellaneous soldiers, Yeren and Rangye didn’t need to defeat them at all, so they sneaked into the castle easily.

The combat effectiveness of these miscellaneous soldiers is just to the extent that they have just awakened to the small universe.

It can’t be compared with a real Saint Seiya at all.

To some extent, it is equivalent to the miscellaneous soldiers of Sanctuary.

After sneaking into the castle, according to Mukuro’s instructions, the three of them soon found the Pegasus who was held in the castle dungeon!

Tianma’s appearance is a bit miserable, it seems that it has just been repaired, and it is being chained to the wall at this time.

There is no one else in the dungeon.

He was the only one who existed. He struggled and seemed to want to break free from the chains on the wall, but for a while, he couldn’t do it at all.

Seeing this, the Yeren rushed up, “Tianma!”

Hearing the voice of the Yeren, he was startled by the Tianma tied to the wall. He looked at the Yeren with an unbelievable expression, but then he seemed relieved again.

“Sure enough, you are dead too, yeah.”

“You’re a ghost!” Seeing Tianma, it really was such a thing, Ye Qiren didn’t hit a spot, and stretched out his hand to cover Tianma’s head.

“I’m not dead, I came to this ghost place to save you.”

The Yeren said so, and then let Ye and Mukuro walk out.

“Don’t talk nonsense, put him down quickly.” Let Ye speak.

Hearing Rang Ye’s words, Yeren nodded quickly, and then prepared to interrupt the iron rope tied to Tianma.

But at this time, from outside the dungeon, there were two Pluton Army soldiers who heard the sound and rushed in!

“You guys! How did you get in?!”

They yelled loudly, holding the sickles in their hands, and rushed towards Jean Ye and Mukuro.

But at this time, Ye Lian Xiaoyu didn’t use it, and the cloth wrapped around his neck was thrown out, and the two men were directly wrapped around. With his thigh, he smashed it out like a whip, directly hitting the two miscellaneous soldiers. On the back of their necks, the backs of the two of them were interrupted.

This move was simple and neat, allowing Ye to kill the two Pluton Army’s miscellaneous soldiers in an instant.

However, in the next moment, from the darkness, a dark figure appeared silently.

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