Chapter 1330 Treat

In the face of Mukuro’s unmatched power, it is impossible for him to force Sasha away.

And when Mukuro didn’t allow him to take Sasha away, even if Sasha sympathized with him, he was willing to let him go. But as long as Mukuro disagrees, there is obviously no way. Since he could not leave with Sasha, under such circumstances, staying here became the best choice for Sisyphus.

After Sisyphus nodded, Mukuro sighed.

At this time, Sisyphus was completely exhausted and simply fainted.

After Sisyphus fainted, Sasha said nervously, “Hey! Don’t die! Don’t die! Wake up!” Sasha looked very nervous, she cried and rubbed her eyes.

Seeing Sasha’s appearance, Mukuro said helplessly, “Don’t worry, he is not dead, but he is too badly injured, exhausted, and fainted. As long as he is given a period of rest, he will soon wake up. ”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Sasha was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously nodded dumbly.

“Violite, it’s still Daddy Yalikili, and Eve, you guys help, clean his wounds, then apply some wound medicine and bandage him. In his room, it’s the stairs. The one below. Pack 393 and let him live.” Mukuro said towards Violet and the director of the orphanage, Daddy Yalikili, who were standing at the door.

With that said, Mukuro immediately kicked the Sisphus who had fainted.

This kick hit Sisyphus’s body, and the golden saint clothing on his body immediately flew out of him. In the midair, it automatically combined into the shape of a centaur archer, and then the saint clothing fell on the ground. Then the golden brilliance appeared, automation made a gold metal plate, and locked the holy clothes.

After this golden holy garment fell on the ground, Mukuro stretched out his hand toward the holy garment, and the holy garment that fell on the ground was directly sucked into Mukuro’s hand by a force.

“I will send this thing to his room. Well, after he wakes up, let him work for me.” Mukuro said, he held the holy clothes on his hand and walked away. Go inside the house.

After hearing Mukuro’s instructions, Alikili’s father Violet nodded quickly, and then they stepped forward together and lifted Sisyphus, who had fainted.

But Sisyphus was not small.

Moreover, his physique is very strong, and the weight of Sisyphus brought by this is also quite amazing. With the power of the three people of Elekili, Eve, and Violet, they couldn’t lift him at all. There was no way. Elder Yalikili had to greet the orphans to come up together, and everyone carried Xisu together. Firth, went into the room.

After entering, they carried Sisyphus directly into the bathroom.

Sisyphus’s body was covered with scars, as well as Bloodline and mud. Before bandaging him, he should at least be cleaned. After carrying Sisyphus to the bathroom, with the help of Violet and Eve, Sisyphus was cleaned.

Then he bandaged him with the medicine kit that the orphanage usually had.

However, Sisyphus was injured in too many places, and the whole person looked a bit tattered.

There is no way. Under such circumstances, Sisufs looked like a mummy after being bandaged. Then everyone worked hard together and moved the mummy to the room under the stairs on the first floor.

This villa is quite spacious overall.

There are eleven rooms on the first floor alone. The room downstairs was originally empty and uninhabited.

Now that Mukuro said that Sisyphus should live here. So Violet and the others hurriedly built a bed in this room, put a bedding on it, and let him lie on it to rest.

When bandaging Sisyphus’ wounds, Violet and the others were also very worried that Sisyphus, who was so seriously injured, would suddenly die, but the facts proved that their worries were unnecessary.

Sisyphus’s vitality is beyond their imagination. Even if the injury was so severe that the fainting passed. Even after being moved around like this again, Sisyphus didn’t mean to raise his braids at all.

In this way, it is like a Xiaoqiang!

After moving Sisyphus to the bed, Violet and the others were also exhausted. But now is not the time to rest, they start cleaning the Bloodline left by Sisyphus before.

At the same time, Papa Yalikili also asked Mukuro about the damaged garden. Do you need someone to fix it? Mukuro’s answer is simple. When Sisyphus wakes up, he can do these things.

In the original plot, the underworld fighters attacked the sanctuary and often destroyed the sanctuary’s buildings, so a large group of sanctuary saint fighters, as well as the alternates and soldiers, began to move stones and repair the sanctuary’s palaces and buildings. . In fact, in the battle with the underworld, the job of the alternate saints and the miscellaneous soldiers is basically to clean up the ruins and repair the destroyed buildings in the sanctuary.

Let Sisyphus, thinking about doing these things is naturally extremely simple, otherwise, there is a big pit in the garden, and there are deep scars everywhere. It would be too much trouble for ordinary people to repair it. As for letting Mukuro do it himself, he doesn’t bother to do these little things. Anyway, although he destroyed it, Sisyphus himself owed it to him.

After the beating, he should naturally repair it.

With Sisyphus seriously injured, Sasha remained in Sisyphus’ room, waiting for Sisyphus to wake up. This is not to say that Sasha really awakened the will that belonged to Athena, but that she herself was a very kind personality. Regarding Sasha’s actions, Mukuro rubbed her head.

At this time, Aaron was also with Sasha.

Among the remaining orphans, there are also some girls who are also accompanied by Sasha and Aaron, waiting for Sisphus’s awakening together.

Different from them. It is the older boys with Tianma as their hands.

They were obviously surrounded by Mukuro and were very interested in the skills Mukuro showed.

I want Mukuro to teach them qigong.

If it is the original word, Mukuro is indeed going to teach them qigong.

But now that Sisyphus was kept, Mukuro’s thoughts changed. Qigong is not necessarily suitable for human beings in this world. Although the universe is also a kind of Qi, it is different from Qigong after all. Now that Sisyphus is here, it might be a better choice for Sisyphus to teach Tianma to practice the small universe following the original trajectory of this world.

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