Chapter 1311 Purifying Arrow

Her purifying power is, theoretically, the power that most restrains Naraku’s pollution power. She once shot an arrow to help Kikyo hit Naraku badly. Previously, with an arrow, the witch Hitoko, who had been polluted by Naraku, was purified and rescued, freeing her from Naraku’s control.

And now, Ari wanted to shoot an arrow at Inuyasha’s mind with her own power of purification, and use her own power to purify the place in Inuyasha’s mind that was polluted by Naraku, so that he would wake up again. At this moment, A Li’s eyes were extremely firm. The light in her eyes seemed to speak of her determination that could never be shaken.

Then from Ari’s hands, the spiritual power was condensed into an arrow condensed by white light. She grabbed the broken magic bow and drew the arrows away. With Ari’s movements, the arrows in her hand seemed to be aimed at Inuyasha in front of them automatically. Locked by the arrows, Inuyasha seemed unaware of it at this time. He just roared, waving both hands indiscriminately, as if he wanted to use his claws to tear everyone in front of him to pieces.

While making such a move, Inuyasha roared.

“Kiji! Kikyo! I will protect you!”

Inuyasha kept calling Kikyo’s name, but his voice was filled with boundless hostility. In that way, it looks like a madman! And A Li looked at him, then shouted sharply.

“Wake up! Inuyasha.”

A Li’s words fell, and the demon-breaking arrow she was holding came out! The arrows roared, and the white light pierced a path that tore the darkness and evil, and then fiercely shot towards Inuyasha’s heart! The light penetrated, and it seemed that it could penetrate Inuyasha’s heart in an instant. However, at this time, in the midair, Qu Ling’s face re-imagined, and his expression was full of mockery.

“If you want to save Inuyasha, dream!”

Accompanied by his words, a large amount of flesh and blood in the flesh wall on the ground wriggled, and then these flesh and blood rose up and turned into a series of upper blade tentacles. These sharp blade tentacles waved towards the arrows shot by Ari. Cut it down directly, and waves of cold light waved, seeming to want to tear the white light arrow shot by A Li into pieces.

But it is unbelievable that when these blade tentacles touched the white light, the white light bloomed and turned into a white Uzumaki, tearing all the blade tentacles to pieces, and then the white light turned into a small piece of light. The white dragon, the white dragon roared, rushed out in an instant, running through Inuyasha’s heart!

The moment Inuyasha’s heart was penetrated, his expression was stunned. His original ferocious and crazy look disappeared. It was replaced by consternation and consternation. He looked forward blankly, his eyes still a little hollow. He looked forward, as if he saw something, and he didn’t seem to see anything. However, at this time, Inuyasha slowly stretched out his hand, but covered his chest. Hidden inside his placket was a bead that had sealed platycodon.


Inuyasha’s lips squirmed, chanting Kikyo’s name, and then in a daze, he suddenly recovered. Then his body swayed, as if about to fall like this. But at this time, those demon patterns on Inuyasha’s face had disappeared. And the evil spirit and hostility in him had also disappeared, and they had obviously been purified by A Li’s arrow. A Li’s arrow is the arrow of purification.

If the arrow she shoots hits an evil person, then this evil person will be purified and disappear into this world. If she shot a kind person, then this arrow would not cause him any harm. If she shoots a contaminated person, then the filth in the person’s heart will be purified.

Seeing Inuyasha falling, Shanhu and Maitreya rushed up and held Inuyasha in one hand.

“Inuyasha, are you okay!”

Holding Inuyasha, Maitreya hurriedly said.

Facing Maitreya’s words, Inuyasha nodded hard, and then he took a deep breath.

“It’s okay, I’m okay. Thank you.”

Inuyasha said so. His forehead was covered with cold sweat. He was really dangerous just now. If it weren’t for Ari’s move, I’m afraid he would not even see Naraku’s core and the jade of the four souls, so he would be planted in their hands.

Seeing Inuyasha recovering, Ari was also deeply relieved, and then she put down the broken magic bow in her hand… After Inuyasha woke up, he picked up the iron broken tooth on the ground and said in a deep voice. .

“Just now Naraku confuses my mind with the fantasies of Kikyo, and it really almost fell in the way.”

Upon hearing Inuyasha’s words, Maitreya and Shan Shan nodded solemnly, and at this moment, Ari also spoke.

“Naraku is very cunning, we must be more careful all the time. However, just now Naraku used the power of the jade of the four souls to pollute the mind of Inuyasha, and it made me feel more clearly where the jade of the four souls is!”

As Ari said that, she stretched out her hand and pointed in a certain direction. Looking at the direction of A Li’s fingers, at this moment, Inuyasha and Maitreya nodded solemnly. Then the four people ran directly in this direction. The four people moved very quickly, but while everyone was advancing, monsters and tentacles with blades continued to emerge from the surrounding fleshy wall, frantically trying to block everyone and launch an attack towards everyone.

However, the four of Inuyasha, Maitreya, Shanhu, and Ari worked together to fight and advance. Even if they were in Naraku’s body, they couldn’t stop them at all. Soon, as they moved forward, Naraku finally seemed to understand that such a level of obstruction and attack was of no use to them, and finally in the wall of flesh, no more enemies came out 2.3.

However, at this moment, Maitreya who was advancing was abrupt, his body trembled, and he stopped his footsteps!

“What’s wrong?!”

Seeing Maitreya stopped suddenly, Inuyasha and the others were shocked and stopped quickly. At this time, Maitreya’s gaze was staring forward blankly, and his mouth was muttering.

“My father?!”

Accompanied by Maitreya’s words, at this time, everyone was subconscious and looked forward following Maitreya’s eyes. At this moment, an unbelievable scene appeared, and the surrounding flesh wall disappeared. Instead, it is a field of fantasy! In the field, there is a monk wearing a monk’s robe, wearing a hat, and holding a meditation stick. The monk is coming here step by step!

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