Chapter 1362 Ashmita

Under Aspros’ call, Defertros seemed to really turn around. He raised his fist and wanted to shoot at his brother.

But in the end, Deftelos’ fist solidified.

From his fierce face, tears broke out.

“I refuse!”

Roaring like this, Defertros turned around, slammed his fist towards Ashmita. He used his own will to get rid of the control of his brother Aspros!

The golden fist light burst, and directly hit Ashmeda, but in the face of such an attack, Ashmeda just put his hands together, from his body, a majestic small universe rose up, as if it appeared instantly. But it disappeared instantly. But Deftelos’ attack was disintegrated by Ashmita in an instant.

Deftelos’ strength is not weak anymore, but compared to Ashmita, it is far worse.

There were too many monsters in this session of the Golden Saint Seiya.

Among them, the most terrifying one is obviously Ashmita!

This man is called the reincarnation of the Buddha!

His small universe is no longer comparable to mortals, but has reached the realm of gods!

“It’s no use, Deftelos, and Aspros, you two surrender.” Pope Sage said.

Facing the words of Pope Sage, Aspros’ expression was full of despair.

But soon, the despair in his eyes turned into firmness. He grinned and looked at his brother, “Second! We are going to die, are you afraid?!”

Facing Aspros’ words, Deftelos burst into tears, but he shook his head vigorously.

“Well then! Let’s go to hell together! Since the two of us can’t get the light together, then we will fall into the darkness together. That is also a good choice!”

Aspros said this, and then he looked at Pope Sage, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Pope Sage, his eyes burst out with persistent and fierce light:

“Two of our brothers, even if they die, they will come back and take the pope’s throne!”

With that said, Aspros’s small universe was burning, and he seemed to want to fight to the death of Pope Sage.

But at this moment, another voice sounded in the Pope’s Hall:


When this voice fell, everyone in the Pope’s Hall was shocked.

It was Pope Sage’s eyes with consternation and solemn gazes. At this time, everyone looked in the direction of the voice, and there stood a figure in a noble dress.

“Mukuro… sir!” Pope Sage murmured.

And Ashmita also showed a vigilant look.

As for the two brothers Aspros and Deftelos, they showed unidentified expressions. But at this time, pushing his top hat, Mukuro spoke again:

“Sage, you did this thing too viciously.”

Saiqi’s face changed slightly when Mukuro’s words fell.

But he didn’t get angry, but instead looked at Mukuro calmly, “I don’t know Mr. Mukuro, what can I do?”

When his words fell, Mukuro continued to speak: “Don’t dare to teach me, just stand up and say something fair. You have your ideals, challenge the gods, save the earth, you are majestic and majestic, and those who wish to inherit the position of the pope, the same There is no evil in the slightest. But ah, you are too harsh on Aspros.”

With that said, Mukuro asked back, “Is it because of Itia that makes you feel grieved?”

After the three words of Itia fell, Pope Sage’s expression could not be kept calm. He frowned and said in a cold voice, “Mr. Mukuro knows so much!”

Itia, the pope of the previous generation.

At the same time, he was also the master of Pope Sage. This person was originally a person who loved justice and peace, but it was a pity that he had seen too many humans killing each other on the earth, as well as the ugly behaviors between people. Human disappointment.

So he betrayed the sanctuary, took refuge in the underworld, and even borrowed the power of the demon star of the underworld to brainwash the golden saints of the entire sanctuary. As a result, only two of the twelve golden saints survived. One is Saiqi, and the other is the previous generation of Aries Golden Saint Gategarde!

Because Itia’s actions almost brought annihilation to the entire sanctuary.

I’m afraid, this is why Saqi is so worried about Aspros.

A pope with evil thoughts will undoubtedly bring a huge disaster to the entire sanctuary. Not only will he not guide the golden saints to fight against evil, but will cause the sanctuary to fall into the disaster of destruction… …

In fact, the position of the pope has already been decided.

This person was not Sisyphus, but Aspros.

As for the rumors that have been spreading out now, it is said that Siqi has appointed Sisyphus as the heir, but it is the rumors that Siqi deliberately released, in order to test Aspros.

As long as Aspros can sit and live this time, then the position of the pope is in his pocket.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have a place to live.

In the original plot, Mukuro felt that Saiqi’s approach was too deceptive.

Becoming the pope, so that his brother Deftelos can walk into the light and live like a normal person, this is Aspros’ obsession and ideal.

He worked hard for this goal all his life.

He did everything to perfection and made the greatest effort, but Saiqi told him that I just didn’t choose you!

How could Sage not irritate Aspros by doing this? !

This is simply fishing law enforcement, forcing him to rebel!

But now it is too late to say this.

For Saiqi’s words, Mukuro directly ignored, his gaze only looked at Aspros. “It’s impossible for you to want to be the Pope anymore. Your brother, Deftelos, will inherit your position as the Golden Saint of Gemini, from the dark to the bright side. This can be considered as fulfilling your ideal, as for you, Aspros, I will give you a chance, I don’t know, would you like to grasp it?”

“Machine… Chance?” Aspros was stunned.

Of course he knew the existence of Mukuro.

Two years ago, Pope Sage and many golden saints went to Albany to meet the goddess Athena.

The result was all severely injured and returned.

Regarding this matter, although Saiqi has given a password to it.

But Aspros, as the Golden Saint Seiya, is naturally qualified to know this.

Two years ago, although Aspros did not go to Albany due to other missions, it was the first time he heard of the name Mukuro after returning to the sanctuary.

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