Chapter 1359 Papal successor

Of course, in addition to these sanctuary guards, almost all the saints in the sanctuary have already arrived.

Pope Sage knelt at the forefront, behind him, there was a golden saint, followed by a silver saint, and a bronze saint. Then watching Mukuro and the others, the gazes of Pope Sage and many Saints fell on Sasha. Starting from Sage, everyone began to say:

“Welcome the goddess Athena-sama back to the sanctuary!”

The words of the saints were firm, neat and uniform. But in the face of such a battle, watching so many people kneel down in front of him, Sasha suddenly didn’t know what to do.

She grabbed the corner of her clothes and looked at Mukuro subconsciously.

Looking at Sasha, Mukuro said softly, “Go.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Sasha seemed to have plucked up the courage in her heart. She walked towards Sage and walked in front of them, and then Sasha spoke:

“Everyone, get up.”

Sasha’s words fell, and under the leadership of Saiqi, all the saints stood up from the ground.

These Saints, as well as the guards of the sanctuary, looked at Sasha’s eyes, a little confused and a little suspicious. For the girl in front of 16 Yu is the goddess in the legend, they obviously have no concrete feelings.

But at this time, from Sasha’s body, a faint small universe radiated.

At the beginning, this small universe was very weak, but soon it reached an unimaginable level, as if it was above everything else.

But this small universe does not have any coercion, but is filled with a peaceful atmosphere, as if it contains all things. Gives a very warm feeling.

Feeling the small cosmic aura emanating from Sasha’s body, at this moment, the Saint Seiyas at the entrance of Sanctuary were all staring at him.


They all murmured one by one.

Among them, some even, inexplicably, shed tears from their eyes. This kind of warm and peaceful little universe made them feel like a mother and home.

Athena’s return to the sanctuary is an important thing for the entire sanctuary.

At least, for Sage, the return of Athena means that the last two pieces of the holy war have returned.

One is Athena, and the other is naturally Pegasus!

The people in the orphanage came to the sanctuary, and Father Yalikili and the others were naturally arranged to live in the small town at the foot of the sanctuary mountain.

The orphans in the orphanage, and the teenagers who had previously practiced the small universe with Sisyphus, all joined the sanctuary and became the alternate saints of the sanctuary, which naturally included Tianma.

The remaining orphans, naturally, still live with Papa Yalikili and them.

Originally, for Saiqi, besides Athena and Pegasus, what he cared about most was naturally Mukuro.

After all, the power displayed by Mukuro is also terrifying.

Even more frightening is that Mukuro’s origins are unknown, and his purpose is unknown.

This unknown factor is the most terrifying variable for Saiqi, a wise man who is accustomed to taking everything as the Master, grasping all the risks and chess pieces, and strategizing.

According to Saiqi’s instinct, he really wants to eliminate the unknown variable of Mukuro.

It’s just that Mukuro’s power has surpassed the level he can reach with the Master, and has even gone beyond the scope that wisdom can influence. As far as Saiqi is concerned, all he can do now is to hope that Mukuro has no evil intentions towards humans and the sanctuary.

Judging from the current situation, at least Mukuro’s approach seems to be like this.

Regarding Mukuro’s arrangement, Saiqi naturally arranged a residence for Mukuro in the sanctuary.

As for the name, he hired Mukuro as Athena Sasha’s teacher.

For Saiqi’s invitation, Mukuro naturally accepted. As for living in the sanctuary, Mukuro refused. He chose to live in the small town at the foot of Sanctuary with Father Yalikili and the remaining orphans.

With the return of Athena, Sanctuary seems to have entered a special period.

But more saints also understand that the return of the goddess Athena naturally means that the holy war is approaching!

As they guessed, after Athena’s return, the signs of the activities of the underworld fighters in the Pluton army all over the world increased significantly. Some ghost fighters have even begun to appear grandiosely and are active.

All over the world, the saints and the underworld warriors are in friction and collision.

From time to time, there are saints killed in battle, as well as underworld fighters.

However, if the former is killed, he is really dead. Only through the selection of the Saint Seiya, he can replace the Saint Seiya again.

The alternate Saint Seiya, that is, this is the purpose. And the underworld fighters, no matter how many times they are killed, they can be resurrected.

This is also one of their most terrifying places.

However, at present, only small-scale frictions and collisions, and large-scale battles have not yet begun.

And Pluton, and the lair of the Pluton army, also never appeared.

In such a period, a rumor began to circulate in the sanctuary. Pope Sage, is considering the candidate for the next pope! When this news came out, many people in the entire sanctuary were talking about it.

Many people know that Pope Sage is a survivor of the last jihad. This is no secret.

In the last holy war, 340 was something that happened more than two hundred years ago, which means that Pope Sage has lived for more than two hundred years.

Whether in terms of lifespan or combat power, he has already faced a huge decline.

Before the outbreak of the jihad, the matter of preparing the heir is naturally also very important. As the leader of the sanctuary and the spokesperson of the goddess Athena, it is very possible that Sage will die during the jihad.

At that time, the successor will naturally be particularly important.

So, who is qualified to succeed Pope Sage as a candidate for the next pope? !

People have this kind of psychology and thoughts of Eight Trigrams in their hearts.

Especially this kind of thing that is closely related to itself.

For a while, the Saint Seiya to the alternate Saint Seiya, as well as the sanctuary guards, and the maids in the sanctuary were all discussing this topic in private.

In their discussion, the people who have it are naturally different. Some people support Sisyphus Sagittarius, some support Dijel of Aquarius, and others support Hasgat of Taurus.

Of course, the candidates in these discussions are naturally concentrated in the Golden Saint Seiya.

Among the many golden saints, the voices of the four are naturally the highest, Sisyphus, Dijel, Hasgat, and Aspros, the golden saint of Gemini!

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