Chapter 1308 Into the abdomen

At this moment, his tail repeatedly sprayed out amazing spider silk like gushing. These spider silks spattered out and turned into roots, like whips with life and spirituality, and these whips hit the crowd directly.

Spider silk tore through the air and whizzed out.

The overwhelming spider silk came down, not only blocked everyone’s attacks, but also slapped them fiercely, binding them all! It seems that Inuyasha and them are all prey caught by its spider web.

“Everyone, be careful!”

Wrapped in spider silk, Inuyasha god-tier shouted.

While Maitreya struggled, he realized that he wanted to use a magic talisman to destroy the spider silk that was wrapped around him. At this time, the killing pill, which was entangled in spider silk, also took a stab, directly destroying all the spider silk that trapped him with his blasting teeth.

But at this moment, the huge black spider in the sky opened its mouth.

From its mouth, a huge and incomparably dark entrance was revealed. Then from this entrance, an incomparably amazing attraction erupted! Pulled by the attraction like a violent wind, Shishengwan was caught off guard, and he, who was the nearest 430 to Big Spider, was directly sucked in.


Seeing Shisei Maru being sucked into her mouth by Naraku, Inuyasha screamed.

And at this time, he tried his best to use the air dance technique to control his body and prevent his body from being sucked away by this amazing attraction.

At this time, Maitreya and the others beside Inuyasha too. Mica’s four claws clawed randomly, desperately resisting the attraction from Naraku.

“I’ll break his attack!”

Facing Naraku’s trick, Ari shouted god-tier.

Then her expression revealed a very serious light.

Then she held the broken magic bow in her hand, holding her breath, her eyes bursting out with amazing light and radiance! She seemed to want to use the demon-breaking arrow to shoot the arrow into Naraku’s mouth and break its attack.

But at this time, in the ears of Ari and Inuyasha, a voice belonging to Mukuro rang:

“You don’t need to waste energy, the core of the jade of the four souls and Naraku is inside the spider’s body. As long as you find the core of Naraku and destroy him, Naraku will die. And the jade of the four souls, I will solve it!”

Hearing Mukuro’s words again, Ari’s expression revealed a rather surprised expression. In fact, it is not just Ari, Inuyasha and the others are full of surprises.

“Huh! Mukuro, it really didn’t end like this!” Inuyasha said.

His words fell, and then he glanced at Maitreya and Coral:

“Since Mukuro said so, then we are going to go inside Naraku’s stomach. Maybe we will all be swallowed by Naraku.”

Inuyasha’s words fell, and Maitreya’s expression also showed a warlike smile.

“Swallow! I have the same idea! My wind cave can also swallow Naruo!”

With that said, Maitreya stretched out his hand and said, his words fell, and Shanhu couldn’t help but smile. And A Li put away his magic broken bow, and said:

“let’s go!”

Her words fell, and everyone gave up resistance to attraction.

So under the engulfing of attraction, everyone’s figures were all pulled and flew towards the dark and deep mouth of the big spider! When everyone fell toward the huge mouth.

The huge mouth stretched out among the large amount of spider silk, transformed into a huge figure of Naraku.

In this figure of Naraku, he looked at Inuyasha and the others with a cold expression, his eyes were quite unkind.

“Inuyasha, you are finally here! Very good! Very good! You are very courageous, but when you are swallowed by me, there is only one ending for you, which is to be killed by me, and then your soul , Will be swallowed by the jade of the four souls, and fall into eternal reincarnation, just like Mukuro! Ahaha!”

Naraku laughed triumphantly as she said this! But looking at his frantic laughter, Inuyasha screamed:

“You talk too much, Naraku! You have no future!”

Accompanied by such words, Inuyasha who fell into the spider’s mouth held the broken teeth and cut it out with a knife.

The stern light of the sword broke out, directly smashing the figure of Naraku that was transformed from spider silk into two halves! Then everyone straightly followed the dark and deep passage and fell into Naraku’s body!

When everyone fell, they directly came to a space full of flesh walls.

The flesh wall seemed to be the inside of Naruto’s body, with flesh and blood everywhere.

And between these flesh and blood, there are still a lot of spider silk entangled. In addition, the space inside Nara’s body was filled with astonishing miasma.

“It’s an amazing miasma! Everyone, hurry up and destroy it from the inside! Our time is running out!”

Feeling the miasma erosion in the air, Inuyasha said loudly.

His words fell, Maitreya glanced around, and he said:

“Where do we start to destroy better?!”

“I think it can be anywhere!”

Coral said so, her words fell.

Grasping the Feilai bone directly, he attacked the flesh wall in front of him. Flying bones attacked, tearing a huge hole in the flesh wall!

Seeing this situation, Inuyasha grinned, and also grabbed the broken teeth and cut it out with a single knife.

But just when he was about to attack, abruptly, from the flesh wall, the flesh and blood squirmed, and an upper half of the body directly stretched out, exactly what Naraku looked like. Naraku’s expression remained cold.

“I don’t know, what are you proud of! This is the inside of my body. Everything is mine. You think you can destroy me from the inside? It’s so stupid, and stupid is not enough to use it. Describe you guys.”

Following Naraku’s words, the flesh wall that had just been destroyed by the flying bone had healed.

At the same time, from the fleshy wall on the ground, a large amount of flesh and blood squirmed and condensed into a pitch black.

A humanoid monster that looks a lot like Spritemaru! This monster has no hands, only two sharp claws. After condensing from the fleshy wall on the ground, Naraku’s figure sneered.

“Inuyasha, don’t you want to fight? Come on, anyway, there is time, let me play with you.”

As his words fell, the monster that emerged from the fleshy wall on the ground rushed directly towards Inuyasha, his sharp claws ripped at Inuyasha without hesitation!

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