Chapter 1361 Rebellious

Outside the Gemini, rapid footsteps arrived, and then the door of the room suddenly opened.

Appearing at the door was a ragged figure wrapped in white cloth, covering her face. His skin is dark, even dark red.

His hair is white and his eyes are fierce, just like a ghost.

It’s just that his appearance, and Aspros, have two similarities.

What I have to say is like two sides under a mirror.

Only one side is the bright side, and the other side is the evil side.

This person who arrived is the younger brother of Aspros, another of Gemini, Deftelos!

From an early age, he was predicted by the oracle of the witch to be a poor man who was born as a fierce star in this life, but was sheltered by his own brother, living in the shadow of the world, and never able to come to the light.

“elder brother!”

Opening the door of the room, Defertus looked at everything scattered in the room.

And Aspros, who was standing there with a gloomy look, was stunned.

For a moment, Deftelos didn’t even know what to say.

His heart was shaking.

He understands why his brother has always worked so hard, so hard, and wanted to get the seat of the pope, precisely because he wanted to make himself, who bears the name of the evil star, appear in the eyes of the world.

He understood that what happened this time was a huge blow to his brother.

The pope’s appointment of Sisyphus as the pope’s alternate has been circulated in the whole sanctuary.

Deftelos also came back hurriedly after hearing the news. Looking at the coming Deftelos, at this moment, unexpectedly, a smile appeared on Aspros’s face.

“That’s just right! I have already waited enough anyway.”

With that said, Aspros looked at his younger brother Deftelos, but murmured: “Second, help me do something.”

His words fell, and he seemed to be able to guess what his brother was thinking, but Defertros’s face suddenly became quite ugly.

“You, you want to assassinate…”

Defertros’s words were not finished, Aspros raised his hand, and from his hand, a little light pierced through Defertros’s forehead!

Gemini’s forbidden move, Magic King Fist!

Can manipulate people’s memory and control the profound meaning of people’s thinking.

Because this trick was too evil, it was sealed by the goddess Athena many years ago, and the Golden Saint Seiya of Gemini was forbidden to practice and perform this trick.

However, the goddess’ ban obviously cannot ban Aspros.

When the light of the magical magic fist hit Deftelos, his expression was stunned.

He looked at his brother with tears in his eyes. Then he nodded, only staggering, and left the Gemini.

After coming out of the Gemini, Aspros walked along the Zodiac, all the way to the Pope’s Hall. When the door of the Pope’s Hall opened, Pope Sage was alone, sitting on the throne belonging to the Pope.

He looked like he had already foreseen the arrival of Deftelos.

“Really, such a malicious little universe, I thought it was you, Deftelos. Although it was only the first time I met, I have already heard of your name and your story. “Pope Sage said lightly.

His words fell, and Sage got up from his seat and looked at Deftelos, just asking again, “Are you here to assassinate me?”

Facing Sage’s words, at this moment, Deftelos did not answer. His expression was full of sadness, and then he didn’t say a word, just a small universe burst out all over his body, and he threw his fist at Saiqi.

A terrible light burst, and the golden fist light tore everything apart.

However, Saiqi just raised his hand, and from his body, an incomparably astonishing small universe burst out. All of Deftelos’s punches were blocked by his palm, and he could not hurt Saiqi even a bit.

“It’s amazing power, it’s hard to imagine. As the dark star in Gemini, I really wronged you, Defertros.” Saiqi said as if commenting.

Facing Sage’s words, Defertros’ eyes showed a look of despair.

But at this time, another voice rang from the entrance of the Pope’s Hall, “Please wait, your Pope!”

With this sound, another figure appeared from the door of the Pope’s Hall. This figure is not Aspros wearing the gold saint of Gemini.

Aspros had a faint smile on his face. He walked in step by step, and then said to Pope Sage, “My lord Pope, I’ll leave it to my brother to deal with this stupid brother.”

With that said, Aspros walked in, but walked towards Pope Sage. Seeing Aspros walking by, Saqi’s face showed sadness, “Aspros, I really don’t want to see you in this place at this time.”


The smile on Aspros’s face receded, replaced by a sneer. But his smile quickly solidified. Because from the side of the Pope’s Hall, another figure came out.

This figure closed its eyes.

His long golden hair hangs down, his expression is peaceful, and there is a little red heart on the center of his eyebrows.

And on his body, he was also wearing a golden holy garment. The atmosphere of the small universe exuding from his body is very weak, but it gives people a feeling of being unshakable and as wide as the ocean.

Virgo Golden Saint Seiya, Ashmita!

In terms of strength alone, among all the Golden Saints in the Sanctuary, who is the one that makes Aspros the most jealous, there is no doubt that the answer is Ashmita.

With the appearance of Ashmita, Aspros’ assassination can be said to have completely failed. But it doesn’t matter. At this moment, inexplicably, Aspros’ heart was very relaxed.

Next, with his script, he will control his younger brother, and Defertros will attack him.

Then he will die at the hands of Deftelos. In this way, as a rebel, he will be executed, and Defertros will clear the name of the evil star and walk to the sun as the new Gemini Golden Saint Seiya under.

This is his real plan.

Of course, even though he thought so in his heart, Aspros’s face showed an extremely hideous and crazy look.

He roared, looking like a lunatic, but his gaze fell on Defertus, “Come on, kill me, Defertus!”

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