Chapter 1304 Graduation episode

When A Li woke up the next day, the sky was already bright.

A Li hurriedly got up and cleaned up. After breakfast, he hurried to the school to take the exam. However, when Ah Li arrived at the school and was about to enter the school gate, he discovered something quite oolong…

She forgot to bring her admission ticket!

How can I enter the examination room without an admission ticket? ! And at this time, A Li looked at his watch, and the time displayed on the watch was only half an hour before the exam.

At this point in time, she ran back and found the admission ticket, it would be impossible to have time!

“What can I do! What should I do now?!”

For a while, standing at the school gate, A Li was also a little anxious and at a loss. But at this moment, a big hand stretched out from behind and patted Ari’s shoulder. Ari subconsciously recovered, it was Mukuro!


A Li said in surprise. In her expression, it seemed as if she had grasped a straw that could not save lives.

At this moment, to Ari, Mukuro is indeed like her life-saving straw.

“Mukuro! Help me! I forgot my admission ticket at home…”

A Li said eagerly. At this moment, her words fell, Mukuro smiled slightly and said:

“Do not worry.”

As Mukuro said so, he stretched out his hand, pulled Ari and ran. Mukuro pulled Ari to a hidden corner with no one, and then whispered:

“Close your eyes.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Ari closed her eyes subconsciously, and then she felt her body lighten and staggered subconsciously, but at this time, Mukuro reached out and supported her.

At the same time Mukuro’s words sounded from her ears:

“It’s already here, you can open your eyes.”

Mukuro’s words fell, Ari opened his eyes and took a look. In an instant, Mukuro had taken her back to his home.

Looking at the surroundings, Ari showed a surprised look, and she subconsciously said to Mukuro.

“Thank you, Mukuro!”

With that said, Ari stood on tiptoe and kissed Mukuro. Then she blushed, turned around, rummaged around for the admission ticket. Seeing Ari’s movements, a smile appeared on Mukuro’s face, and then he spoke:

“The admission ticket is next to your pillow. You put it there last night. I guess you were going to take it with you when you got up the next day. But last night you have been reviewing, and after getting up early in the morning, I went straight to school, so I forgot.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Ari ran to the bed subconsciously. Sure enough, she found her admission ticket by the pillow. After Ari found the admission ticket, Mukuro took her back to the entrance of the examination room again, so Ari took the admission ticket and entered the examination room.

After Ah Li entered the examination room, soon the examination began. Mukuro, on the other hand, was waiting outside.

The exams were carried out in an orderly manner, and during the exams, Ari’s performance was obviously quite stable. It was only when taking math exams that A Li encountered quite a dilemma.

However, Mukuro did not cheat for Ari.

For one thing, Ari would not want to achieve high grades through cheating.

Secondly, even if you enter a key high school through cheating, it will be quite painful to stay in the same environment with those academic bullies who are superior to you in the future. In short, everything just goes with the flow.

After the exam was finally over, Ari came out of the school.

A Li’s expression coming out of the school gate was full of ease. As if letting go of a burden. When she came out of the school gate and looked around for Mukuro’s figure, something surprised her.

Mukuro didn’t know where a car came from. The car came slowly, and Mukuro blinked at Ari.

“Come up.”


A Li nodded. As Ari took the seat of the co-pilot, Mukuro said, “Before Naraku’s matter is resolved, let’s take you to have fun.”

Facing Mukuro’s words like this, Ari said with a little worry:

“In this case, will it delay time?”

“Don’t worry, it won’t. I have been paying attention to the things in the Sengoku era. Now Naraku is hurrying to fuse the jade of the four souls. In a short time, he will not launch an offensive attack. And now, it is exactly this. Opportunity, let you unlock the spiritual seal on your body.”

Mukuro said so. His words fell, Mukuro drove the car and drove away from the school gate with Ari. In the next time, naturally the two people were playing around happily. Moreover, in the end, Ari naturally gave herself to Mukuro.

For the last thing, everything seemed to happen naturally, and A Li did not resist in the slightest.

Everything seemed to be perfect, and the only flaw was probably that until the end, A Li had not been able to unlock the spiritual seal of Qu Ling on her. This made A Li a little regret, but it didn’t matter anymore. Now, no matter how sure it is, or whatever, it’s all about fighting Naraku with all my strength. This is also what Mukuro said to Ari, asking her to do her best to fight. As for the final thing, regardless of victory or defeat, it is all to him.

When Mukuro and Ari returned to the Sengoku era, the situation was completely different from when they left.

The originally clear sky is full of dark clouds. What’s more terrifying is that from far away places, there are constantly strange miasma spreading out, these miasma as if want to spread to the corner of this world. The terrible breath spreads, making people feel quite uncomfortable. The miasma is full of evil and tyrannical atmosphere.

Obviously, this is what Naluo radiated during the process of fusing the jade of the four souls.

“Nara, is this trying to pollute the whole world?! That bastard.” Standing on a huge rock at the mouth of the village, Inuyasha looked up at the sky and said subconsciously.

And Maitreya and Shanhu, as well as Kagura’s expressions, are also quite solemn. At this time, when Inuyasha saw the return of Mukuro and Ari, he spoke.

“I’m finally back. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

“Don’t worry, we will definitely come back before Naraku strikes.”

Ari said so. After saying this, Ari said again, “Then we are now actively looking for Naraku, or are we waiting for Naraku to come to us?”

Ari’s words fell. At this time, Inuyasha was also stunned, and he subconsciously said:

“I think we better go find him.”

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