Chapter 1331 wake

As the reincarnation of Pegasus, Pegasus itself possesses extremely amazing power in his soul.

Although his power hasn’t awakened yet, it is sleeping in his body. It doesn’t usually show up at all, but Mukuro can feel it naturally.

Just as Tianma often said in the original plot, there is indeed a universe hidden in his body. A universe he hasn’t discovered yet.

If this power in Tianma can be fully discovered, Mukuro estimates that this power may even surpass Super Saiyan, and may even approach Super Saiyan II.

This is definitely not Mukuro’s miscalculation. But as the reincarnation of Pegasus, Pegasus really has such amazing potential.

The world of Saint Seiya, although the level of force is not as high as Dragon Ball.

But it definitely belongs to the world of very high order. Especially those ancient gods.

Even the self-proclaimed multiverse, the master of multi-dimensional time and space, the super god King Chronos, is definitely a stubborn mistake. At least so far, even Mukuro has not been able to find his breath. 16

But something destroyed countless universes, countless time and space.

Mukuro still doesn’t believe in such bragging words.

You are so hungry, where there are so many things, just seconds!

You have taken the universe for a second, and Xiaoqiang will not die. The power of the king, Mukuro has truly seen it, and truly crushes everything.

However, the strength of Chronos, Mukuro estimated that it would not be inferior to Majin Buu. But specifically, how strong it is, naturally, Mukuro couldn’t judge before seeing Chronos. But he can be sure that if Chronos is better than the king and stronger than himself, Mukuro would never believe it.

Of course, if Koronos really has such a hang, he can reach the level of the king in seconds.

Not only will Mukuro not be afraid, he will be excited, but excited. Because since Chronos can reach this level, it is natural to prove that he can also reach this level. Even above Chronos.

But now that Tianma and the others are pestering themselves, Mukuro said, “Before teaching you qigong, I will teach you the small universe first. As for the practice of the small universe. In fact, we have to talk about a principle, that is, all matter in the world is It is made of atoms. What is an atom? Atoms are the basic units that make up matter. For example, humans are made of atoms, wood is made of atoms, and water is made of atoms. The microcosm is the atoms that destroy matter…”

What Mukuro said is naturally such a set of principles among the Saints.

But even such a simple set of nonsense still made this group of children utterly intoxicated.

Especially Tianma, constantly nodding his head, as if Mukuro’s words just confirmed the doubt in his heart.

Why is there always a universe in his body?

Severe pain came from all over the body, and Sisyphus gradually awoke from the pain.

He struggled to open his eyes, and what caught his eyes was the strange ceiling.

“Here, where?”

Sisyphus looked dazed at the ceiling. But soon, the memory in his mind came up, and he recalled it all at once, “By the way! Lord Athena! And the Count of Toyo from unknown origin!”

With these thoughts in mind, Sisyphus subconsciously sat up from the bed.

But after he sat up, he saw it immediately. His hands and body were all wrapped in cloth strips, wrapping him like a mummy.

At the same time, he felt sore all over his body.

However, Sisyphus could bear this feeling. As a golden saint, Sisyphus has carried out extremely arduous training and cultivation for many years.

In the process of practicing, he was already familiar with this kind of pain.

Even sometimes, when he was practicing, he himself made himself more injured than he is now.

For the Saint Seiya, being injured is just commonplace.

A saint who can become a goddess needs the toughest and most powerful warrior in itself. When they first served as candidates for the Saint Seiya, the Saint Seiya engaged in extremely fierce battles with each other.

But looking at the strip of cloth on his body, Sisufers was inexplicably relieved.

At least this proves that his current situation is not too bad.

At this time, he subconsciously looked towards the bed.

Beside his bed, there was a row of little Loli who seemed to be sitting on a small stool and fell asleep lying on his bed. Sasha is among them. See Sasha.

At this moment, Sisyphus’ worried heart was completely let go.

Obviously, these little Loli, who were looking after him and waiting for him to wake up, were already asleep because they were too tired.

“Master Athena.” Seeing Sasha’s appearance, Sisyphus breathed a sigh of relief, but he subconsciously wanted to reach out his hand, but touched Sasha’s head.

But at this time, a coughing sound came from the door:


Hearing this coughing sound, Sisyphus was startled. He subconsciously retracted his hand and looked towards the door. It was not Mukuro who had beaten him half-dead standing at the door.

And at this moment 410, Mukuro was looking at him with contempt, as if he saw a thief coming to steal from his own home.

Seeing Mukuro like this, Sisufers shook his head subconsciously, and then explained:

“No, I, not…”

However, Mukuro just snorted unceremoniously in response to Sisyphus’s panic explanation.

“No?! What’s not! Who are you, do you think I don’t know?!”

In the original plot, Sisyphus did have a love for Sasha. However, in the present case, of course Mukuro will unceremoniously prevent this from happening!

“I really am not!” Sisyphus explained nervously.

As he explained, Sasha and the others also woke up. Seeing Sisyphus who woke up, Sasha and the others were obviously quite surprised.

“You finally woke up!” “Are you okay?!” Little Loli chirped.

Seeing them, Sisyphus felt a little bit sorry for the moment.

Sasha and their lives now are very happy and joyful.

If he forcibly takes Sasha away and takes it to the sanctuary, then Sasha will have to bear a burden that does not match her age, and will suddenly become the goddess that everyone hopes to lead all the saints and the underworld to fight.

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