Chapter 1380 Infinite Hell

“It turned out that it was like this.” The Yeren said, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

Although in fact, the soul state, there is no cold sweat. This is his psychological effect. It can be seen that he is still quite guilty.

Infinite Hell, where the Saint Seiya soul sleeps, the deepest part of the Hades, there is nothing but endless darkness.

In addition to the souls of the Saint Seiya, the ancient gods of Titan, and many other ancient gods of the gods, as well as the ancient heroes of mankind, were suppressed here. They fell into an endless sleep and couldn’t wake up. It can be said that if someone can break the Infinite Hell, then the gods and masters who are released, I am afraid that this world will be plunged into the battle of the gods immediately.

“Moreover, under normal circumstances, the Pluton Army would not dare to intercept the soul of the Saint Seiya and perform insults.” Jean Ye said again.

“After human beings die, under the constraints of the laws of the underworld, souls will lose their self-consciousness. They fall into a state of unconsciousness. The Pluton army finds souls in this state of consciousness, but will throw them into hell. And if it is right If the soul of the Saint Seiya is insulted, it is very likely that the consciousness that was originally sealed by the law of the underworld will be awakened. This is why the Pluton Army basically does not insult the soul of the Saint Seiya.”

When Ye said this, Yeren nodded, and it was obvious that he was also relieved.

For anyone, thinking that their soul will be humiliated after death, this kind of thing is also cheating.

If it’s just a deep sleep, it doesn’t matter.

But letting Ye’s words fall, Mukuro said, “That’s for most of the saints, and there are also some saints, because they have done things that they hate during their lives, so after death, some of them even violated the rules. , To torture the soul of the Saint Seiya vigorously.”

With that said, Mukuro looked at Jehovah with a joking look: “Probably the soul of this saint warrior will suffer some humiliation after death. After all, a holy war with the Pluton army is needed. Even if they win, they will definitely be defeated. They are thinking about it.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and the Yeren grunted and swallowed. At last he looked at Mukuro’s joking expression and said with a wry smile, “Mr. Mukuro, can you please stop kidding me…”

Seeing the yeah begging for mercy, Mukuro laughed and finally said, “Okay, okay, I won’t make you any more. The soul of the Saint Seiya is dead. It falls into the hands of the Underworld Warrior. If you are tortured by them, then the soul will get rid of The awakening of the laws of the underworld is almost inevitable. In this way, instead of becoming a good thing? After death, you can still fight a battle, isn’t it happy?!”

Mukuro said this, patted Yaren on the shoulder, then stretched out his finger and pointed in one direction.

“There, Tianma’s soul is being held there, and is now being beaten by the Underworld Warrior.”

The direction of Mukuro’s fingers is the same as the direction of the dead souls of the dead. Looking at the direction of Mukuro’s finger, both Yeren and Jean Ye nodded subconsciously.

The three people ran towards the big hole in the Huangquan Biliangzaka.

Of course, let Ye and Yeren both run on the ground.

And Mukuro, floating in the air in a way they couldn’t understand. Looking at Mukuro’s relaxed and freehand look, in the expression of Yeren, it was quite envious.

“Want to learn?” said Mukuro floating in the air.

“Yes!” Yeren said without hesitation.

“Then I will teach you, but whether you can learn it or not depends on your own savvy.” Mukuro said.

The words fell, and immediately Mukuro explained the Wukongshu.

After Mukuro explained the dance technique, the Yeren looked dumbfounded.

After listening, it seems like I didn’t hear it.

He tried it, but couldn’t fly at all. However, at this time, it was unbelievable. On the contrary, Jean Ye, after a few attempts, actually floated a little bit.

Although it’s just a little bit, and it looks very difficult.

However, as long as she tries a few more times, it will naturally not be a problem for the Master to learn the knack of dancing in the sky in the future.

Seeing Ye’s comprehension so quickly, Yeren was a little confused on the spot.

“It’s impossible! Why can people fly! But why can’t I fly!”

Seeing the Yeren’s dumbfounded look, Mukuro slapped his head silently, “This kind of thing is probably the gap between people. But the gap between you and your wife is so big, it really makes me bother. Can’t stand it!”

Mukuro’s words fell, and the Yaren was stunned, “What? Wife?”

At this moment, not only the Yeren, but Ye also looked astonished, a little unclear.

Seeing the two of them like this, Mukuro hit a haha, “I think you two are quite suitable.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and the Yeren immediately said, “I won’t marry a wife like Jean Ye! If I have to marry, I must marry as gentle and kind as Lord Athena…”

The Yeren didn’t say anything, so Ye directly kicked up and kicked the Yeren to the ground.

“I need you to marry me, I really wronged you!” Looking at the Yeren who was kicked to the ground by himself, Ye said coldly. And Mukuro shook his head, looked at the tragic look of the Yaren, and said, “The misfortune comes from the mouth.”

The three men marched towards the large hollow at the entrance of the underworld.

Halfway, while advancing, practice the air dance. Although Ye didn’t completely master this trick, he could barely float. And the yeah, just like before, there is no progress. Mukuro was a little surprised at first for Ye to have such a talent in Wukong, but soon after thinking about it, Mukuro understood the reason.

This may have something to do with the practice of Jameel.

Sanctuary’s cultivation methods are all combat-style cultivation that focuses on actual combat.

Use arduous training to temper your body until it reaches the point of tempering. Then let the Saint Seiya alternates fight each other. Improve combat effectiveness through actual combat.

The ability to defeat the enemy, and the ability to be beaten. This is also why the Saint Seiya was able to stand up again after being defeated by the enemy again and again when fighting, and his skin was astonishingly thick.

Gamil, on the other hand, focuses on the unity of nature and man, and balances the mind and body together.

There are often ways of practicing meditation and meditation.

Moreover, the Jiamir clan has excellent mental power.

Even among the Gamir clan, the masters who have cultivated their spiritual power to Ultimate can use their spiritual power to make themselves fly. Just like Bai Li, Shi Ang and the others.

Their spiritual power is integrated with the small universe, and it can completely reach the point of turning into substance.

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