Chapter 1294 Trial of Ari

When Mukuro’s words fell, Ari and Shan Shan couldn’t help laughing, and Kagura also covered his mouth and smiled. But their smiles fell, Mukuro said seriously.

“The only things I can help you are. If you want to save Hitomi, you still have to rely on yourself.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Ari spoke.

“I understand.”

With Mukuro’s action, all the spider silks in the sky were destroyed, and the obstacles that prevented everyone from climbing the stone steps were naturally gone. However, at this time, everyone was a little unbelievable. The source of the spider silk will be destroyed by Mukuro tomorrow. But on the ground, the spider silk wrapped around the temple remained unchanged.

Not only that, when everyone came to the top of the stone steps, at the edge of the stone steps, the figure of Hitomi appeared again. This time, her expression was extremely gloomy, and she looked at Mukuro coldly, her eyes full of jealousy.

But at this moment, she didn’t say anything, and with a wave of the big sleeves all over her body, a large amount of spider silk directly hit everyone on the stone steps. But this time, Mukuro didn’t make a move, but Inuyasha roared, and directly cut off all the spider silks that came over with his iron shards. Not only that, after he cut off the spider 357, he roared again, holding the broken iron teeth in his hand, and slashed out towards the figure of Hitomi above the stone steps.

The light of the knife smashed in front of Tongzi fiercely. This time it was unbelievable that the light of the knife with broken teeth was bounced away by an invisible barrier!

“It’s a barrier!”

Maitreya blurted out.

Maitreya’s words fell, and the pupil standing on the stone steps also sneered.

“As I said, I am not a monster! This temple is guarded by my spiritual power, except for the sacred witch like me, it is impossible for anyone else to enter!”


Hearing Hitomi’s words, Inuyasha seemed to be a little disbelief. He roared, and once again slashed towards Hitomi in front of him, but his attack was still blocked by the barrier.

“It’s useless, she’s right. This temple is guarded by quite amazing spiritual power. Unless it is the same sacred maiden, it is impossible for other people to go up without her permission. Of course, except for me. However, if I use brute force to destroy it, then the pupil connected to this temple will also turn into flying ash and annihilate in an instant.”

Mukuro said so.

“Holy witch, where do we have such a person?!”

Inuyasha couldn’t help but said.

But the next moment, Maitreya spoke.

“No! We do have a holy witch here!”

He said so and looked at A Li.

But watching Maitreya’s reaction, Inuyasha said subconsciously.

“No! Ari is definitely not Hitomi’s opponent. If she enters the temple rashly, I’m afraid she will also be in danger, and this is probably where Naraku’s conspiracy lies!”

“Yes. This is indeed Naraku’s conspiracy. If I am not mistaken, Naraku’s real body, although not here, but his dirty thoughts contaminated Hitoko’s originally pure soul, and hid in Hitoko. In the shadow!”

Mukuro said.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Inuyasha and the others were shocked, and subconsciously looked towards the shadow of Hitoko. At this time, they all saw that the shadow of the pupil, faintly, seemed to hide a vague face! And the look of this face seems to be Naraku! And very scary, Naraku sneered at them.

“Ah! Naraku of Damn it!”

Inuyasha held the broken teeth in his hand and was extremely angry.

“How is it? Didn’t you just say that you want to save me? Why don’t all of you say anything now? Are you trying to get out of trouble?”

At this moment, there was a mocking smile on Tongzi’s face standing above the stone steps. Obviously, she was deliberately provoking!

When her words fell, A Li really stood up and walked towards the top of the stone steps. But at this time, Inuyasha reached out and stopped her.

“Don’t go! This is Naraku’s conspiracy!”

Facing Inuyasha’s obstruction, Ari nodded, but shook her head again, and then she spoke.

“I understand. But it is precisely because I know that this is Naraku’s conspiracy, that’s why I want to disintegrate this conspiracy upright and tell Naraku that evil things can never be kind and righteous to the God of War.”

With that said, A Li grasped the broken magic bow in his hand with a very firm expression in his expression. Seeing Ari’s steadfast expression, Inuyasha was stunned, and finally he put down his hand and stopped blocking Ari.

And A Li just stepped up the steps step by step, and walked to the top of the steps, which seemed to be only a little bit away from Hitomi. And at this time, in the expression of Hitomi, there was a smile that succeeded in the conspiracy.


As she said this, a lot of spider silk stretched out from her body, and these spider silks instantly entangled Ari, then pulled Ari, swished, and retreated into the temple!


Seeing Ari being pulled into the temple by the spider silk, Coral, Maitreya, Inuyasha, they all looked surprised and subconsciously shouted. At this time, Maitreya even subconsciously wanted to rush up, but sure enough, the moment he rushed up, he was bounced back fiercely by the barrier. Fortunately, Inuyasha’s sharp eyes and sharp hands grabbed him.

And at this time, under the stone steps, Mukuro also stared slightly. He just said that he could not enter the barrier of the temple, of course it was nonsense. As long as he wants, where in this world he can’t go? ! That said, just to experience A Li.

A Li, there is no doubt that there is potential and talent. Her strength, in fact, is not inferior to Kikyo.

It’s just this power that has been sleeping in her body, even if it is possible, she herself did not realize it.

And now, what Mukuro has to do is to wake up her sleeping power. Let her through this experience, completely complete the transformation from an ordinary weak girl to a witch who guards justice!

Of course, this experience is undoubtedly dangerous.

After all, all of this was a conspiracy by Naraku.

Therefore, Mukuro is ready to shoot anytime, anywhere. As long as A Li is in danger of his life, he will immediately take action and save A Li in the first place! For this, Mukuro has absolute confidence. All in all, it is absolutely impossible to go beyond your own control! This is the confidence of the absolute strong!

“Trust her! A Li can definitely do it.”

Coral shook his fist, looked at the temple above the stone steps, and muttered.

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