Chapter 1301 The purpose of the jade of the four souls

“Giving Naraku the jade fragments of the Four Souls is a good thing instead?!”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Inuyasha and Maitreya were stunned. They seem to be unable to understand Mukuro’s words at all.

For them, Naraku was the most evil in the world, and at the same time the deadly enemy who caused indelible damage to them.

And Mukuro gave Naraku the last fragment of the jade of the four souls, which meant that Naraku had fulfilled his long-cherished wish, allowing him to have the strongest power.

Naraku now is scary enough.

If he were to get all the jade of the Four Souls, what terrible power such Naraku would have, it would be hard to imagine!

Seeing the expressions of Inuyasha and Maitreya, Mukuro continued to speak:

“In order to obtain the fragments of the jade of the four souls, Naraku will inevitably use various methods. For his methods, I can indeed see through and help you through the difficulties time and time again, but the result is It was Naraku’s harm to those unrelated people, just like Hitomi. Besides, the jade of the four souls is something that needs to be completed in the first place, and it doesn’t matter whether you give it to Naraku or not.”

Mukuro said this, then a smile appeared on his face, and then he spoke again.

“Actually, I handed over the jade of the four souls to Naraku and said it was a good thing. It was also because I wanted to tell him that the game is over, and it is time to end everything. I once said, no Will interfere with Naraku’s fate, and want to see how far Naraku can go after obtaining the jade of the four souls. At that time, no matter whether you can kill him or not, I will grant him death because of the fusion of the four When the soul jade reaches its apex, it is also the moment when Naraku is reaching the end in fate.”

As he said this, the corners of Mukuro’s mouth curled up:

“Heaven’s Dao Changheng, prosperous and declining. Nairobi was killed when he merged with the jade of the four souls and walked to the pinnacle of life. Isn’t that very interesting. And this will be his final ending.”

Following Mukuro’s words, Inuyasha didn’t know how to answer Mukuro’s words for a while. For them, Naraku, who was regarded as a mortal enemy, was nothing more than a ridiculous and sad toy in Mukuro’s eyes. The vision of the two is too different.

However, the previous words fell, Mukuro looked at Inuyasha, and then continued to speak.

“Well… As for why I gave the last piece of the Four Soul Jade to Naraku, there is actually another reason, and that is because of Kikyo and Hitomi. I also told you before, only in terms of my power, I am good at destruction, but I am not good at saving. If you want to save Kikyo and Hitoko, then you must get a complete Four Soul Jade, and use the power of the Four Soul Jade to make a wish. In that case, Kikyo and Hitomi can be resurrected. And this is the easiest way.”

From the very beginning, the way Mukuro thought of to revive Kikyo and Hitomi was to make a wish with the jade of the four souls.

The fragments of the jade of the four souls were able to keep Amber alive.

The complete jade of the four souls can naturally be used to make a wish and resurrect the dead platycodon and Hitomi. The only drawback of this method is that unlike the original plot, if the jade of the four souls disappears, the jade of the four souls will remain in the world, and even because of the selfishness and belief of the human heart, it will once again become a terrible disaster. The source.

Mukuro’s words fell, and seemed to have the same worries and doubts, Inuyasha and Maitreya’s faces changed abruptly.

In all fairness, Inuyasha wanted to revive Kikyo very much, and was crazy about it. But in his heart, he was also full of jade for the jade of the four souls. Especially after seeing Qu Ling before. Qu Ling’s soul and will are full of irretrievable evil thoughts! It brought a huge impact to Inuyasha!

If the jade of the four souls is left behind, it can be imagined that very terrible things will happen in the future.

In fact, Inuyasha and Maitreya are very right.

Cuizi, soul and will are already in the eternal reincarnation of the jade of the four souls.

Fighting with the will of those monsters for hundreds of years, and will continue to reincarnate forever. And since Ari came to Sengoku from modern times, her fate has actually been decided. She will be swallowed by the jade of the four souls, and then with the soul of Naraku who is also swallowed by the jade of the four souls, forever The fight goes on. Trapped in endless reincarnation.

The jade of the four souls, in essence, is not a jade that can be used to make a wish!

It is something that will use people’s selfishness to swallow people. Of course, the jade of the four souls does have the power to realize the wishes. Just as a price to realize the wish, the jade of the four souls will swallow the soul of the person who made the wish!

Naturally, Inuyasha and the others didn’t know these things.

But in the dark, they can understand that the jade of the four souls must not be used at will, or even kept, but it should be completely buried. Compared with Inuyasha and the others, Mukuro’s view of the jade of the four souls is rather simple. He wants to make a wish. As for devouring the soul of the wisher, if the jade of the four souls has the ability to devour his soul, then just try it.

In such a situation, it is almost like a ghost.

And the object of her trouble, choosing the devil who can crush the whole world with one finger, it is just as ridiculous.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Inuyasha hesitated, and finally he spoke:

“Mukuro, can you not borrow the power of the jade of the four souls?! I always feel that the jade of the four souls is not a good thing.”

Inuyasha shook his head while talking. It is indeed a good idea to use the power of the jade of the four souls to resurrect Kikyo and Hitomi. But the jade of the four souls itself is something that breeds misfortune.

Not only Inuyasha, Maitreya also nodded at this time.

In his opinion, the jade of the four souls is the entanglement of the witch and the monster, and it is full of sad things.

If this kind of thing is used by people’s selfishness, I’m afraid it will definitely not bring any good things. Even to a certain extent, if the jade of the four souls is not eliminated, the misfortune and disaster of the jade of the four souls will definitely continue! After all, the jade of the four souls contains the resentment of countless monsters like Qu Lin!

“Mukuro, you said that you want to save Kikyo, there is more than one way, so besides the jade of the four souls, is there any other way?” Maitreya also wanted to persuade Mukuro.

In response to their words, Mukuro just shook his head helplessly, and then he said:

“The jade of the four souls, at its root, is just a prop.”

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