Chapter 1302 Naraku’s sorrow

“It’s like Inuyasha’s broken tooth in your hand. The broken tooth can be used to fight evil and save the world if it falls into the hands of the right person. But if he falls into the hands of an evil person, it will also become a piece. Weapon of evil used to slaughter lives. Therefore, it is not the props but the human heart that kills. One thing, whether it is right or wrong, should not only be judged from the thing itself, whether it is right or wrong, also In other words, he is righteous or evil. It is the people who use such things that are wrong!”

Mukuro’s words fell. At this time, Inuyasha’s gaze stared at Mukuro, and he still said seriously:

“However, people always have greed and selfishness, and such selfishness and greed itself are scary enough. Adding things like the jade of the four souls will inevitably give birth to terrible disasters. It is absolutely impossible to stay behind. what!”

“Even if Kikyo can’t be resurrected?!”

Mukuro asked rhetorically.

Facing Mukuro’s words, Inuyasha’s face became quite ugly.

He clenched his fist, and for a while, he didn’t know how to refute Mukuro’s words.

And Maitreya, too, didn’t know how to oppose Mukuro’s words. The coral, Kagura, and Amber on the side didn’t know what to say. They just stared blankly.

But at this time, looking at Inuyasha’s ugly face and a somewhat rigid atmosphere, Mukuro smiled:

“Really, what are you worried about! Even if the jade of the four souls is to be used, I will use it. From then on, the jade of the four souls will be controlled by me. In my hands, it is absolutely impossible for him to own it. It’s an opportunity to become something evil. And, maybe after I make a wish, I will crush the jade of the four souls.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Inuyasha was stunned for a while, he really didn’t know how to refute it. Indeed, trying to destroy this world with Mukuro’s power is just a breeze.

Or what he wants is just easy. In terms of his power, it is indeed evil or justice, but to him, it is nothing more than a matter of meaning.

Is Mukuro just? For Inuyasha, he would naturally nod. So is Mukuro evil?

Inuyasha didn’t know how to answer this question. Perhaps, objectively speaking, Mukuro is both good and evil. Even, he is like an incredible god of the game. Even if someone tells Inuyasha that Mukuro is actually the creator god who created this world, he might also believe it.

The jade of the four souls, falling in the hands of others, may really become a scourge.

But in the hands of Mukuro, can it become a scourge? The answer is naturally no. In front of Mukuro, even the jade of the four souls did not have the qualifications to be called a scourge at all.

At this time, Maitreya smiled bitterly, and finally said:

“I think what Mukuro said may be right. The dangerous thing, the jade of the four souls, may only be in the hands of Mukuro and kept by Mukuro in order to really play its usefulness and restrain its evil.”

Maitreya’s words fell, and this time Coral also nodded.

At this time, Kagura held the fan in his hand and smiled similarly:

“But having said so much, the first thing we need to do is to snatch the complete Four Soul Jade from Naraku. Well, but this matter should eventually be solved perfectly. And wait for this one. After the matter is resolved, then the world will usher in true peace.”

Regarding Maitreya and Kagura’s words, Inuyasha nodded in the end.

Regardless of the jade of the four souls, as long as the drop of Nairo can be solved now, for Inuyasha, everything is considered solved! In short, Naraku must die!

Because A Li’s spiritual power was sealed by Qu Ling, and her whole consciousness was in a coma.

Therefore, after discussion, everyone decided to wait for Ari to wake up before crusade against Naraku. Besides, under the current situation, first take A Li and return to Granny Feng’s village. Now that Naraku had obtained the complete jade of the four souls, it was meaningless to continue chasing Naraku.

What we need to do now is to concentrate on preparing for the next decisive battle after taking a break.

Naraku, who wanted to get the jade of the four souls, completed his strongest state after thoroughly fusing the jade of the four souls. What he has to do next is to destroy all Inuyasha and them, or he is the best. Strong force, challenge Mukuro…

In fact, thinking of this, from the present perspective. Naruto was also quite sad. He worked hard, prepared so many conspiracies and tricks, and finally obtained the jade of the four souls in this way.

However, even if he got the jade of the four souls, he was even able to defeat Inuyasha and the others. But in the end, in front of him, there is still the existence of Mukuro. He still can’t beat Mukuro! This is the saddest thing.

Just like an ant, no matter how hard you struggle, you will still be trampled to death by an elephant.

This is a gap in absolute strength, and there will never be any accidents or changes. From this point of view, there was some sympathy for Naraku in everyone’s hearts.

In fact, all the way, because of the follow of Mukuro.

For them, the struggle with Naraku was not so much a desperate struggle, it was more of an experience and practice. And Naraku is just a chess piece used by Mukuro to train and experience them, and a plaything used by Mukuro to play. Just like what Mukuro said, Naraku’s conspiracy, struggle, and struggle are in Mukuro’s eyes, just a performance to please him.

After everyone returned to the village, A Li finally woke up after resting for a while.

However, after she woke up, her spiritual power sealed by Qu Ling still did not wake up. Qu Ling is still alive, and the jade of the four souls is still there, so A Li’s seal is naturally not so easy to lift. In fact, in fact, there is a problem with Qu Ling, but there is also a problem with A Li himself.

In fact, as long as she strengthened her beliefs, she would naturally be able to break the seal of Qu Ling.

Only under the evil will of the jade of the four souls, A Li’s will was shaken, so Qu Ling sealed his spiritual power. But this was also expected by Mukuro. Moreover, in the original plot, at a critical moment, A Li also successfully broke through the seal of Qu Ling, regained his spiritual power, and then defeated Naraku with the Demon Breaking Arrow.

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