Chapter 1310 Demonize

With one foot in the air, A Li’s figure fell directly. The pitch black spider that Naraku transformed into was incomparably huge in itself. And after entering it, the space inside is huge beyond imagination.

A fence fell, and the depth below seemed beyond imagination!


Seeing Ari stumble and fall, Inuyasha, Maitreya and Shanhu all shouted sharply.

Unfortunately, at this time, how could they have time to save her! But at a critical moment, Inuyasha roared, and his figure jumped out directly forward, at an extreme speed. Facing Inuyasha’s movements, the fleshy wall on the ground squirmed and seemed to disappear in an instant.

But at this time, Inuyasha roared, and the broken teeth in his hand made a bold move:

“Mingdao broken moon!”

He directly moved towards the fleshy wall on the ground and released the broken moon of the underworld!

This trick can be said to be extremely dangerous. Once Inuyasha misses and the black ball released by the dark road hits Ari, then Ari will definitely die! But at this time, Inuyasha could only try his best. Because if he didn’t take the risk, if Ari fell down alone, with Naraku’s means, there was absolutely no possibility of her being spared!

The broken moon of Ming Dao tore the fleshy wall on the ground, and Inuyasha’s figure jumped straight down. Watching Inuyasha jump down, Maitreya and Shan Shan reacted, and the two of them also rushed up and jumped down! Down the 487 deep tunnel, four people fell down, and it took a full breath before they landed on the flesh wall below.

When he arrived at this place, he seemed to get deeper into Naraku’s body.

In addition, Naraku’s flesh and blood puppets appeared around, but a lot of spider silk could be seen around! Not only that, at this time, A Li could feel that the aura of the jade of the four souls seemed to be closer!

Naraku actually brought them closer to the jade of the four souls? !

At this moment, there was even an incredible feeling in A Li’s heart.

But vaguely, her instinct told her that things are definitely not that simple. In his mind, many thoughts flashed, and Ari subconsciously looked at Inuyasha and others who had also fallen.

Coral and Maitreya were fine, but at this moment, Ari could see clearly, beside her, when she fell just now, pulling her Inuyasha, her body seemed to be trembling!

Seeing Inuyasha’s appearance, Ari’s heart moved, she subconsciously said:


Ari’s voice fell, Inuyasha did not answer, his figure was still trembling. It looks like a seizure of a patient with epilepsy.

“Inuyasha, what’s wrong with you?”

Ari asked subconsciously, and then she stretched out her hand, trying to pat Inuyasha on the shoulder.

And at the moment when Ari’s hand patted Inuyasha’s shoulder, Inuyasha suddenly turned his head! His expression, I don’t know when it has become extremely hideous. In his mouth, fangs were exposed, and his face was filled with monster patterns! In his eyes, the fierce and hostile spirit was wanton, making people feel a little frightened.

The moment he turned his head, like a beast, he roared at A fence:


He roared, and the broken teeth that he was holding on to his hands fell to the ground, and the claws of his two hands stretched out with nails, just like the claws of two terrifying monsters.

He grabbed A Li with a claw, as if trying to tear A Li into pieces!

Looking at the east seat of Inuyasha, Ari stepped back subconsciously. On her shoulder, Inuyasha severely grabbed a paw, leaving scars of red blood!

This paw, if it weren’t for Ari to evade in time, I’m afraid she might be killed by Inuyasha’s paw on the spot.


Seeing that A Li was injured, Maitreya and Shanhu were shocked, but they also rushed forward, ignoring other things.

“Inuyasha! What’s wrong with you?”

Maitreya sternly asked Inuyasha.

But it was of no use at all. At this time, Inuyasha seemed to be unable to hear them clearly, nor could they hear their words. He just looked at everyone with fierce eyes like a beast, it was simply terrifying.

“Hmph! Haven’t you found out yet?”

Just as Ari and Maitreya were at a loss in astonishment, a cold laughter rang out.

Then in the air, the miasma gathered, but it turned into a hazy face. This hazy face, faintly, is exactly the cold look of Qu Ling! Qu Ling sneered, his face like a devil filled with mocking smiles.

“Stupid guys, Inuyasha is just a mere half-monster. He is a low-level garbage thing between humans and monsters. His essence is that it is easier to be caught than you are. The existence polluted by the evil spirit of the soul jade. Like you, in such a polluted environment, you can still persist for a while, but for him, the closer he gets to the jade of the four souls, the more likely it is to be polluted. He is no longer your friend. He is just a monster that is polluted by the evil spirit and is gradually turning into a canine.”


At this moment, hearing Qu Ling’s words, A Li’s expressions were quite ugly for a while.

But at this moment, Ari was holding the broken magic bow in her hand, and despite the injuries she had just caught by Inuyasha’s attack, she shouted towards Inuyasha:

“Inuyasha, don’t give in! Cheer up! How could your soul be contaminated by a mere demon!”

But unfortunately, no matter what Ari called, Inuyasha didn’t mean to wake up at all.

“It’s useless. I said it’s useless. His soul and mind have been completely polluted. Now he has lost himself, and the rest just wants to use his current heart, Kill you!”

Qu Ling sneered. It seemed quite triumphant in his expression. But when his words fell, Maitreya struck out a magic talisman directly, shattering Qu Ling’s face in the air, and then he spoke to A Li.

“Don’t believe his nonsense. It is because Inuyasha is contaminated that we need us more, right? Because we are partners, only by gathering our strength can we defeat Naraku?! What Mukuro said, as long as we are If you work together, you can definitely defeat Naraku!” Maitreya’s words shook, and Ah Li’s body trembled slightly. Then the expression in her eyes became more determined.

Then Ari looked at Inuyasha in front of her, and she held the broken magic bow in her hand:

“Now I’m the only one to purify Inuyasha.”

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