Chapter 1303 graduation exam

After Ari woke up, lying on the tatami, she slowly opened her eyes.

What imprinted in her eyes was a ray of light coming in from outside the door. Then in A Li’s eyes, I saw everyone in the room waiting for her to wake up. Seeing the crowd, A Li’s heart was naturally very moved.

“Ali, are you awake?”

Coral said with some surprise.

Hearing Hu’s words, everyone looked towards A Li.

At this time, A Li’s face also showed a gentle smile:

“Worry you guys.”

After saying this, it seemed as though something came to mind.

“By the way, I remember, it was Sesho Maru fighting that monster at that time?”

Her words fell, and at this moment, to her surprise, Shisheng Maru was also standing at the door of the house.

Beside Sasheng Maru, Xiaoling and Xie Jian were sitting. Facing A Li’s words, Shanhu smiled bitterly, and then told her all the things that would happen in the next 16 lives.

Listening to Shanhu’s words, Ari nodded constantly.

And at this time, just before Coral had finished speaking, A Li seemed to have discovered something, and asked in a little amazement:

“Where are the jade fragments of Amber Four Souls?!”

After Ah Li’s words fell, Shan Hu was stunned for a moment, and then she smiled bitterly and replied:

“It was taken away by Qu Ling.”


At this moment, hearing such news for a while, A Li’s expression was obviously a little bit self-blame and guilty. Obviously she felt that it was her fainting that caused the missing fragments.

Even if it’s not entirely because of her, she definitely has her responsibility.

But the next moment, looking at A Li’s appearance, Shan Hu quickly said:

“It was Mukuro who threw the fragments of the jade of the four souls to Qu Ling, letting Naraku fuse the jade of the four souls first, then solve the jade of the four souls, and then take the jade of the four souls and use it to resurrect the bellflower and Hitomi.”

As Coral said, she explained to Ari.

When Ari knew that Mukuro threw the fragments directly to Qu Ling, he heard Coral’s explanation, Mukuro’s thoughts. In the end, A Li couldn’t help but laughed, and then, amidst the unexpected expressions of Coral and everyone, A Li spoke.

“It looks like Mukuro’s style!”

With that said, Ari lying on the tatami immediately smiled and said:

“In fact, I have always felt that Mukuro will eventually send the remaining pieces of the Four Soul Jade directly to Naraku, so that Naraku will use it to complete the fusion of the Four Soul Jade.”

Hearing Ari’s words, even Mukuro was taken aback this time.

He really didn’t expect A Li’s thoughts. Mukuro asked subconsciously:

“Why do you think so?”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Inuyasha and Maitreya also looked at Ari with doubts. And A Li just opened his mouth and said:

“Because if Mukuro wants to solve Naraku’s loss along the way, there are too many opportunities to do so. But Mukuro has never done so. This shows that Mukuro actually doesn’t care if Naraku can gather the four soul jade. On the contrary, it is. , Mukuro has always asked us to deal with Naraku, just like using Naraku as a pawn to train us. In front of Mukuro, even if Mukuro is just a little serious, even if Naraku is cunning, he won’t get anything at all. Opportunity for the Four Soul Jade Fragments.”

“So I thought of the last moment, Mukuro will naturally give the four soul jade fragments to Naraku, just like giving Naraku a last chance. For us, the biggest enemy is naturally to get all the four soul jade. Naraku, it’s like dealing with the last boss.”

A Li’s words fell, Maitreya groaned, then he touched his chin, smiled bitterly, and said:

“It seems that there is a little bit of truth.”

“It makes sense…”

Inuyasha groaned for a while, and then spoke, but the next moment Inuyasha immediately said with a rather speechless expression:

“It makes sense, a ghost!”

His expression was quite speechless.

But in the end, Inuyasha only sighed, then he shrugged helplessly and said:

“Well, since the matter is here anyway, as long as you solve the bastard Naraku, this is the last time. Whether it is Mukuro’s trial or test, this time I will definitely solve the bastard Naraku simply and neatly. Lose!”

When Inuyasha said this, everyone couldn’t help but smile knowingly.

After A Li woke up, everyone naturally relaxed a lot.

However, before the decisive battle with Naraku, Ari still had one important thing to do. And this important thing, naturally, is to go back to take the final exam. After all, A Li is still a junior high school student.

For students in the third year of junior high school, the graduation exam is a very important thing in deciding their future career.

Although Ari didn’t want to go to a key high school, she still had to take the exam. Otherwise, for her, even if Naraku was killed.

But when she went back, she didn’t have the test scores for graduating from junior high school, how could she go to high school!

Is it possible that you really dropped out of junior high school and went out to work?

Although the Japanese industry is very developed, there are often some people who choose to leave school and enter social work after graduating from junior high school. But for Kikyo, she still didn’t want to, she really just dropped out of school like this.

And to some extent, all of this seems to be 240 destined. Before the decisive battle with Naraku, it was the graduation exam, as if all this meant that Naraku’s disaster and Ari’s long-term adventure were finally coming to an end.

After talking to Mukuro, Inuyasha, and Granny Maple, Ari returned to the modern age through the Bone Eating Well.

After Ari returned, Inuyasha and others naturally stayed in the village, preparing for the possibility that Naraku might attack anytime, anywhere. But this time, Mukuro was unexpected, and also followed Ari back.

When A Li returned to modern times, it happened to be night.

But because when she came back before, she had rested enough and was not sleepy at all.

So he took out his book and reviewed it. After all, she has been taking risks since this period of time. Under such a thrilling adventure, a lot of knowledge in her mind has been forgotten. It is also necessary to review it now.

On the whole, Ali’s grades are quite good. The only thing she is not good at is math. Fortunately, there is not much need to review things like mathematics. As for the remaining subjects, after seeing the key points in the textbooks and notes, A Li quickly awakened the knowledge that was sleeping in his mind.

In this way, in the light of the night, A Li kept looking at the textbook with her textbook, and she fell asleep without knowing it.

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