Chapter 1309 Naraku’s belly

The sharp claws of those hands flickered, and just by looking at this, you knew that it was definitely not something to be underestimated.

Inuyasha clearly understands this.

When the monster resembling Naraku and Ningjinmaru rushed up, Inuyasha dodged his claws, and at the same time, with a backhand knife, slashed at the monster’s body, cutting its body through a huge opening.

But the next moment, when he was chopped, the monster seemed to have done no harm at all, and turned around to give Inuyasha again.

In the face of this sudden counterattack, Inuyasha did not hesitate to use the broken iron teeth to block back. The sharp claws hit the broken iron teeth, which could not harm Inuyasha’s body, but the amazing power still beat Inuyasha to life. Flew out.

“Damn it!”

He slammed into the flesh wall, and Inuyasha’s expression also brought anger.

But at this time, Naraku’s voice was full of sneers:

“Inuyasha, you forgot, am I immortal?!”

His sneer fell, and the coral flew out and whizzed, directly cutting the monster into two pieces.

“It’s done!”

Taking advantage of this monster’s back to him, he succeeded in a sneak attack, and Coral’s expression was obviously quite surprised.

But the next moment, an unbelievable scene appeared. After the monster was cut off, his upper body fell to the ground, but from its broken body, another upper body grew out of it.

At the same time, the upper half of the body that fell on the ground grew out of a lower half of the body!

“The number has increased!”

Ari couldn’t help but said. Her words fell. At this moment, Inuyasha roared, and the iron teeth on his hand slammed out:

“The King Kong gun broke!”

His words fell, and a large number of spikes were shot out of the broken teeth! These spiked holes went out, as if through a sieve, smashed through the head and face, and pierced the two monsters to death, cruelly nailed to the flesh wall.

But being penetrated by spikes, these monsters have no meaning of death at all. Their bodies are squirming, and they simply merge with the fleshy wall, turning into tentacles, and these tentacles are connected with sharp blades!

Then these knives whizzed and slashed directly towards Inuyasha frantically.

The sharp cold light flickered, as if it would chop Inuyasha to life! In the face of such an attack, Inuyasha dodged constantly, and also fought back with his iron shattered teeth, cutting off the tentacles, but the more he cuts off, the more tentacles appeared. Soon, he Has reached the point where it is difficult to support.

Faced with this situation, Inuyasha finally became impatient, and he roared sharply.

“It’s really endless! Mingdao’s broken moon is broken!”

Accompanied by Inuyasha’s growl.

He cut out a void, pitch-black sphere directly from the broken iron teeth. The sphere swallowed, and directly banished those blade tentacles and large fleshy walls to the underworld! All of a sudden, it seemed to be straightforward and neat. And Naraku’s body was eroded into a huge hole of nothingness!

The broken moon of the underworld is a terrible trick that can send everything to the underworld! This trick is Inuyasha’s father, Admiral Inu is deliberately deliberate, using a special method to leave him as a half-demon son, a trick to protect his life and protect his life! And now, this trick indeed possesses an extremely amazing power in Inuyasha’s hands!

A huge void appeared in the place eroded by the waning moon of the underworld. However, around this void, a large number of flesh walls were squirming, and then they merged, and in the blink of an eye, they recovered! At the same time, on the other side, Naraku’s expression protruding from the flesh wall sneered, full of mockery.

“It’s useless, it’s useless!”

Accompanied by such words, a large amount of flesh and blood squirmed around the entire flesh wall, and then from the ground and the flesh wall, one after another flesh and blood puppets came out! After these flesh and blood puppets appeared, they pounced directly at Inuyasha.

For a moment, among their claws, sharp rays of light flickered, one by one, like terrifying killing machines.

Facing the attacks of these flesh and blood puppets, Coral, Maitreya and Ari, naturally also fought back.

But at this time, before they could take action, Inuyasha roared:

“The King Kong gun broke!”

A large number of spikes burst out, and the flesh and blood puppets directly around them pierced and flew out…

But they were squirming, but they wanted to recover again, but at this time, A Li’s demon-breaking arrow shot out, completely purifying the flesh and blood puppets on the spot. At the same time, Maitreya threw out a series of magical charms, smashing these flesh and blood puppets to pieces! Although the appearance of these flesh and blood puppets is similar to that of Sprite Pills, their strength is obviously far from that of Sprite Pills.

However, with Inuyasha and they killed such a large wave of flesh and blood puppets, but soon, there was a large amount of flesh and blood squirming in the surrounding flesh wall, and it seemed that a large number of monsters wanted to turn out.

Seeing this situation, Ari said loudly: “We can’t entangle him so much. Let’s find the jade of the four souls. As long as we isolate the jade of the four souls from Naraku, Naraku will lose the source of power!”

Hearing Ari’s words, the expressions of the three Inuyasha were shocked. And at this time, Inuyasha immediately followed and said:

“Where is the jade of the four souls?!”

“Come with me, I can feel the aura of the jade of the four souls!”

Ari said so. The Jade of the Four Souls was originally her thing, and has always had a secret connection with her. This is also the reason why Qu Ling was able to use this connection to seal A Li’s spiritual power.

And now, Ali can naturally also borrow this connection to sense the exact location of the jade of the four souls!

However, Ari’s words fell, as if they were her words, and they were 1.5 to the point of Naraku.

The surrounding fleshy wall squirmed in large chunks, and then a large number of tentacles with sharp blades protruded from the fleshy wall, slashing towards everyone!

“Mingdao broken moon!”

With a roar, Inuyasha went down with a knife, and directly released a few black balls of the underworld, sending all these tentacles into the underworld with the broken moon of the underworld.

“Everyone, follow me!”

Watching Inuyasha destroy these blade tentacles, Ari said loudly and ran forward.

Behind A Li, Coral and Maitreya hurriedly followed!

And Inuyasha held the iron shattered tooth, and also rushed over. But at this moment, a large number of fleshy walls squirmed in front of him. Abruptly, Ah Li stepped on the air! Naraku controlled the flesh wall, and such a change happened.

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