Chapter 1300 Free Fragments


Seeing such an amazing scene, Maitreya exclaimed in exclamation! His expression became extremely ugly at this moment. Without the slightest hesitation, he subconsciously opened the wind cave, desperately trying to take back Qu Ling and the jade fragments of the Four Souls.

Unfortunately, Qu Ling’s speed is too fast. He rolled up the jade fragments of the Four Souls and ran away frantically, where could Maitreya’s wind cave have time to absorb him. And as he flees, Qu Ling’s crazy laughter resounded in the miasma ball.

“Ahaha! Get it! The last piece is finally available! You will regret it!”

In this sentence, he was full of complacency, and it seemed that he had specifically said it to Mukuro. And listening to Qu Ling’s arrogant laughter, Maitreya was stunned. At this time, Coral was also stunned. For a moment, her mind was blank, and she couldn’t react.

When she reacted, she exclaimed.


With that said, she subconsciously looked at Kohaku. Her expression was filled with disbelief and horror. At this moment, Kagura’s eyes were filled with disbelief.

“Mukuro! What are you doing!”

Inuyasha snarled at Mukuro.

But seeing them panicked, Mukuro spoke.

“What is it!”

Mukuro’s words fell, as if holding 343 had an extraordinary magical power, as if an invisible force permeated, instantly making everyone’s minds frozen. At this moment, subconsciously, everyone’s eyes fell on Mukuro’s face. They seem to want an answer from Mukuro.

And Mukuro didn’t say anything more, he just flipped his hand, and there were already extra beans like cashews in his hand. Holding this bean, Mukuro looked at Kohaku. At this time, Amber lost the four soul jade fragments, his vitality was fading quickly, as if only in the blink of an eye, his breath was already very weak, as if a candle in the wind, about to go out.

In the original plot, it was also Qu Ling who took away Amber’s four soul jade fragments, but at that time, the last light of the will of Kikyo rescued him, allowing Amber to survive. But now, the bellflower is not dead yet, so naturally there is no light of will. But now Kikyo can’t save Kohaku, Mukuro can save him naturally.

Squeezing the fairy bean in his hand, Mukuro threw it into Amber’s mouth, and then squeezed his throat again. At this moment, the fairy bean grunted and was swallowed by Amber. Immediately after this fairy bean was swallowed, the dying Amber suddenly came back, and the breath of life was completely restored.


Feeling the sudden vitality, Kohaku herself was stunned. He raised his hand, for a moment, a little dazed. But he still looked at Mukuro subconsciously.


His eyes seemed to be full of doubts. In fact, not only Amber, but Coral and the others, are even more stunned. A person who was obviously about to die suddenly came back to life. This kind of situation makes them unbelievable. For a while, each of them opened their mouths wide, as if they could fit an egg inside their mouths.

“This this……!”

Maitreya pointed at Amber, shocked, and didn’t know what to say. Looking at the recovered Amber, Coral was even more excited and hugged him!

“I fed him fairy beans. Although things like fairy beans can’t make people immortal, they can make people who are dying instantly recover from their injuries!”

Mukuro seemed to say casually.

But his words fell, and everyone around was muttering to himself. Fairy Bean, just by listening to the name, you know how extraordinary this thing is. At this time, Inuyasha looked at Mukuro with an expression of unspeakable expression.

“Well, do you still have fairy beans? Give it to Kikyo…”

His words did not fall, Mukuro said silently.

“Of course there are fairy beans, but as I said, Amber is still alive, so fairy beans can save him. And platycodon is already dead, can fairy beans bring the dead back to life.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Inuyasha nodded. His expression was full of embarrassment, but under this embarrassment, he was also full of hope. Since the amber of the jade fragment of the Four Souls is lost, Mukuro can be rescued. So Mukuro’s resurrection of Doraji is probably true too! Thinking of this, Inuyasha’s heart was naturally more excited.

“That, Mukuro, thank you.”

After the final excitement, Coral let go of her brother, she looked at Mukuro and said. Then she blushed and said shyly.

“I’m sorry, there was just a moment, just a moment, I misunderstood you.”

Just now Mukuro suddenly took off the Amber Four Soul Jade fragment, she was really frightened. But when facing Coral’s words, Ariane just smiled, and then stretched out his hand and stroked her face.

“It’s ok.”

“Thank you, Mukuro!”

At this time, Kohaku also thanked Mukuro. His original life was supported by the fragments of the jade of the four souls. Although he was alive, he always regarded himself as a dead person in his heart, because he knew that once he lost the jade fragments of the Four Souls, there would only be death. Regardless of whether it was Naraku who finally took away the fragments of the jade of the Four Souls, or whether it was Ari’s use of the shards of the jade of the Four Souls to purify Naraku, he had only a dead end. And now, Mukuro really gave him a new life, letting him get rid of the dependence of the four soul jade fragments.

“Amber can be restored, it is really great. But, Mukuro, why did you give Qu Ling the fragments of the Four Souls Jade! After Qu Ling took away the last fragments of the Four Souls Jade, he was bound to take him with him. For Naraku, in this way, wouldn’t Naraku have a complete jade of four souls.”

As Maitreya said so, his expression was full of bitterness. Maitreya couldn’t imagine the horror after Nairo had a complete four-soul jade fragment. Just the current Naraku was scary enough. His miasma alone made it difficult for everyone to deal with. After letting him gather all the remaining four souls, the power he can possess is afraid that it will definitely reach a new height. And how do they deal with such Naraku? !

Merely thinking of these, Maitreya has one head and two big ones. When Maitreya’s words fell, Inuyasha and the others couldn’t help looking at Mukuro again. Their expressions were also bitter and helpless. For this, they obviously disagree with Mukuro’s approach.

But at this time, Mukuro just smiled slightly.

“It’s just that it might be a good thing to give the fragments to Naraku.”

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