Chapter 1333 Outer God

Then Violet continued, “My hometown was destroyed by the warrior. Fortunately, an old man passed by. He defeated the warrior. Then he told us that he was a saint warrior to the goddess Athena.”

Violet’s words fell, and Sisyphus also showed an unexpected look, but did not wait for Sisyphus to speak.

At this time, it was Mukuro who spoke to Sisyphus, “Sisyphus, have you accepted an apprentice? The average golden saint should all need to teach his disciples.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Sisyphus shook his head, “There are no disciples, but if there is a Saint Seiya candidate in the sanctuary that needs to be pointed, I will sometimes point it.”

Hearing Sisyphus’s words, Mukuro nodded, “Okay, from then on, it’s up to you to teach Tianma and the others the little universe.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Sisyphus was almost choked at this moment. He looked at Mukuro subconsciously and was a little puzzled, “Why don’t you teach them yourself?”

Facing Sisyphus’s question, Mukuro used a fork to fork a piece of fried fish steak and put it in his mouth. After chewing twice, Mukuro seemed to just say casually, “Because I don’t know how to make a small universe.”

Faced with Mukuro’s calm words, Sisyphus was a little unbelievable.

“Not a small universe, how is it possible? When you were not before…”

At this point, his words froze, because at this time, when Sisyphus recalled it, Mukuro did not use the small universe!

“This?! How is this possible?!”

At this moment, Sisufers was quite shocked.

In this world, whether it is Pluton Hades, the sun god Abel, the god king Zeus, or god-tier, ancient gods, all the gods, all the saints, all use the small universe.

The small universe is the most original force in this world, and it is also the most original force in this universe.

When Sisyphus couldn’t believe it, Mukuro just said casually, “What can be surprising about this. I am not from your world.”

Mukuro’s words were simple, but when his words fell, they sounded like a thunder in Sisyphus’ ears!

Not from our world? !

At this moment, Sisyphus was shocked, and didn’t even know what to say.

As for Sasha and Aaron, they looked at Mukuro with some doubts while holding dinner.

Naturally, with the arrival of Mukuro, everyone’s dinner has gone from a level where food and clothing could not be solved, to a level of pursuit of deliciousness and nutrition. Every day’s dinner is a combination of meat and vegetables with fresh vegetables and fruits.

Such a change, for orphans like Sasha and others, is simply something that smiles in their dreams.

Therefore, three meals a day, they are treated as a kind of enjoyment.

When they looked at Mukuro, Mukuro paused for a while, and then said naturally, “Let’s put it this way. You can understand me as a traveler from another world. Or you can call me an outer god.”

Facing Mukuro’s words, Sisyphus was stunned.

“Traveler?! Outer God?!”

He didn’t know how to answer for a while.

But for Sisyphus’s reaction, Mukuro just looked at him with contempt, “Don’t make a fuss! The universe is so big, it’s clear that Athena and Hades can have things, but they can’t accept other things. The travelers of the world are really weird.”

Mukuro said so, looking at Sisyphus with an expression as if looking at a hillbilly.

Seen by Mukuro’s eyes, Sisyphus was embarrassed and depressed.

Originally this kind of thing should be very strange, but in Mukuro’s words, it seems that coming here from another world is just a very common thing.

This left him without knowing what to say for a while.

However, Mukuro’s words really make sense. Since this world has both God and Pluton, then there are people who come here from another world, what can be weird.

And looking at Sisphus, Mukuro asked Sasha and Aaron who were sitting next to them:

“Do you think it’s weird to come here from another world?”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Sasha took the spoon in her hand and thought hard, then she shook her head. And Aaron thought about it the same way, and then shook his head.

Then Aaron opened his mouth and said, “Come from another world, probably just like Pegasus. Pegasus said that he is from the dé country.” Aaron’s words fell, and Sasha nodded.

Then all the children nodded. Looking at Sasha and the others nodded, it made Sisyphus’ expression even more embarrassing. But at this moment, seeing Sisyphus’s embarrassment, Violet smiled.

She seemed to relieve Sisyphus and said to Mukuro, “Mr. Mukuro, what is your world like?” Violet’s words fell, and everyone’s eyes were all looking towards Mukuro.

And Mukuro chewed slowly, and said, “Actually, it’s no different. It’s also a human being. Everyone lives together. That’s probably it.” Mukuro’s words fell, and Tianma and the others showed such expressions as expected.

Only Sisyphus would vomit blood in depression.

Can this be the same? !

Aside from anything else, the power displayed by Mukuro alone is amazing!

Being able to hang him, this kind of strength is definitely not an ordinary level, but has definitely reached the level of a god. And as Mukuro said before.

Outer God…

Outer god, that’s also a god!

When Sisyphus was frantically complaining in his heart, Mukuro said to him again, “What did you just ask about, how did you teach Pegasus and the small universe?”

Mukuro’s words fell, this time Tianma and their heads looked at Sisyphus together.

The latter, naturally, can only smile wryly, and then nod. After nodding, Sisyphus spoke again, “However, the practice of the small universe is very difficult. You must be psychologically prepared.”

“Of course!” Tianma nodded.

The remaining orphans nodded.

And when they nodded, Mukuro said, “You are all good.”

Faced with Mukuro’s praise, these children grinned. Looking at the smiling faces of these children, Mukuro continued, “Then from tomorrow, the practice of the small universe will be the lesson of tomorrow, and Sisyphus will be the teacher for everyone. However, Aaron, just concentrate on drawing and class. When you’re in, just listen, you don’t need to train with them.”

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