Chapter 1296 The secret cannot be revealed

Below the stone steps, the people who had been waiting rushed up all at once.

“Ari! Ari! Are you okay?!”

Inuyasha said loudly. Maitreya and Shan Shan looked at A Li with their eyes tightly. When they saw the appearance of A Li in the temple, they seemed to heaved a sigh of relief.

But at this time, Ari was holding Hitomi, but looking back at Mukuro, then she said nervously.

“Mukuro, can you help me save Hitoko? She is innocent…”

Ari’s voice fell, and Mukuro appeared next to her for an instant, and then Mukuro bent down silently, seeming to look at the appearance of the Miko Hitoko very seriously. But in the end, he sighed and spoke.

“She is dead. In fact, she was killed by Naraku before we came. Even I can’t save a dead person.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Ari showed a sad expression. Not only A Li, at this time, watching the death of Hitomi, the others were also quite silent. It’s really sad. The maiden Hitomi clearly did nothing wrong, but she only lost her life because she met Naraku. In the end, this incident was also Hitomi who was hurt by Naraku in order to deal with them.

Thinking of this, everyone is naturally sad in their hearts, not only that, in addition to sadness, there is also considerable self-blame in their hearts.

“Damn it, Damn it too! Naraku bastard!”

Inuyasha growled angrily.

“Don’t blame yourself! We will definitely get rid of him!”

Maitreya said this, his expression was full of unprecedented killing intent.

But looking at them, Mukuro laughed blankly at this moment.

“You guys, although I said that I can’t save a dead person, but I didn’t say that there is no other way to save her except me.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, the people who had originally looked sad and angry were all at once dumbfounded.

“Hey! Mukuro, can you finish talking all at once!”

Inuyasha said angrily.

“Yeah! You deceived our feelings by doing this!”

Maitreya was also a little angry.

When they said that, Mukuro wiped his nose and said embarrassingly.

“This is because you are too anxious.”

With that said, Mukuro then said seriously.

“Her situation is actually the same as the current Kikyo, and even Kikyo’s situation is worse than her. After all, Kikyo doesn’t even have his body, and only the soul is left. Even the soul is seriously injured.

As for Hitomi, his body was contaminated by Naraku and died. In fact, if Naraku’s evil spirit is used, she can also exist as a monster, but now that the evil spirit has been purified by Ari, she can naturally only return to death. Now, I will seal her up, and when the time comes, I will resurrect her and Kikyo together. ”

Mukuro said so and motioned to Ari to put the body of the shrine maiden Hitoko on the ground.

But at this moment, hearing Mukuro’s words, Inuyasha subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his chest, there was a bead sealed with Kikyo, and he couldn’t help but speak.

“Mukuro! What is the timing you said?!”

Not only Inuyasha, but as Inuyasha’s words came out, at this time, other people also looked at Mukuro with concern, as if they wanted to know the answer to the question from Mukuro.

Facing the attention of everyone around, Mukuro stretched out a finger and just spoke.

“The secret is not to be revealed, you will know it then.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and everyone around him suddenly fell over!

“If Mukuro doesn’t say it, he has his considerations. Let’s not ask. Since Mukuro has said such things, I believe he must be able to save Kikyo and Hitomi.”

Coral said so.

Hearing Coral’s words, everyone nodded in the end. Resurrecting the dead, if such a thing is put on others, then they definitely don’t believe it. But if it is Mukuro, let alone resurrecting the dead, even at this time, Mukuro told them that this world was actually created by him, I am afraid they would not have the slightest doubt.

Just like sealing the bellflower, Mukuro used Sealing Techniques to seal the Tongzi, but it was different from the time when the bellflower was sealed in a bell. Mukuro picked up this one from the ground and put it on Ari’s hand.

“This is what Hitomi left for you, and there is pure spiritual power in it, and maybe it can help you at a critical moment…”

“Hitomi’s magic weapon…”

A Li looked at the bell and nodded vigorously.

Hitomi’s matter was temporarily resolved. Everyone went down the stone steps again. When everyone came down from the temple on the mountain, under the stone steps, I don’t know when, the villagers in the village were already surrounded. One by one, they knelt on the ground, waiting anxiously, while some people prayed even more.

Seeing such a situation, everyone’s hearts trembled. Obviously, these villagers have come to pray for Hitomi. In the past, the gentle and kind pupil protected the village. And now, the villagers are also praying for her.

“Tomiko, he is really kind, very much loved by the villagers.”

Coral looked at this situation and couldn’t help but said.

“She and Kikyo are the same gentle and kind people.”

Inuyasha couldn’t help but said. Kikyo was also loved by the villagers at that time.

After everyone got down, they told them the general situation, and asked them not to worry for the time being, they would think of a way to save Hitomi. Hearing Inuyasha’s words, the villagers were very grateful. Even at this time, some villagers hurriedly brought old hens, money, and other things from their homes, and wanted to give them to Inuyasha.

These things 3.5 are all their own property. But now, they just want to use these things to save Hitomi’s life. Seeing the sincere look of the villagers, A Li and Shan Shan couldn’t help crying. Kagura also blinked vigorously.

“Ahhhhhhh, it seems that sand has blown into my eyes.”

“me too.”

Maitreya said so. But in fact, in his eyes, moving tears could not stop pouring out.

After bidding farewell to the villagers in this village, everyone naturally continued to pursue Naraku’s breath and march forward. At this time, in everyone’s hearts, the killing intent of Naraku had reached an unprecedented level. It can be said that if Naraku appears in front of everyone now, it is very likely that a very terrifying thing will happen.

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