Chapter 1360 Aspros

Some people care about the seat of the Pope of Sanctuary, and of course some people don’t.

For example, Hasgart.

He is considered a veteran. And because he is outspoken, he likes to point to those Saint Seiya candidates, his personality is very charming. Therefore, the voice is very high, but he personally has no interest in the pope’s seat at all.

Of course, the same. Some people are not interested, naturally others are interested.

Among the four highest voices, or in other words, among all the golden saints, the one who is most interested in the position of the pope is the Gemini golden saint Aspros!

In Gemini, Aspunos sat in the living room.

The decoration in the living room is very luxurious, just like a nobleman’s home. Inside the house, there are luxurious decorations and all kinds of luxurious furniture. Aspunos was sitting on the sofa, with a cup of black tea in his hand, and a natural and noble smile on his face. With long black hair falling, he was not wearing his Gemini gold saint.

The box of Gemini’s golden saint is placed on the ground very casually.

Aspros looked at ease, and he had a chance to win the pope’s seat.

Over the years, he has been running around for the sanctuary, and he has not known much credit. Moreover, in terms of strength, he Aspros is the top 500 golden saint in this sanctuary. How could he not be able to sit on the throne of the Pope, who had cultivated to the Ultimate and the pinnacle.

In fact, for so many years.

Since he was a teenager, he has only one dream in his heart, that is to ascend to the throne of the Pope, and then dignifiedly, so that his younger brother, Deferros, who bears the name of a fierce star, can appear in the world dignifiedly. In my eyes, I have all the beautiful light in this world.

As long as it is for this goal, he can do anything and make any effort!

This is his belief and obsession.

With this obsession and belief, who else might be his opponent? !

At least in the eyes of Aspros, whether it is wisdom, strategy, or combat effectiveness, he is this sanctuary, the most qualified candidate to be the pope.

If the current Pope Sage is a wise man, then only he is qualified to sit on this throne.

As for the remaining three people.

Hasgart and Aspros are close friends.

Aspros is very clear about Hasgart’s character. Hasgart had no interest in the pope’s throne at all. He is not the kind of person who likes strategizing.

It is a passionate character who likes to fight with opponents dignifiedly and fights with his fists. This kind of him is certainly popular, but he is not interested in the pope’s throne at all, nor is he suitable for the role of the pope.

As for the rest of Dijel, his wisdom and strategy are enough, but his popularity is insufficient.

Although Dettel is a guard of the Pope, he is obsessed with books all year round and rarely communicates with others. The same is not a suitable candidate for the pope’s throne. The only person who is somewhat threatening to him is Sisyphus of Sagittarius.

Sisyphus has a gentle personality and is generous to others. Although he doesn’t talk much, it is easy for people to have a good impression of him.

And Sisyphus’s strength is not weak either.

However, in Aspros’ view, Sisyphus is also not suitable for the pope, because he is too naive.

If it was the elder brother of Sisyphus, Ulysses, perhaps it could be a huge threat to him. As for Sisyphus, it shouldn’t be a concern.

At least for this moment, Aspros was very calm.

However, at this moment, outside the uterus, rapid footsteps sounded. Then outside the door, there was a knock on the door. Hearing this voice, Aspros said:

“come in.”

His voice fell, the door opened, and what came in was a young man dressed as a sanctuary guard. This person can also be regarded as a disciple and confidant of Aspros.

However, at this time, his face was a little panicked.

“Master Aspros, it’s not good, I just heard the people in the same team say that the maid in the Pope’s Hall heard that the Pope has decided to choose Sisyphus as the next Pope candidate!” The words fell, Aspros, who was drinking black tea leisurely, crashed the cup in his hand and fell to pieces.

Aspros, the face with a gentle and natural smile, suddenly froze.

“What did you say?!” His voice seemed to tremble.

Seeing the appearance of Aspros, the sanctuary guard was startled, but he hurriedly repeated the previous words.

His words fell, Aspros clenched his fist, his expression at this moment, in an instant, became extremely hideous, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

It’s just that his expression only lasted for such a short moment before he was calm again.

Then he looked at the sanctuary guard in front of him, and said calmly, “Thank you, tell me these news, I already know, it’s okay, you go out first.”

His words fell, the sanctuary guard hesitated, and finally retreated.

After the sanctuary guard left, Aspros’ expression was completely distorted, and his face was filled with astonishing murderous intent. From his throat, a ferocious roar burst out like a beast!

“Why! Why! Damn Sage! Obviously, I was the most suitable candidate to be the pope. I actually chose Sisyphus’ kind of trash! Asshole!”

Aspros roared, and from his eyes, a light full of murderous intent burst out.

In his eyes, at this moment, it seemed to be completely shrouded in fury and despair, and this fury and despair burned and turned into the most terrifying murderous intent.

In Aspros’ heart, a terrible thought was gestating.

As long as it is to become the pope, no matter what it is, he will do it! Even if it is, the rebellion assassinates the pope! Even if he died, he would return to take the pope’s throne.

“Sage, you asked for this! Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!”

From Aspros’ face, there was an extremely hideous look.

And at this time, there was another rapid sound of footsteps outside the twin wombs, but this time, hearing the sound of footsteps, Aspros raised his head, but there was a cold smile on his face. He had already thought of a way. Now, the way to assassinate Pope Sage.

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