Chapter 1295 Purify Hitomi

“Now, all we can do is choose to believe her, right?!”

Kagura murmured in the same way.

After Ah Li was dragged into the temple, there were spider silks everywhere in the temple. These spider silks wrapped everything around, hanging the figure of Hitomi in the air, while Ah Li’s figure was also wrapped in it. , Can’t move a single move.

At this moment, the witch Hitomi in front of Ari looked like a terrifying black widow spider.

And she is the sad prey on the spider web! The Miko Hitomi sneered. Her eyes showed a teasing look as if looking at the prey. The mocking gaze looked at A Li, but even in such a situation, it was completely different from the Miko Hitomi. But there is no fear or fear at all.

A lot of spider silk wrapped around her body, Ari looked straight at the opposite pupil bravely, and then said loudly, “Naruto, your evil spirit can’t hurt me, because his belief is better than yours. Evil, more determined!”

Saying that, accompanied by A Li’s words fell.

An extremely sacred and clean light bloomed from her body. The white purifying light diffused from A Li’s body, and all of a sudden, the spider silk that wrapped her body was dispelled and purified. Not only that, the sacred pure white purifying light rushed directly towards the pupil just like a tidal wave.

But unexpectedly, the sacred purification light surged, but when it surged in front of Hitomi, it stopped, as if the previous Inuyasha’s attack, it seemed that an invisible barrier was blocking it.

“It’s useless, you can’t purify me.”

Facing Ari’s purifying power, the witch Hitomi sneered.

When her words fell, A Li frowned slightly.

At this time, she could see clearly, among the spider silks wrapped around the shrine maiden’s pupil, there seemed to be one bell after another hidden. These bells are like small nodes, emitting a faint white light. When seeing these bells, A Li’s expression was shocked!

“These are?! These bells contain amazing spiritual power. This is definitely not Naraku’s thing, but the original magic weapon of the Miko Hitomi! Yes! It is these bells that guard the Miko Hitomi! In that case, Then I just need to get rid of these bells.”

With that said, Ari held the broken magic bow in his hand and turned towards the maiden Hitomi! To the witch Hitomi, the bell is her magic weapon, and to Ari, the magic bow is her magic weapon. Holding the broken magic bow in his hand, Ari slowly opened the bowstring.

At this time, the amazing spiritual power gathered from her hand turned into a white demon-breaking arrow! Then the arrows whizzed out and shot straight at the maiden Hitomi! But at the moment when it hits Miko Hitoko.

This arrow spread out by itself, turning into small light arrows after another.

These light arrows scattered, shooting down all the bells around Miko Hitomi! And not only that, when these bells were shot down, the spiritual power of breaking the magic bow bloomed, purifying the spider silk around the shrine maiden’s pupil.


Accompanied by the miserable scream of the Miko Hitomi, all the bells and spider silk all over her disappeared.

At this moment, these things were all purified by A Li in one breath. But at this time, the witch Hitomi was not rescued, instead a large amount of flames burned from her body, and these flames swallowed the entire temple!

She was in the flames and yelled frantically at A Li.

“It’s useless, it’s useless, you can’t solve me, you can bury it with me.”

The Miko Hitomi said fiercely. At this moment, her crazy appearance seemed to be a madman.

Seeing this, Ari’s expression revealed a considerable expression of compassion and sympathy. The original pupil was kind and gentle, but now it has become like this, which is really regrettable.

“Master Hitomi! I will definitely save you!”

Ari said loudly towards the witch Hitomi in front of her.

With that said, A Li once again pulled up the broken magic bow in his hand! When the bowstring of the broken magic bow was pulled, a large amount of white light gushed out of Ari’s hand, and the sacred power of purification radiated out, like a bright light source, stabbing the entire room.

At this time, it was unbelievable that A Li held the broken magic bow in his hand, instead of aiming with his naked eyes, he closed his eyes instead. But after Ari closed her eyes, the arrow in her hand seemed to have autonomous spirituality, automatically deflected and aimed at the chest of the maiden Hitomi!

At this time, the witch Hitomi stood there, and in her chest, a spider seemed to appear faintly! Although A Li didn’t open her eyes, she still seemed to be able to see the spider clearly.

“Is it because Naraku polluted Hitomi’s mind?! So that was the case, I understand. Naraku polluted Hitomi’s mind with her evil thoughts, making her pure soul become Naraku’s puppet! But now it’s my responsibility. Get rid of all this!”

As A Li said in her heart, the demon-breaking arrow in her hand was loosened, and the white arrows roared out! At this moment, the white light seemed to break through everything, and in an instant, it had already hit Tongzi’s heart! At the moment when the heart of Miko Hitomi was pierced, the amazing evil spirit and the spider smoke formed by the evil spirit disappeared from her body.

Not only that, in the shadow behind Hitomi, the face that faintly belonged to Naraku, his expression was also distorted unwillingly, and then suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The light disappeared, and the pupil looked at A Li. In her expression, the original hideousness and evil disappeared, replaced by gentle and kind eyes.

“Thank you.”

She said this, and then it seemed that her body suddenly lost the strength to support and fell down.

Seeing Hitomi’s falling figure, A Li hurried up and hugged her in his arms. However, at this time, Hitomi only had a very weak aura left. She opened her eyes slightly and looked at A Li, with a faint smile on her face.

“Don’t blame yourself, don’t be sad. Believe in yourself, you can definitely defeat that monster…”

With that said, Hitomi closed her eyes, and the last trace of anger in her completely disappeared. Hitomi seems to be really dead. At the moment when the witch Hitomi died, the barrier that enveloped this temple disappeared.

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