Chapter 1332 Heavy burden

This kind of thing, to some extent, can be said to be very cruel.

Sasha is just a little girl, who is about to lose her childhood, her partner, and her happiness. As a symbol of the name of the goddess, go to shoulder to protect the entire earth.

Fight with Pluton, the most evil existence in the world, which represents eternal death and extinction.

A child as old as Sasha is afraid that he can hide in the blanket and dare not come out just by hearing horror stories about demons and monsters told by others. And Sasha really wanted to fight Pluton, who ruled all death.

Such a burden is too heavy.

At this moment, Sisyphus’s heart was a bit tangled and hesitant.

He understood that perhaps he would not take Sasha back, but a good choice.

However, without Athena, who will guard this earth?

As soon as he thought of this, Sisyphus, who was tangled in his heart, looked ugly to the extreme.

And while Sisufers was struggling, Mukuro’s voice sounded again, “Hey! You fellow, if you are already awake, please come down to me! Go and fix the garden that you destroyed before!”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Sisyphus froze for a moment.

“Repairing the garden?” Bewildered at Sisyphus.

Mukuro just sneered and said, “If you don’t want to do it, you can get out of it now.”

Mukuro’s words fell. This time, Sisyphus didn’t hesitate to say, “I will do it! I will do it now!”

With this, Sisyphus subconsciously lifted the quilt and was about to come out, but soon, he covered the quilt in embarrassment because he didn’t wear anything on his body.

His expression was extremely embarrassing, and he asked subconsciously, “This, my clothes, who took it off?”

He asked, looking at Mukuro.

Then Mukuro sneered, “I have no interest in undressing you. Your clothes were taken off by Eve and Violet, and the wounds on your body were also bandaged for you. Anyway, you have to thank them well, gold Mr. Saint Seiya.”

As Mukuro said this, Sisyphus’s face changed slightly, but in the end, he nodded towards Mukuro.

Mukuro can possess such power to beat him as a golden saint to death with three blows.

Then it is not surprising to know the Saint Seiya of Athena and the Saint Seiya of Gold.

At this time, Mukuro said to Sasha and the others, “Okay, let’s all come out. Now Violet is cooking dinner in the kitchen. Let’s help her together.”

As Mukuro said this, the little Loli nodded, and then ran out of the house.

And Mukuro also glanced at Sisyphus, then turned and left.

As he walked out of the door, Mukuro raised his hand, and the door was pulled by an invisible force, and it slammed shut. After the door was closed, Sisyphus looked at Mukuro’s leaving figure, still looking a little dignified.

As the Golden Saint Seiya, he has no power to fight back in front of Mukuro. This makes his heart not heavy, and what is even more serious is that he can’t see the origin of Mukuro at all.

And, now, Sasha, who was reincarnated as Athena, is also in Mukuro’s hands.

These things made Sisyphus’ heart very heavy.

“What should I do now?!” Sisyphus groaned.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, but in the end, he sighed. His final solution is still only one, and that is to settle for what has come, and everything can only take one step and see one step.

Thinking about this, Sisyphus looked at the bedside table on the left.

On the bedside table, neat clothes are placed. To Sisphus’s surprise, these clothes were all brand new.

Although it is only clothes made of linen, being able to take out such clothes casually is enough to show the abundance of this orphanage. But this is also normal. After all, it is normal for Mukuro’s power to bring such a material level as an orphanage.

He removed the cloth wrapped around his body, and Sisyphus quickly put on the clothes lying aside.

Then walked off the bed, after leaving the house.

At this moment, Tianma just came down from the stairs. He looked at Sisyphus, his eyes were quite alert, and said: “Are you awake?! You don’t want to take Sasha away anymore, do you?”

Facing Tianma’s expression, Sisyphus smiled bitterly, but he did not answer in the affirmative, nor did he answer in the negative.

He just said, “I don’t know either.”

With that said, Sisyphus walked towards the outside of the house. Looking outside the house, the garden destroyed by the previous battle, Sisyphus sighed, and could only start to repair it, filling the big pits and deep scars on the ground.

As for the original plants and turf in the garden, the only thing to do is to think about it later.

When Sisyphus was working, Pegasus sat at the door and watched Sisyphus’ movements.

This is the task Mukuro gave to Pegasus to monitor Sisyphus.

Of course, Mukuro’s real idea is naturally to let Tianma learn more useful things from Sisyphus.

When Pegasus looked at Sisyphus, Aaron walked down with the drawing board.

Then he smiled at Tianma, but put the shelf down, and just drew Sisphus at the door.

While Sisyphus leveled the garden outside, Violet and the others finished their dinner in the kitchen.

So everyone came to the kitchen for dinner under Eve’s greeting.

Among them, of course Sisyphus is also included. To Sisyphus’s surprise, there was a long oak table in the kitchen. On the table, there was a pair of bowls and chopsticks. Everyone ate together, including Mukuro, a nobleman.

Seeing such a situation, Sisyphus’s impression of the imaginary Mukuro has obviously changed again.

However, in his heart, he is still quite wary of Mukuro.

But compared to Sisyphus, Mukuro’s expression is quite natural. The reason is simple. Even Sisyphus, a master among the Golden Saints, is just a big ant for Mukuro.

At dinner, everyone was talking and laughing while eating.

And Sisyphus happened to be sitting next to Violet. During the meal, Violet whispered to Sisyphus and asked, “Mr. Sisyphus, are you a saint? ”

Hearing Violet’s words, Sisyphus froze for a moment, showing an unexpected look, and asked:

“Do you know Saint Seiya?”

When his words fell, Violet also smiled, and then replied, “Of course.”

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