Chapter 1382 Fedor

This figure appeared silently from the darkness, standing behind Ren Ye, and then an evil and dark small universe burned. From this person’s dark armor chest, the mouth was like a human face, weird. The armor opened.

As if the mouth of a human face was opened, it burst out a hysterical soul roar!

“Suppress the scream!”

The terrifying soul screamed and impacted, seeming to want to tear Ye’s soul to pieces on the spot.

But at this critical moment, the Yeren who was about to unlock the chains of Tianma burst out of the small universe. He rushed over, pushed Ren Ye away, and directly blocked Ren Ye with his body. Bear the blow for life.

The terrifying scream pierced everything.

Like the wailing of a banshee in hell.

As the scream fell, the terrifying sound wave blasted the entire body of the Yeren out.

Hit the wall directly, and the wall collapsed. And when the Yeren fell, Ye was pushed away by the Yeren, and Ye rushed up. She looked at the Yeren who fell on the ground with a solemn expression!

“Are you okay!” Let Ye Chao said loudly at Yeren.

Hearing Ye’s words, the body of Yeren who fell on the ground trembled, as if twitching involuntarily, and blood gurgled out of his ears.

“No… it’s okay, a ghost! What a great trick! I really felt like I was about to die just now.” Yeren said tremblingly.

Yeren’s words fell, making Ye couldn’t help but frown slightly, and then she said, “I didn’t let you save me either.”

“Huh! In that situation, if I don’t save you, you will most likely be killed. Besides, it’s not my style to watch the girl in danger without going to the rescue. .” The Yeren said so.

As Yeren’s words fell, Ye’s brows were stretched out at this moment, but her eyes looked at Yeren with a little strangeness. And at this time, a voice with a little arrogance sounded in the cold, “It’s really surprising, I have accepted this move head-on, and I haven’t died yet.”

Hearing this voice, Yeren and Yan Ye’s eyes narrowed slightly, and they all followed the voice.

It was this figure who just attacked Jean Ye who was talking.

He stood there, his body covered by pitch-black armor.

He is tall and arrogant. And on his dark clothes, on the left chest, there was a terrifying grimace, and the roar just now seemed to erupt from this grimace.

From the body of this figure, a rather ominous breath exudes.

At this moment, Tianma, who was tied to the wall by a chain, shouted loudly, “Be careful! He is the Fedor of the Heavenly Wound Star Mandala!” Tianma’s words fell, making Ye and Yeren’s faces both faceless. A slight change.

“He is the Heavenly Wounded Star?!”

The Yeren asked subconsciously. Obviously, because of Mukuro’s words before, the Yeren looked at this figure with a little fear.

After all, Mukuro said that Fedor of the Heavenly Wounded Star Mandala is as strong as a Golden Saint.

While in the sanctuary, Yeren had seen the power of the Golden Saint Seiya and the small universe.

But no matter which one it is, the gap with himself in his eyes seems to be like a moat.

The twelve golden saints are like twelve moats and mountains that you can’t even think about.

He never thought that he could fight against such enemies and defeat them.

However, at this moment, looking at the figure in front of him, the Yeren quickly clenched his fist, and his eyes revealed an extremely firm light.

“Meeting for the first time, Athena’s Saints. I am Fedor of the Skyworn Star Mandala.”

Looking at Yeren and Jean Ye, Tianshang Star Fedor sneered. Then his smiling face slightly converged, but he saluted Mukuro, who was standing by casually, “Mr. Mukuro.”

His words fell, and Mukuro nodded slightly.

“Mr. Mukuro, haven’t you already accepted Master Pluton’s invitation to join the Pluton army? I don’t know why you are here with these saints?” Fedor of the Star Wound Star stared at Mukuro and said.

His words fell, and the corners of Mukuro’s mouth curled up, “Are you questioning me?”

When Mukuro’s words fell, Fedor’s heart trembled, and then he said, “Subordinates don’t dare, Master Pluton said, Mr. Mukuro will be a consultant to the Hades from now on, and his status is the same as Master Pluton… How dare I be right? Mr. Mukuro is disrespectful.”

When his words fell, Mukuro sneered, and then said casually, “No need to pretend like that. I will not help the Pluton army casually, nor will I help Sanctuary casually. I just want to do what I want to do. That’s it. As for them, you can kill them. I will never intervene. Of course, if they kill you, I won’t intervene. It’s fair, isn’t it?”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Fedor, who was the star wounded star, also sneered, and then he nodded.

“As long as Mr. Mukuro doesn’t make a move, that’s fine.”

For Fedor, who is the devil star of the sky, deal with a bronze saint and a saint who doesn’t even have a saint, and doesn’t know what origin. He is still very sure.

Mukuro’s words fall, which is different from the determination of the star wounded Fedor. Yeren’s face changed horribly, and then he wailed and said:

“Mr. Mukuro…!”

But his words fell, Mukuro just shook his head and smiled slightly, “When I came, I said it. I won’t do anything. If I want to save Tianma, I can only rely on you two. Now, it’s you. When fighting as a saint.”

Mukuro’s words fell, Yeren smiled bitterly, but then he clenched his fist, roared and rushed directly towards Fedor, the small universe in his body, and 5.0 seemed to have reached a very amazing Degree.

However, at the moment he rushed up, Fedor of Skyworn Star just sneered, and the grimace on his chest opened his mouth, and a stern roar erupted from her mouth again.

The terrifying sonic impact directly swept the Yeren out once again!

He was swept out, like a tattered pocket, and smashed to the ground, motionless, as if he were dead.

In front of the Heavenly Wounded Star Fedor, it was obvious that the power of the Bronze Saint Seiya of the Yemen was indeed not enough to look at.

“Yeah! Yeah! Are you okay!” Tianma yelled nervously again as he watched the Yahren being knocked to the ground.

In the midst of his calling, the Yeren finally struggled again and staggered to stand up.

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